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About ventureohio

  • Birthday 09/03/1965

Personal Information

  • Name
    Jerry Gatewood


  • Location
    Columbus, United States


  • City


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1985 Yamaha Venture Royale
  1. Ya know I just saw mine yesterday and was wondering the same thing. The foil tag right in front of it says "use Hyphoid oil #80" ??????
  2. It has 54,272. It is the original reddish brown color. Has the complete touring package and right before I bought it, the guy before me put new rubber on the wheels. Air Ride suspension works, as well as all accessories. Only has the tape player which works and the AM/FM radio. Brand new battery as well as starter. Here are some pics of it.
  3. May Get booed or even booted off the site. May be selling my venture because of my hands. I have moderately severe Carpel Tunnel in both hands. I had surgery in my left hand about 5 weeks ago and not much improvement. The bike is too heavy and I have almost dropped it on a number of occasions. It has the typical 1 gen second gear issue which I just go from 1st to 3rd. The bike runs strong, Idles great starts great and runs like a bat out of hell. It is leaking from the valve cover gaskets a bit. What would a fair asking price be for it?
  4. I am blind in one eye and can't see out of the other. Where is the info at.
  5. In for a couple.
  6. Happy Fathers Day to all the dads on here. Hope it is a great day and you get to feel a little wind in your hair today. Make it a safe one!
  7. Good Luck Sunman. I am starting my project this winter so make sure you post on here everthing "NOT" to do.
  8. Hey Dave, Fellow Venture Rider here, Live on the Northend in Polaris. Not going to the Skid but would love to ride sometime. I still have a couple of week to heal from Hand surgery but sometime this summer would be cool.
  9. I may get boo'd for this but when I bought my Venture, I only paid $500.00 for it, Rode it home after push starting, Added a new battery and a used starter, has been a great bike ever since. Not trying to harsh any bodys buzz but I think asking price for a non working ride may be the non-selling factor.
  10. I hate to see a good Venture go it's seperate ways but if you do end up parting it out, I am looking for the vent insert for the right side engine cover.
  11. Does anyone know of someplace I can get the vent that goes on the right side cover? I can find a left side on Ebay (which I already have one), But my right leg is getting a bit toasty now that summer is here. Thanks Guys.
  12. I just sync'd my carbs and had the breather box out. Right under the battery, my connectors were corroded to beat the band. wasn't having any problems but if it had gotten any worse, who knows. Just saying that is a hard one to find if you don't have the breather box off.
  13. Hope everything comes out good in the end!
  14. Nice!!!
  15. Covered here in Columbus, Ohio. May God bless and heal him and his family!
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