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About homerboy

  • Birthday 01/25/1951

Personal Information

  • Name
    ed graves


  • Location
    hesston, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    dual sport riding
  • Bike Year and Model
    90 venture royale
  1. traded my first gen with 187,000 mostly trouble free miles for a 13 model. any issues with this bike and what should i look out for?
  2. have a 1990 venture with 185,000 miles. the cb radio seems to come on, but nothing happens. radio and cassette work fine. any ideas where to start looking?
  3. 90 royale the cb seems to come on but can't get anything out of it. the channels show up on the display. everything is plugged in and wires look good. speakers work for the radio. don't know what else to try. . bike has 185 k on it
  4. the boots of the snapper lawn mower, anyone know which model of lawn mower that was
  5. any known replacements or can it be rebuilt
  6. that is the switch i need. i will buy the switch and pay for the shipping. just let me know what you want. ship it to me at: ed graves, 408 S Main, Hesston, Kansas, 67062.
  7. need the power switch, or some call it the leaf switch. the loading mechanism activates this switch when a tape is put in.
  8. anyone have an old tape player, i need some parts out of one
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