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Personal Information

  • Name
    shawn williams


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    83 venture 1200 xvz
  1. got bike started but now i have a bigger problem. i think the motor has a bent rod or something to that effect it has a very loud tapping noise in the lower part of the engine:thumbdown:.i am so upset i mean it runs but it has this tapping and now i have to pull the engine what a bummer. thanks for all the help im sure im gonna need more help soon:fiddle:.
  2. well left front cyl full of gas got that taken care of engine not locked up. thank god!!! now to troubleshoot the starting problem. wish me luck.
  3. started to tear into bike and left front carb is full of fuel. indicating left front cyl is possibly full of fuel am taking out spark plugs and about to turn crank let ya know if it is. if so how do i proceed???? thanks
  4. thanks for the tips im gonna check all of these first thing in th morning keep yall posted
  5. new development think the engine is siezed up tried to clutch start the bike and the rear wheel will not turn at all tried 1st 2nd and 3rd gears. it makes no sense a friend of mine said it may be because it is shaft driven that it cant be started that way. im at a loss can an engine sieze by just trying to start a bike???? i dont know how do i check this
  6. by the way my bike is an 83 1200 xvz and i love it hope i can get this worked out soon
  7. thanks for all the insight i am in the process of tracking this down thanks for all the help ill keep yall posted to how this goes
  8. battery has 12.38 volts hit start button and drops to 8.43 and the bike basicly shorts out let go of start button and bike comes back to life and voltage on battery retuns to 11.98 and goes up from there back to 12.3 something. now i have checked all the fuses and traced most of the wiring no shorts on or rub throughs. the bike has 28,000 miles on it and i think it was sitting for awhile i dont think it is the battery i started there first and used charger on the battery it holds a solid charge i guess it could be a lot of things but i am leaning towards a short in a wire or its the starter. however i put direct power to the starter with the bike on and got nuthin i really think its the starter. i dont know i'm a diesel mech not a bike tech but i'm slowly learning. thanks for all the help
  9. i just bought my first venture. i love it got a real good price ....anyhow i get the bike home have it one day and go out the next morning and go to start the bike turns over once and i had forgot the choke so i let go of the start button set the choke and nuthin it shorts out whole bike goes dark let go of button and lights come back on hear selonid clicking read the forums traced the circuts got power every where up to selonoid jumped accross and nuthin again sounds like starter is whirring very quietly like not actuating any advise would be helpfull thanks
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