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Rolling Barcalounger

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About Rolling Barcalounger

  • Birthday 05/03/1961

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Wolfe City, United States


  • City
    Wolfe City


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    My wife, Our Bike, Our truck
  • Bike Year and Model
    1986 Venture Royale
  1. I have my .40 CAL Sig Sauer 239 with 3 clips of hollows I conseal on my person .and I also have an AMD 65 folded up with 6 clips @ 20 rounds of 7.62 x 39. I pack inside my saddle bag trunk. I have consealed carry license.
  2. fiberglass and mesh steel. use a piece of waxed paper on outside with masking tape inside use fiberglass resin with mesh steel reinforcement.
  3. I had a Yamaha 650 special and I gave my 6 month old boy a "PUT AROUND THE YARD" in 1st gear well under 5 mph . He rode on the gastank. and when the ride was over (just a few minutes) Mom tried to pull him off the tank and did not want to let go. He cried and cried for another ride. In another story I had seen a family of 5 with 2 very young childern going down the road on a tiny 125 Yamaha motorcycle One child on the Handlebars. one younger child on the tank and dad driving mom behind him and another older child on the rear fender.
  4. I think 2nd gens would make a good boat anchor. If I wanted sonthing to ride that looks like a Harley I'd buy a Harley. At least with a 1st gen you have STYLE that is unique and second to none.
  5. Yep Holidays is whiskey sippin time, Litre of Old grandad fits the bill. It'll last me about 6 months.
  6. Is it possible to still order a set of these exhaust pipes? Please?
  7. OK how about this Growing a big cinderella belly that looks much like a tractor tire around your size 60 waist from your 20's and losing this giant beer gut in your 30's slimming down to a 32 waist again then growing it back again in your 40's because of all the extra skin that used to be your gut looks like a mudflap on the back of a garbage truck.
  8. I wonder if after you use it you can make a good buscuites and gravey with it.
  9. most if not all spin off oil filters has a bypass in case filter becomes to plugged up to filter and to make sure proper oil pressure can be maintained by the oil pump without stressing the pump
  10. this works great . truckers do this. get a plug of red man in the square chewin tobbacco and take off the cellophane rub that on the windshield and watch the water roll off even the heaviest downpour.
  11. The air we breathe is over 80% nitrogen already and about 8 to 10 % oxygen with the rest carbon dioxide and other gasses.
  12. WOW cool..I live in Wolfe City TX. How about camping?? I love sleeping bag and packing my tent.. Never heard of this. Have to do a google earth. What city? Near George town???
  13. Man thats gittn yer money's worth outta them tyres. I would not worry too much just be wary about HOT weather and rough roads. I ride a bunch too. I usually wear down to the cords all the time. Them damn tyres are expensive. Just a few things to remember once the wear bar is gone...NEVER RIDE IN WET RAINY ROADS. WATCH FOR SAND AND GRAVEL IN ROAD ESPECIALLY ON A CURVE. TAKE SHORT TRIPS AND NEVER FAR FROM HOME OR A FRIEND. RIDE A LITTLE S L O W E R. DO NOT BRAKE VERY HARD. KEEP OFF HOT AND ROUGH ROADS. and in case if you do get a flat on a bald tire take a can of tire sealant "AIR IN A CAN" A small bottle of rubbing alcohol. 80 grit sand paper and those big round 3 inch patches and small tube of rubber cement. That will git yer beezzer home. Enuff said.
  14. Wear it down to the cords. Its an Avon. It is a premimum tire. They also make a good tire swing too for the kiddies.
  15. I have 1986 Venutre Royale 28K on the clock. Tape deck sounds ok with stock speakers. Is there anyone upgraded the sound system on the 1st GENs. Please tell me what needs to be done. Maybe 12 in in the side saddle bags and the amp in the top center trunk. I would love to make a Rolling Thumpalounger..
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