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Everything posted by 67mini67

  1. DITTO Sorry to tell you, But you never made it "out west" LOL
  2. Is the Shell Rotella T actually a diesel engine oil that works in the RSV. I am new to motorcyle oils and this doesn't sound right. I went to all of the Wally Worlds here and none carry any MC oil but I did see the diesel oil.
  3. I too would like to be added to the list!!! Thanks
  4. My antenni are positioned correctly by the radio antena does not unscrew it just lifts of the post. I cannot find a set screw or anything to hold it in place. the radio works fine and the antenna does not come off but it is worrysome that some one could just lift off the mast. Is there something I am missing?? I have only had the bike for 6 weeks. Thanks
  5. I have a Utah CCW that is good in ??32?? states ecxept two that I travel most often -- CA and OR. I still don't leave home with out it.
  6. Don, Just sent you a paypal for 2 decals. Let me know if you got it or not. Thanks Wayde:mo money:
  7. DITTO here. I work on cars with no problem but bikes are new to me. Would love to learn from some experience RS owners to do my own and then help others. I havenot seen many members this direction. I keep looking. Keep up the great info cause I can read (most of the time) the how to's here. Thanks, Wayde:hurts:
  8. Heck, I joined this forum couse I'm cheap. Great info to do all the work myself. You got another cheap cheap friend here.
  9. I would like to do the same to my RSV but I just got it, don't have a lift or the adaptor. Is there anyone in the Spokane area that has these items and are willing to help/train? Thanks and thank for all of the information provided.
  10. Sounds like a great opportunity that I had to miss because of the distance. Would be nice if there was a MD in the northwest. I am a new 2gen RSV owner and have alot of questions but most just iquiries. Maybe some time I can join the event.
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