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Everything posted by 67mini67

  1. I put new tire on the bike this summer and went with the Dyna beads. The recommendation was 2oz in the front and 3oz int rear. I started there but found that there was still a vibration in the front. I added 1oz more to the front and has been very smooth ever since. I am convinced.
  2. I had an issue shifting and thought it was the clutch going because it was getting harder and harder to shift. I pulling in for gas and the shifter wouldn't move. I looked down to see that the shifter bolt was almost out. Tightened the bolt and all was well again. Just a thought. Good luck
  3. Joe, Approximately 25" wide by 18" deep. This does not include the arm rests.
  4. I will have a dead one in about 2 weeks as the replacement is on order. Let me know.
  5. I rode with the PGR group the last leg of the Kitsap (WA) 9-11 Memorial project. This was an escort of two pieces of steel from the twin towers that are to be part of a memorial in Silverdale WA. We escorted the truck from Post Falls, ID to Silverdale yesterday and rode approximately 365 miles. It was an experience. We left Post fall with our group plus other groups (about 400 bikes). Stopped in Moses Lake for fuel and picked up a couple of hundred more bikes. Then on to Elensburg and again picked up a couple of hundred more. On to North Bend where we stopped for dignitaries, a couple of hundred more, more escort vehicles and much to our surprise cops.... Lots and lots of cops. The cops were great because they shut down every road section for our use (approximately 1000 bikes at this point). I-90--closed, 18 closed, I-5 closed, Tacoma Narrows bridge closed. What a feeling riding with all of these bikes with no traffic worries. The best part of this was seeing all of the spectators on almost every overpass waving flags. From North Bend on the crowds on the overpasses grew and most overpasses also had one or two fire engines or rescue vehicle. The arrival to Silverdale was also awsome as we proceeded into the parking area we were greated by two crossed ladder engines with a flag and two rows of military men (Navy and army I think) at attention as we passed. Quite a once in a lifetime experience I am glad I participated. Any others members there? To many bikes to look for anyone in particular.
  6. Ditto for me!!! Thanks
  7. Had a great ride to Sturgis but after I got there the seal on the shock died and dumped the oil. I think it was the age and the heat that killed it (99 RSV). So now is the question, do I buy a Yamaha factory replacement, the Ebay coilover or the the coilover from a company from UK ( Hagon Shocks). The Hagon shocks are preload adjustable and a 25 click dampening user adjustable for $399 (plus shipping). Has anyone heard of Hagon Shocks? Thanks, Wayde:95:
  8. Ditto on this. Did the same thing and just got home this afternoon. Rode 1800 miles round trip in 4 days (2 day out and 2 back) and no problems with sorness. I even sent my buddy to the Walmart near Spearfish and had him buy one for his sore butt. He was thrilled as it reduced his pain approx 50% ( he rides a Victory cruiser. Not a seat for long distance).
  9. Just came from Sturgis my self and I did see a new (year unknown) RSV in Rapid City at the test ride site across from the HD dealer.
  10. I am heading out on Saturday. No one to ride with so far. Will be there Sunday afternoon. Trying to get an "IRON BUTT" in so I will be riding the north of I90 in Montana the heading due south to Sturgis. I am meeting a buddy from Ohio and will only be in Sturgis for a couple of days. I will be camping in Spearfish SD about 18 miles west of Sturgis. Hope to see a few of you guys while there and some RSV's. Have a great ride!!!!
  11. My daughter banks with BofA and she went to deposit a paycheck and they told her that there would be a hold on the check. She had another paycheck a couple of days later and was told the same thing. How can the banks hold 4 weeks of pay for someone who basically live paycheck to paycheck?? I am with the rest of the credit union users. I changed to a CU after the bank I was dealing with told me they were going to charge me a monthly fee to have just a simple savings account. GOOD BYE and have been with the CU ever since.
  12. Has anybody tried SPEEDO-TUNER-CALIBRATOR? It is less expensive and appear to be plug and play but does it work as well? Thanks, Wayde
  13. Same Here. I just did the conversion and have been real happy with the handling. Even handles gravel roads better! Good luck:thumbsup:
  14. Me too, How much? Wayde
  15. Well I finally got the tire to seat. I came home from work on Sat and tried about 8 more times. The last time it held air (it had a small bead leak about 4 times in a row) and gave up for the evening. I brought the tire inside for the night. In the morning it still had not seated so I put it in front of our gas heater and in about 90 minutes and heard the pop of a bead seating. Hurray!!!!! I have put about a 100 miles on it so far and am pleased with the ride so far. 40psi in the rear and 36 in the front. Thanks for the help and insight.
  16. Well I decided to go to the darkside. Found that Discount Tire had to order the tire. When it came in their machines could not install on the MC rim. I took it to a MC shop and they mounted ok but could not get it to seat. Took it to Les Schwab (closest to house) and they tried a dozen time to get it to seat with no luck. They tried so much that it started to tear the rubber at the bead. What do I do now. Tire still on the rim but not seated. Do I return the tire (if I could), try to lube up the bead with petrolium jelly (figures less harmfull to the tire) or do I just have to go to a MC tire. Thanks for the help Wayde:bawling:
  17. silverdeer0454, Your in luck, I have the windows 2000 install disk, Windows ME and a couple of 3.5 floppies with the CD drivers for some motherboards to activate the CD. Once that is done then you can install from the CD. Let me know what you want and I can copy. I do not have a floppy drive any longer so will just have to send the floppies I have. Wayde
  18. We have and extended set of "Cutco" knives. Been very happy with the quality, service and warranty. Free sharpening for life. A bit pricey but you can start with a few and add on over time. Ergonomic, diswasher safe and feel good in your hand. Just try to survive the learning curve..... lots of knicked fingers and some close calls.. very very very sharp. Goos luck
  19. Thanks and sorry for miss-reading the posts. Wayde:scared:.
  20. I have been on the list and passed up. Could I be moved down to be next on the list. Thanks, Wayde 67mini67
  21. I installed another power outlet behind the drivers seat on the right side. I use it to charge the phone. Here are a couple of pics.
  22. Dingy, Thanks for the bulk buy. I will take one and I just sent the payment through paypal. Wayde
  23. Who put the wheel chocks down before the driver releases the brakes?
  24. It seems that I was missed on the list. [ame=http://venturerider.org/forum/member.php?u=6090]http://venturerider.org/forum/images/avatars/usarmy-flag1-s.gif[/iM"]VentureRider.Org[/ame] [ame=http://venturerider.org/forum/member.php?u=6090]VentureRider.Org[/ame] is just after me on the list. Can the DVD be rerouted when possible? Thanks, Wayde:bawling:
  25. They do have a bracket but I just squeezed the bracke betweent the deflector bracket so no holes were drilled Also, I don't know how I did it but when I turn my signals on the LED light flash as well (just a bit but sure gets noticed). I took the wiring back to the fuse block.
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