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Everything posted by 67mini67

  1. Miles, I may be interested depending on date. I did the freebird MD a couple of years ago and it was great and a great ride. I too may have to cage it as the bike is disassembled for paint right now and the temps and weather are not acceptable for painting yet. I'll keep watching for more info. Thanks, Wayde
  2. I have a pillow top drivers seat only that I would let go. I think it came from an 03. I tried it on my 99 and did not care for it.
  3. Absolutely....comfortable, reliable and affordable:)
  4. DITTO here!!!!!
  5. 67mini67


    Just got my renewal and it went up ~$16 from last year. If I pay in full for the year it is $195.28 for full coverage & towing (installments equal $216.58 for the year). Guess I can't complain.
  6. I too learn a little each time I read these post but seldom have anything additional to contribute. " It is better to be thought of a fool than to open mouth and remove all doubt"
  7. You should be around here. The weathermen can barely predict the weather and the cities and state use that info to "PRE-de-ice" the roads only to find out that there was little to no snow or ice. Also, we may get the trace to .1" of the white stuff and they are all over it with the de-ice (or sand in the county) only to have it warm up to near 40 mid-day. What a waste of my tax dollars.
  8. About 4 weeks ago I was traveling back from Castlegar, BC with a bunch of collage kid and we came across an accident involving a Harley and a bear cub. Cub DOA, Harley DOA and rider and passenger survived with minor injuries (passenger with a broken leg). MC t-boned the cub and apparently drug it 50+ feet before tumbling. Road was closed for a while but didn't have the camara handy. NO WINNERS!!
  9. Mine has done this a number of times. I noticed that when I start the RSV and release the start button too soon and it does not start it will reset all trip odometers and show the MC odometer. This has been doing since I have owned it. No problems so far.
  10. Totally agree!!
  11. What helmet?????
  12. Miles, Would love to come and would surely and even have a hoist that could have helped but I am on vacation!!!!! In Hawaii!!!. But keep me on the always maybe list. Good luck on the BBQ Wayde
  13. At my local NAPA, seafoam is on sale until July 20 for $4.99 a can. Stock up while you can. I had to buy a can last week while on vacation due to a bad tank of gas and the parts store wanted $10/can but got him down to $8.
  14. Annie, I am in for 1 and have already sent payment. Thanks PM address next!!!!! Thanks for the offer---- nice addition to my vest and great cause
  15. I had a similar issue, hard to very hard shifting. Was very baffled and didn't know where to turn until the shifter lever fell off in a parking lot. LOOSE SCREW (on the bike). Tightened up the bolt and everything worked great. It appears that as that bolt loosens shifting gradually gets more difficult. I bring this up as to eliminated the simple things first. Good luck
  16. Understand your pain. Lost family members and today a coworker of my wife's passed quickly from cancer. Our thoughts with you and your family.
  17. Probably best repair would be to remove all wood below surface of concrete and dig large footing hole from outside. (You should do these one at a time) Then poor a 2X2X2 or better block of concrete then place a new 6X6 anchored to concrete above. Then you will not have the rotting issue you have now. Check local code to see how deep your footing should be! Good Luck
  18. I have an 04 Grand Cherokee Overland edition with the 4.7LHO. I have been extremely pleased with the jeep and the performance. I tow a 3326 Trailmanor travel trailer with no issues.
  19. I am in, PP sent. Wish we could do more.
  20. I got that email too. It also states that there is a mail in rebate with details in the store. Up to $10 off of each if you purchase 4 ($40 back). I will be curious to see what the price is at wallyworld.
  21. We got 4-5 inches today with high winds. Saw a MC stranded at the top of a hill out of the valley that finally had to give up due to severe accumulation. Was being babysat by state patrol Had to laugh as I saw 10-12 cages in the ditch and one 3 car accident during my 50 round trip to town.:rotf:
  22. Mark, Sorry to hear this news. Been there a couple of times over the past few years. Will keep you and your family in our thoughts!
  23. Found this in the article. "Freezing Point: -70° F for NPG versus -38° F for EGW. NPG does not freeze, it crystallizes and supercools (contracts slightly and becomes a viscous slurry)."
  24. I actually talked to the vendor at Sturgis last year and held one of the gas cans. They were molded specifically for the HD but would easily fit in our saddle bags. I just could't justify the price of the can that would only be used on longer rides. I have carried a 1 gallon standard red can with no issues. Not the greatest but only used on those long rides (MT, WY, SD, ND, OR). I do like the idea of the SIG bottles.
  25. I have the wally world one and use is all the time. I can ride 10 to 12 hours a day on a non-pillow top seat and can still walk at the end of the day. The size of the pad completely covers the seat and hangs over near the front edges. I have ridden over 12k miles with is and no signs of significant wear.
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