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About WP50

  • Birthday 06/28/1955

Personal Information

  • Name
    David Ellis


  • Location
    Midland, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    99 Venture 01 Road *
  1. As a matter of fact I do Just not gonna say from where Promised I wouldn't talk about about the in laws hehehe
  2. I`m search around for info on adding a Roady XT. I Googled Roady Holder and got there. One Hoonharware site I saw said out of stock. This Roady holder looks to be a nice bracket and the site does have some good info Best Of Luck WP
  3. Mr Butler I sent you a PM least I tried BG WP
  4. My intentions were to use a 7 w oil. With your input I`ll try blending a 10 and 15 weight fork oil. Returning this kit and going to the heavier spring you mention will be discussed with my dealer I ordered the kit from. I do have the forks off and torn down so we`ll see what happens. BG I`m very blessed I have a Road Star if the weather clears up. Thank you again Sir WP
  5. Thank you so much for your time and the article on the emulators. Yes it did clear up some things for me. The springs in the kit are 95 kg I verified this with Race tech this afternoon. Barons suggests that I use the 2 turns on the emulators for the bike. I to have my concerns as to the additional weight the Venture poses. LOL in my 3 conversations with Barons their tech has mentioned that he is a HD tech. The HD tech thing was mentioned 3 times in each conversation. Not building my confidence much with them BG I have the forks torn down and have a good idea of what to do EXCEPT bg for the weight of fork oil to use. I`m not the kind of person to come back and say you told me wrong. I`m am asking for your thoughts on the weight of fork oil to be used. Oh the instructions on the Barons sight for the Ba 7503rs are all wrong that has been pointed out for them. I was going to use 7 w oil but am now concidering a heavier weight. The longer top out springs will lower the front an inch according to the instructions, Oh pardon installation guide not instructions (bseg) Again thank you Very much for your time. Sir WP
  6. Thank you very much Sir WP
  7. With the bars where they are at slipping the forks I`m told won`t give me much drop. I like the bars where they are. I have a couple of people on another forum that have these kits in theirs, they really like them. The thing is they had them installed, limited knowledge on my questions. So here I am BG Was hoping someone had played around with this kit, maybe someone in a shop that has done a few of these kits. Have gotten a shorter kickstand in prep for doing this I appreciate the reply WP50
  8. I have a 99 Venture that the rear is lowered with a Barons kit. I`m lowering the front with a Barons kit that come with springs ( progressive I believe) and Race tech gold emulators. Kit # BA-7503rs From what I understood in a conversatoin with Barons tech line the kit was sold for a Road Star least to begin with. My question is Might the gold emulators be adjusted a little tighter to account for the Ventures heavier front end. ( Fairing is the main thought) The other question is Would more spring pre load be a good idea in this. Thanks for your time WP50
  9. Cb in mentioning this foot think ya got my attention BG Would you mind re posting the the link. This one is`nt working Well Least for me Thanks for your time sir WP Never mind Found it Thanks Again
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