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About bossman

  • Birthday 03/24/1958

Personal Information

  • Name
    Larry Chavez


  • Location
    Portales, United States


  • City


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    reading, riding,
  • Bike Year and Model
    1986 venture royale/2000 RSV, 2001 RSV.
  1. bossman


    Greetings, I have one have one taking up space in the garage, just let me know where to send it to .pay for postage and its yours.
  2. Thank you all very much. Fixing to order a set . I sure did not look forward to paying the stealer price.
  3. Thanks for the info. Stealer down the road is asking $140.00 per unit. I was just wondering if that was a fair price or if they was available for a lesser price.
  4. Greetings, I was wondering if anyone could let me know what new carb. diaphragms would cost for a 86 Venture Royale. And where I could order some from. Thank you.
  5. Greetings, I was wondering if there is someone close to the area of Portales NM who would be willing to work on my 86 Royal, It has been sitting for a while. I have drained the old fuel and put in fresh, changed the fuel filter, cleaned the carbs.have also put in Seafoam.It makes no effort to fire up. I believe it is electrical, coils maybe.? I am not electrically inclined at all. I would be willing to haul bike and compansate for your time. Thank you .
  6. Was saddened to hear this. They do become a part of the family don't they. We had a female Brindle pit show up at our door 4 years ago pretty well beat up. We took her to vet and ended up keeping her. She is such a gentle dog which surprises me as I am sure she went through he** by the looks of her. Son in law had a male pit, we bred them and had the cutest pups. Could not find a home for 3 of them so ended up keeping them also. Was not going to take them to the pound. So now we have 4. My condolences:(.
  8. Okay thanks. I will start using that then. It was $26.00 plus tax for a 1 gallon jug.
  9. Greetings, I was wondering if Yama lube 10-40 is accepatable. Sent wife to store yesterday and this is what she came back with. I have been useing 20-50. Bike is 2000 RSV. Thanks.
  10. Not sure what # mine is does not have tag on trunk. Could I find out by vin # ? 11,250 mls.
  11. Downhill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I sent you a p.m. also answered you on your post. Let me know. bossman.
  13. Okay ,just shoot me your mailing address and I will send it your way.
  14. Greetings, Due to the generiosity of J C aka Deep fork RiverI have a tinted windshield that I took off of a 2001 RSV. IT is 10 inch I believe, too short for me but free for the asking if some one wants it. J C let me have a full windshield that he had so I will pass the favor on the one I took off. It is in excellent condition. Just too short for my liking.Tinted black. Just give me a heads up. Bossman.
  15. 3- 86 Venture Royale 2000 mill. Just bought a 2001 RSV 2 weeks ago .
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