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Everything posted by Wrongway

  1. Rider magazine will have a test, Vision, Venture, Voyager, and an HD coming up here in the next few issues if you can wait that long. I've seen the basic Vision Tour on Cycletrader.com for (I believe) 16K.
  2. Bill, are you set on your 10 am time? Come on and ride with us at 9am. It won't hurt your Goldwing image (trailering does that:mytruck1:. That way you get to enjoy Lamberts with us. From the way it sounds there may not be any food left after we get through!
  3. Hey Bill, You still planning on getting there Tuesday? Want to go down together? That way you guys can carry our crap in your truck and Dee will be free to buy all the goodies she wants . Yeah, right
  4. It's about 1 to 1 1/2 hours to the Hub from Lamberts. We can even tolerate the Canadians too . Hope to see you guys there!
  5. We are staying through Friday morning too. Maybe ride back home with Dale and Cindy and eat at Lamberts again! Woo Hoo, twice in one week.
  6. Ummm...You can cover me, right? Sounds like a plan, see you there 12:30-1:00. Whoever gets there first puts the name on the list! OK, so who else is up for lunch with this bunch of misfits?
  7. Cindy, according to mapquest again, it takes about 3.5 hours to get there from my house. Do we want to get there after the big after church lunch rush ? I was thinking about 12:30-1:00 time frame. Time is open though, we will be on vacation so leaving home at 8:30 or so might be a bit early . What works for you guys?
  8. Just to put this out there. We are leaving St. Louis area Sunday morning to get to the Hub. Takes about 5 hours according to mapquest. We do plan on going through Springfield, Mo. and stopping at Lamberts on the way for lunch (Mmmmmm Lamberts ). If anyone wants to come by the house Saturday and ride with us, or meet us along the way, let me know. See you there.
  9. That's great you guys! Congratulations, and Like Kbay said, spoil him rotten:banana: My granddaughter is 4 now, and it just gets better every year.
  10. Yep, that cow is now part of the International club!
  11. Cindy, tell Haylie that I have her cow and will be bringing it with me to the Rally. That sucker has ridden with me for two years now, it's time to go back home !
  12. Cindy & Dale, Saying "hang in there" doesn't seem to be enough. Like Ozark said, Time goes by slowly when you are the victim. Giving you all my love, praying for you guys.
  13. Another update. Got rid of a bunch, but still have a men's XL textile jacket (Canyon by Motoport) and textile pants (36-38 x 34), leather vests and chaps. Also some great ladies super quality leather gear price now reduced. Check it out, http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/2178/cat/11 and http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=2160 Thanks for looking!
  14. Hey John, Just ride the bike to the therapist visit! Easier to get forgiveness than permission
  15. Man, I am sorry. I sure didn't see it. My apologies.
  16. Welcome back Charlie, or should I say Brokeback Biker B***h from Eureka Springs ? Good to have you here again. I have my passport so I may just get up that way and irritate you for a while.
  17. I am 6' and about 285 (starting to lose it though) Second day I had it we rode 350-400 miles, and the same the next day. I must say I was glad it worked out, I sure would have noticed it then. Again, the pillow tops were ok for me too, and I had a couple 800+ mile days with them. It seems that I can vary the seating position more than with the pillow tops. I can slouch or sit up nice and straight. The bucket of the seat provides a small backrest effect. Dee hasn't said anything bad about it as a passenger. I think she was so pleased with the pillow tops that she was more leery of changing than anything. So I guess I do like it better than stock, but it's a different kind of better if that makes sense. They are just two completely different types of seats.
  18. Dang Mike, I was just thinking the same thing! Maybe Russ can get into the mail order catering biz!
  19. I like the Road Sofa quite well. It is a firm seat though not to the extent that a Corbin is. I like the dish the seat has, fits me well. The passenger is OK with her part but we did buy her a butt buffer just to make sure and prevent any problems. It didn't seem to bother her too much back from Don's, she was able to fall asleep on the bike. Not sure if it has gel pad or not, I got it at Don's maintenance day for a very good price. Figured if it sucked I could always get my money back for it. Only reason I got it was cause I had some extra money at the moment, I had no problem with the pillow tops. Overall I am really pleased with it, and the passenger at least doesn't hate it
  20. Folks, I keep finding more in this closet! Got a lady's matching set of leather chaps and jacket, great quality. Has purple fringe and studs! Woo Hoo !Check it out in the classifieds. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/2178/cat/11
  21. You my friend, are a hoot!
  22. Hey, I have that Ron Jeremy look going on! I should be rich by now!
  23. I know that Dee and I will be there on our way to the International Rally. Meet us in Ozark about 1pm Sunday August 2nd and we can eat and ride to the Hub from there.
  24. You know how it is as we get a little older Bill. Got to go for the gusto! I've never been accused of being all there
  25. Backrest is sold! Complete pillow top set still available, or you can donate a seatless 2nd gen to Squid and Lonna!
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