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Everything posted by Wrongway

  1. I'm gonna be sneakin' up on ya! Stealth mode you know.
  2. Well I had it very bad. At Maintenance day we got rid of about 90% with carb adjustments. At The Hub, I borrowed Brad's Carb-Tune and got it essentially spot on. No more backfire. My bike is very sensitive to out of synch, yours may be too.
  3. No promise here. Book 'im, Dano!
  4. Good to hear that you are home. We had a lot of fun with you all, feel free to stay here anytime you want. We may even be able to get you your own room next time! See you down the road.
  5. It was fitting wasn't it? As for the "house call", maybe we can give those up for next year or at least plan it for when I'm not...occupied! Love you guys. Hope to come see you in your new digs in Texas.
  6. Got some more pics posted to photobucket. http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/Hub%20last%20day%20and%20ride%20home/ Had a great time, can't wait to go again. Arkansas has got to be the best overall riding in the country.
  7. Just got home too. Unpacked and trying to chill. Had a great time! Good to see all of our old and new friends. A special note, adding a pic of the organizer with his goldwing.
  8. OK, some BSing, eating, riding, taking the ferry, more eating, hanging out, BBQ buffet and to top it off, the whipped cream pie in the face for St Jude's. Yes, it's in the VR photobucket. http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/The%20hub%20tuesday%202009/
  9. OK, OK now with full battery and within range of the wireless signal, I am uploading to photobucket as we speak. look for album hub day 1 and 2 (I think) Having way too much fun, eating too much food, and yes...getting lost and going the wrongway. Every road here is great though so there is no wrongway! Try here; http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/Hub%20day%201%20and%202/
  10. Thanks Lewis. also posting to photobucket for the facebook disinclined. will be hub-day-1-2009 if you need to search for it. Sorry, running out of battery and too far from wireless.
  11. Got some good pics, posted them to my facebook acct. http://www.facebook.com/editphoto.php?aid=2029893#/album.php?aid=2029893&id=1333587945&ref=nf
  12. Larry, You are just WRONG!!!!! I can't wait but I'm still at work Then it's get some sleep, wait for Canadians to show up and then head on down. Leaving here in less than 36 hours
  13. That's too funny. I was over at Bill's earlier today. He was lucky to turn the darned computer on:witch_brew:! Does checkers count as an action game?
  14. Damn girl, that's guaranteed!
  15. If you can get it at that price, you stole it. When I sold my '90, it had over 150,000 miles on it and I got $2800 and felt I gave it away.
  16. I can't wait. Already fully packed now I just need to drop off my crap at Bill's so he can take it down in his Goldwing Hauler
  17. And that's when the fun starts . Done that a time or two myself, can't believe this is a full blown touring bike.
  18. Hal, I figure if I just fold it up with you in it, that should get your attention .
  19. No problem brother. I've been known to be off on a few things myself, hence the name. It doesn't just apply to directions . I like the ride with the rear shock set high. Just feels better to me, front about 5. YMMV . Happy riding!
  20. Like Cindy said, still planning on it! Just to inform the rest of the bunch riding with us, that means a 9am kickstands up time out of St. Charles! Be great to see you guys again.
  21. Not crazy at all. I find that I get about 5-10% less mpg with ethanol gas.
  22. Damn Russel, with the gizzards and now this... I don't think I may ever be able to go near a restaurant with you again! . Still trying to swing it to get there this year, just not looking too good.
  23. Take care of yourself! See you at the 2010 International Rally!
  24. I would be interested. Thanks Bill.
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