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Everything posted by Wrongway

  1. With all that craziness, I'm glad we are staying at Ponderosa! Sounds like the place to be.
  2. They were part of your family, grieving is natural. I tear up thinking about the day that arrives for my pets.
  3. Have a great trip. Missouri Hick has some of the best Bar-b-que I have ever had.
  4. I had the Y collectors for the exhaust rust out and replaced under warranty at about 60,000 miles. That was the only warranty work I needed.
  5. Congratulations! Our best to them, and the two of you?????
  6. Well we aren't home yet but that's OK. Into Pennsylvania and doing great. No more lost bike parts, RV is running great! It was great seeing all of our old and new friends at PIP. Thanks Gary and Anne for putting up with us, Russell for all your cooking chores, Rocket for your back up skills and Rick for your tie down expertise! Can't wait to see you all again at Cody!
  7. Guys, I am sorry to admit it, but yes I was trailering a Venture. We have three weeks off and going all over creation and back so decided to take the Cousin Eddie special RV and tow the bike. Sacrilege I know, but you do what you gotta do. No pics though! I just pm'd Rick so hope to hear back, Eagleeye will be next if I don't hear from Rick. Just need the seat short term cause I have a spare at home. Just looks funny riding on dish towels and duct tape!
  8. Enroute to PIP and ...DOH! I forgot that I don't have my drivers seat tightened. Well, you can guess what happened. It's somewhere along hy 37 in Iowa! Looked, but no luck. At a rest stop now with free WiFi! Woo hoo! Any chance there is a spare 2nd gen seat on it's way to PIP? I have a couple seat pads that I can use, Dee says Thank God it was my seat and not hers LOL. See you all there Thursday or Friday!
  9. Well we are from the St Louis area, give us a holler if you are in the area. We will be heading for Minnesota Wednesday morning though to PIP. 636-485-9613
  10. Just curious but did you tell the guy you had a demo appointment? The two Victory dealers I am familiar with practically throw the bike at you. The first week the Cross Country came out we went to the dealer to have a look. He tells us, I have one in the crate, let me get it out and prepped and you can take it for a ride. It would have taken more time than we had so we declined but the offer was amazing.
  11. Give her our best! Glad it got taken care of. Prayers sent.
  12. I am a trauma trained RN, ALS first responder with four different rural ambulance services . Don't use that part much now in dialysis, but I still know the drill.
  13. never mind nothing to see here, sorry
  14. Squid and Lonna arrived here a little while ago. I have heard some of the good BS, table dancing, the cupcake hat and more. I'm sure there is more but it will wait till tomorrow. Glad everyone had a good time. I'm going to miss a few gatherings but we will make Pork in the Pines this year! Be prepared.
  15. Hey Sweetie, I warned him! I was able to direct him to St. Charles though, maybe I'm getting better.
  16. Great deal. Looks like a new battery is on the way!
  17. WooHoo. Just heading out to work, tried to start one more time. Fiddled with the sidestand, and she fired right up! Thanks for the help and ideas . My brain was dead yesterday and I never even thought of that.
  18. It's my 2004 RSV. It has no crank at all, as if the kill switch were on. The lights do go off when I push the starter but nothing else, so that part of the circuit seems OK. I will check the side stand before I go to work today, good idea. I had the battery on the trickle charger and it showed as fully charged. I have to work 16 hours today so I won't be able to respond to anyone. Thanks for the ideas so far:thumbsup2:
  19. Picked the bike up at dealer after getting a new tire. Dead battery so we jumped it at the dealer and she ran fine. Stopped at the store, (15 mile ride) would not start again but would jump start. Now at home, I charged the battery, have full lights and all but when I try to start, nothing, not even when jumping from a good battery. I have made sure the kill switch is in run but no go. I don't hear the fuel pump run either. Battery is 6 years old but I'm thinking it should at least jump start if there is any juice left. It doesn't appear to be the same symptoms as the ignition switch, which from what I read leaves just the radio operable, no lights or anything else. I will be getting a fresh battery but really I would think it should at least jump start. I leave this to the gurus out there!
  20. That was an exciting game! I thought for sure they were going to give it away.
  21. Oldgoat, I read that thread and I really don't think anyone was trying to start anything. It's just how we are, a fun loving bunch. The internet being what it is, it's way too easy to put something down and mean nothing negative by it, but it is easy to see how it may offend someone else. Eck is a good guy, even if he does ride a GW:bawling:, as are the rest of the bunch. The knuckleheads are usually weeded out pretty soon as we just don't put up with their idiocy and don't feed into it. That being said, I hope you stick around and hope to meet you one day!
  22. Saw this 1st gen and had to share! So who's gonna build one of these?
  23. Got both of mine today. Thanks Don!
  24. Still in for two!
  25. A couple here too if it's not too late.
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