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Everything posted by Wrongway

  1. I have the Magellan 2200T. You can set a route then go to the written directions page and delete a road if you want. It will then give you a different route. It's easier than I have made it sound.
  2. Just terrible news. Too much sadness and death lately. Gary, I am sending prayers for you and your family.
  3. Well as much as I love my RSV, I've been wanting a lighter, smaller bike as a "town bike" I've been looking at all kinds of things, small cruiser, KLR dual sports, anything kind of different. I finally found it! I'm picking up a 2005 Suzuki V-Strom 1000 that is FULLY decked out. Can be a serious long distance ride, or remove the bags and stuff and she is a great town bike. Here is a link to the original owners page on her. http://jasonjonas.com/motorcycling/bikes/dl1kk5.jsp I'm getting her this Saturday at Pere Marquette park in Illinois at an MTF meet and eat. If anyone wants to join in the fun, come on down!
  4. I'll try to make it too (keep Predock out of trouble ) Allan H St Charles, Mo
  5. Good looking bike Chuck. Now get out there and remember, RUBBER SIDE DOWN
  6. Hey sign me up too!
  7. Chuck, Glad to hear you're doing OK. Those old ladies will catch you by surprise won't they.
  8. Well I sure hope it's the real deal. I locked my brakes up today during a "quick" stop. Didn't lose it but it sure does add to the pucker factor during a panic stop.
  9. John, I know how you felt at Ft. Collins when you heard the news. My sincere condolences for you and all of your family. I know your loss is great. It sounds like she had a wonderful service full of family and friends. May she ride now where the weather is always good and the roads are always clear.
  10. Thanks for the thoughts guys. He did change the oil, I'll get with him to see how much he used.
  11. I sold my '90 a few weeks ago. I had never had any oil leak of any type. The new owner says it is leaking while riding but not when parked. Leak seems to come from above the shifter. A few days prior to selling, I found a rectangular rubber cap thing ( hey I'm NOT mechanical) maybe 2 x 3 in. near the front left peg/shifter area on the ground. I assume it is from the bike. I've looked at schematics but don't see it. Any ideas may be helpful. Thanks.
  12. Normal for the 1st gen. Get a set of Squidley's battery cable upgrades, they will do wonders.
  13. I had the U-12 and generally liked it really well. There are no pockets for the speakers so I just cut the foam out. It did well enough for me. There is enough room for the mike with the visor down, but my visor did not seal that well at the top and would allow some rain to get inside. Not much but some. The visor did stay where you put it though, no wind effect at all. I had also gotten the U-12 for Debbie and she HATED it. Just didn't fit her well at all.
  14. I've used rotella dino for years in many bikes and currently use it in my 1st gen. I use rotella syn for my '04.
  15. Novus has a formula designed for taking out scratches. Available at most shops or online.
  16. Here is the link http://www.newenough.com/browse/closeouts/bargain_basement
  17. Sherry, I wish I could have been there for you. This family was with me at the time of my loss and it was a blessing. They helped me through, made me laugh, cry, feel what I didn't want to and just stood by waiting to assist me. Here is a forum for widows that helped me realize that what I was feeling was normal, and they helped me quite a bit; http://www.ywbb.org . Do what YOU feel is right, do not let anyone tell you what you must do. You may wind up regretting it for the rest of your life. You don't have to apologize for your reaction to their bad behavior. Some people just don't get it. Yes I too lost my best friend, partner, lover, confidant, sounding board and all the rest. It is hard for you right now and I know that you think it will never get easier. PM or call me if you need, God Bless You and remember to take care of yourself, there are still people counting on you!
  18. Sherry, My heart goes out for you. I know the pain you are feeling, and right now there are no words that can comfort you. My prayers are with you, don't be hesitant to lean on this wonderful, caring family you have here. May God be your guide through these dark times.
  19. Pyro, thanks for nudging me a little bit. Today is 8 weeks from Debbie's passing. I've pretty much back into the routine of life. Get up, go to work and come home. Come back to the empty home. The quiet, sad, lifeless, empty home. I miss Debbie so much that the pain is still excruciating. I still cry for her (and my loss) everyday. The good thing is that I don't cry all day and I am able to function at work and put on a good front. Our son who is 24 is bottling every thing up, won't talk about it and thinks he is too strong to need to open up. I worry about him too. I went out for a long ride this weekend and just kept thinking how much Debbie would have enjoyed it. Kind of takes some of the joy out of it. I am still planning on going to the Ft. Collins Rally. Debbie had been looking forward to that since September! I have also planted a "memorial" garden for her here at the house. We put down five rose bushes with some solar lights placed around, her angel statue from the funeral, and another angel that Lonna sent me. Everybody here has been so wonderful. I'm able to pick up the phone and call anyone whenever I need to "get it out" Still get lots of PM's and emails too. I appreciate everything that has been done. This VR family has shown me nothing but real, no strings attached love.
  20. Same here. It's supposed to give about 10% lower MPG but since it's all we have I don't know any better.
  21. Allen and Patti at http://www.diamondraccessories.com/ have a couple of different kinds and they are they are great people too!
  22. Here are a couple of forums that might help you out. http://forums.delphiforums.com/3snocrowd http://forums.delphiforums.com/TheTrikeGroup http://forums.delphiforums.com/trike1
  23. I am so sorry to hear this, how tragic. My prayers are with the family.
  24. So sad to hear. My prayers are with you.
  25. I just found Debbie's online obituary. It has a guestbook, please sign if you are so inclined. http://baue.com/_mgxroot/page_10891.html
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