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Everything posted by Renne

  1. Yep, I know the drill, look in the obvious places, nope, maybe under somethin',,,nope.."over under sideways down".....(hummmm sounds like a song in there someplace) annaway,,,opps. there's the chrome bracket I was looking for last week! Aha! the mower blade I need to sharpen, gotta change the fine stone on the grinder, Oh ya, while I'm at it, sharpen the 'right hand" sheet metal shears. Oh ya and the first four drill bits in the index while I crack a brewski. Now,, oops..fire the compressor for the die grinder,,,,,purge the tank as I see moisture buildup. Where's the drain hose for that? There it is right next to the ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,CRAP! ADD- Da Do Da Dee, Dum De Dum Dee, Dee Do Da Do Da! "I" Need to Ride Easy! Renne
  2. I dunno about Honda cross references but I do know it's a lot less hassle to just visit your local NAPA and buy a NAPA GOLD or maybe O'Reilly's for a BALDWIN or WIX. I've found over the years (many) that ya just can't beat a BALDWIN or WIX,,,,,your choice..... Ride Easy RENNE PGR
  3. Thank you for the EMS rule of 9,,, Oh well,,,we'll see how it progresses, I never liked wearing shorts anyhow, especially on my scoot,,,I don't own a Gold Wing. Seriously, Thank you all for the input and yes I plan to pursue. RENNE
  4. I'm retired U.S.A.F. I was exposed to Dioxins (Agent Orange) during a 5 yr. duty assignment in Panama, (70-75). I have large red patches of skin on my legs that seem to grow slowly month by month. I've had my primary physician exam the inflammation. He determined that it "IS" consistent with his understanding of Dioxin (Agent Orange) exposure. I contacted my local Vet. Rep and was told that in order to file a claim for disability, my symptoms need to exceed 10 percent (minimum) of my total skin area. Great,,,,I guess I'll just have to wait another few months ( ? ) to allow it to expand, measure my total skin area, (I'm 6'1" and 230lb) and when it exceeds the 10% minimum maybe I can apply for care or comp......OOOOH RAAAAAAAAAAAA! Ride Easy, Renne, PGR
  5. It just might be a whole lot more cost effective to remove the tank, have it cleaned, (steam whatever) and then lined with epoxy. That way he can retain his stock color. I've this process done a number of times without any problems. Please be advised that it's necessary to have someone do it that has a good rep. The tank needs to be free of any residue (gasoline) and should be acid etched prior to the treatment. The end result will be longstanding and much cheaper than buying a used (beware) tank and then having to have it color matched......good luck... Ride Easy, Renne
  6. Been running Schaeffer 20/50 in all my bikes, street rods and custom for the last 6 years. Have a close friend running Schaeffer that had his HD contaminated with anti-freez at a motel. (Prank). We dumped the oil, flushed the motor, re oiled, saved a motor. If 53 over the road 18 wheelers from one company can get 63K between oil changes, I'll trust that product for my "08" RSV! NO,, I won't use Diesel oil in my gas motor,,,diesel is formulated for diesels, there are industry "packages" built into the formula that are specific to diesel and their by-products , (acids etc etc) not common to gas motors. Renne
  7. Used Seafoam in my toys for a very long time and discovered a better product, Schaeffer's Neutra,,,,,a lot more reasonably priced, better formulated. I know not many are familiar with Schaeffer's products but,,,,been around since 1839 supporting heavy industry(mining/mfg). My 2 cents but if their products are good enough for attack Army Helo's, it's good enough for my scoot! I use Neutra as recommended, 20/50 in the motor and 80/90 for the final. If they had "air" I'd run it in my tires! Ride Easy, RENNE
  8. My experience,,,NEVER,NEVER,NEVER let your "stealer" log any mods you've done if still under warranty! If I need warranty work done, I take the extra 20 minutes and re-install my oem muffs....just play'in it safe,,,no need to discuss or tip your hand to chance a warranty cancellation! I gots RKs on,,no pops, plugs just nice light tan! Love em' Ride Easy (n' smart!) Renne
  9. I hope to offer help here, if you really want to quiet your bike, go to http://www.schaefferoil.com. Look for a rep or a retail outlet in your area. You should be able to purchase 20/50 for about $6.00 retail. Schaeffer is a synth/dino. I have been using it w/ exceptional results for a very long time. I use it in all my toys. A remarkable product. If you need help locating someone, 'e' me...I'll be happy to assist. Ride Easy, Renne
  10. Go to http://www.Schaefferoil.com look for the rep in your area, call or 'e'mail and ask for #266 Citrol,,,comes in a tall spray can, cost ya under $9 bucks...spray in on, watch it bubble up,,,wipe it off,,,,done! (smells nice too,,like oranges) RENNE Ride Easy
  11. Just did another RK swap for a friend, I center drilled the CAT then used a sawzall to cut it out. The Cat is about 4 inches deep. I used a 1 1/8" metal hole saw attached to a piece of 1/2 in. ready rod 18in long to punch out the baffle plates. Cut/ fab'd his mounting brackets, did the swap. He's smiling! Must be a sight to see a uniformed officer on his knees jamming a nightstick up a muff! I think I'd graciously accept the ticket for the chance to get that image on my cell cam! Renne Ride Easy
  12. Told my son the day he got his drivers license,,,"Son, listen carefully"! "If you never remember anything else I tell you". When you get to the end of the driveway and turn out onto that blacktop remember this". " Everyone else that's out there with you is gonna try to KILL YOU"! So far so good, he's 31 and still vertical! Renne
  13. I'm very satisfied with the RK sound on my 2008, the thing is, it's necessary to remove the baffle plates fore and aft. I suggest aft first. If not loud enough, remove the front one. I will be modifying another RSV this weekend for a friend. I make the brackets and punch the baffles as per the likes of my riding friends. Reason to use RK's for me was to keep/store the stock muffs "IF" I ever want to put them back on for some reason. No sense destroying a perfect stock set when you can get RK's for $10 to $20 bucks a set! Renne
  14. Renne


    Dunno about Dairyland but I had my 2001 Roadstar w/ Progressive for over 4 years @ $151, then I bought my new RSV and they wanted over $400! Imagine that? Well,,,I'm age qualified, ,,,went AARP with Foremost INS. for $248/ same coverage.....now,,,the question, If you were covered, Dairyland has to, by law, give you market value based on "where you live" (within a reasonable radius). If they refuse or try to throw you a bone on a Natl' average value, you have a right to file an "unfair settlements" case with your states Atty. Gen Office under this statue. Check and see if Dairyland has any other complaints of this nature with your states Atty. Gen Office, if they do not, call them and ask them if they would like one! Generally this will get their attention and settle with you fairly. If not, file the complaint and the state will look at it and but them on notice that they are subject to state withdrawal of their license to conduct business in your state. That should prompt them to settle with you fairly....! Renne
  15. I took a set of stock risers (left overs),,,cut the studs off flush and had them machined to fit the radius of the lower half of the existing riser, bought longer screws( 1 inch) and installed, gained 1 in. Feels good and cheap! Renne
  16. We're still on schedule if it don't snow! Renne & Cookie
  17. Renne

    Diff click?

    Ok,,thanks all! I called my dealer/service dept. explained my concerns, the dealer is about 20 miles away, was told to hang in there, they were sending a "rescue" crew. About 45 minutes later, a van and trailer pulled up at my house, two employees jumped out (service mgr and head mech.), dropped the ramp on the trailer, I ran my RSV in the trailer, they strapped it in and down the road they went, all within 10 minutes. When I called to check on my bike, I was told "yes" the pins were dry, not totally, but enough to get your attention! Was told we caught it in good time, they greased w/ moly, did some other attention to detail items for me and told me it was good to go, ready anytime I was. All in all, "top service". Hats off to Larsons, Cambridge Mn (Katie/service and Dave/mech.) . I will be addressing the issue with Yamaha via the customer satisfaction dept! Lack of proper lube during production is un-acceptable! Ride Easy, Renne
  18. I see a lot of references to "Seafoam" on the site and am curious as to use. What advantages as an additive/stabilizer and how often, each fill-up or just periodic/storage? Renne
  19. I got my $250 check the other day,,,Think I'll start my own non-profit, donate the $250 to it then claim it as a charitable donation on my return next year. Hummmmmm,,,maybe I should run for office!
  20. Renne

    Diff click?

    Thanks all...I'm making a beeline for the dealer! Appreciate the input. Ride Easy, Renne
  21. Help ! , Just 978 miles on my new RSV and I'm hearing a distinctive "click' "click" "click" noise as I coast to a stop! I called my dealer's service dept. and was told to check a shim in the rear brake caliper that may be the "culprit" ( ? ) ...I dunno but it sure sounds like something in the Diff ( ? ). Anyone else had that issue ? I know I need to "visit" my dealer but I'm a bit worried that there is something amiss and don't need to experience a rear wheel lock-up at cruise + on the way there ! Renne
  22. I am having such a chuckle! Seems every few "daze",,,someone will ask, "What Oil"? . I can't think of any subject other than music appreciation that draws so much attention. OIL, OIL, OIL,......way too subjective,,,,,But FUN! Renne Schaeffer Oil REP.
  23. Deac, I visited my local HD shop, told them I was doing a project and needed a set of muffs. Most HD buyers change out right away. Like most dealers,this one had a large stockpile of OEM mint muffs, I scored a set of FLT's (mint) for $10.00! Went home, made some brackets from the plans here on the site. I have one sweet sounding RSV! I stored my stock ones just in case....I was a "NO BRAINER",,,, Enjoy!
  24. Amen and Amen !!!!! Ron Gensler, U.S.A.F. Ret. 1962-1982
  25. Time to quit, but,,,being USAF retired and knowing this, if what I use is good enough for the tail rotor gearbox on UH1N's for us and the Army, it's good enough for my scooter! HA! This was fun , we all have our fav's,,,besides, Grandpa used it didn't he? Renne
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