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Everything posted by Renne

  1. Like most, I don't have pix but I removed mine (2008) about two weeks ago after much though and I like it. Seems to have a cleaner look. I always thought they kinda looked like an afterthought. Used the fishing line technique etc etc... Renne PGR USAF Ret.
  2. So far just HD muffs and 1 1/4" risers I made from a stock Road Star set. I think I want to lower my front end and get Flanders bars and of course tires next spring. Since mine is an "08" carryover (bought in April), I'll hold on anything else that might effect my warranty. No I didn't mess w/ the AIS, seems like a waste of time right now. Sure would like to get some Vmax cams if they'll work etc. etc. but,,,,,,,maybe later,,,much later. OH YA! I got a MP3 player! Like that! Renne
  3. Renne


    Everything you say seems "normal". For those who listen to "country" music, it's meant to be played at slow speed, it makes it easier to understand the words. Conversely for us, good "rock" music is meant to be played at normal listening speed. I suggest you run in 3rd or 4th gear, get the rev's up there, your motor will sync with the music, you just have to find the "groove". Everything will come together the faster you go,,,kinda like "warp speed" Renne
  4. It's a pleasure to acknowledge and accept your apology. I wasn't offended. You must have some fine character to "pony up" like that! Respects, Renne
  5. WOW, just had a rush! "safely behind a keyboard spewing venom"! Just like "road rage", safe in the car feeling invincible (doors likely locked). Had a young man "fly by me", gave me the finger because I was only doing 65 in a 65. We met at the gas station, I'm 6'2" 245lb, he became quite humble after we talked about a bit about respect/disrespect. He was just plain angry, likely needed a job or something. Renne
  6. Thanks Freebird, I've been up since 0500,,,saw the posts you canned and agree with you. I have a cousin in Montana, his ONLY 'e' mails to me are political fwds, most very disrespectful. Verbal bashing the political system is futile, if you really want to make a difference, be silent,,,,, VOTE! I like this "motorcycle rider/tech assist site", and yes some friendly jabbing/teasing is FUN, even healthy! It makes us laugh and that's a good thing but it seems political/religious exchanges always seem to end in grenade tossing,,,,,this is not the place for that. Let's keep it fun friendly and helpful with some good natured humor. Yes Red, some do need a few extra layers of skin! Renne
  7. I know the feeling! After 52 yrs of "survival" riding, I know I've made it this far by the knowledge that "all cagers" are out to kill me. I anticipate every intersection is marked by one just waiting to pull a stupid. I know there will always be one ready to t-bone me even in the middle of an abandoned corn patch road. I know the tailgater is a chick on a cell doing her lipstick and a deer will no doubt be patiently waiting till I get "right there" to pop out of the ditch. I pass semi's "fast" as I know a tire is about to disintegrate. Yep, we have a "right" but it's really a "privilege" and with privilege comes responsibility. I know it sounds like a lot of paranoia but for me it's just become "natural", I take "nothing" for granted when I'm out there with the mentally inept. Renne
  8. Bubber, there's a place over here that does laser imprinting,,they do nice work,,would be different...could just download the pix and have them copy it on your stock cover. Renne
  9. "My" firm of "Keckem & DeGroin" recommended I call DOT, have them send out a survey team to determine actual scene location and culpability. The survey centered from the "brown spot" you left, the quadrants show you actually tipped over on Mn State property ie; the easement. They also said you tipped over "after" leaving my property, that you could have repeated the same action at any left turn point between my location and P.I.P. therefor, your fault. Leaving the scene w/o filing an "oops" report/ defacing Mn State property ie; P.I.P (pooping in public), cruelty to animals (scaring my goats ?) all carry heavy fines. My homeowners insurance agent of "Rippem & Goode" informed me my offer to "split" with you was a generous gesture and that I should be commended. "Keckem & DeGroin" ask for pictures/witnesses, I erased the security tapes just for you,,,,,,,," YOU PONY UP" ! The beer is "COLD" ! Renne
  10. "OH YA,, Sure" and the next thing will be I'll have everyone in the region,,,,maybe central U.S.A.,,,,maybe even Nat'l rolling in here,,,"tipping over" expecting me to punch the "donate" button with an idea that Don will deduct $5 from their annual dues! I can see the petition now! "We the undersigned do hereby petition our fearless leader to credit a $5 'tip over' donation from Renne towards our annual $12 dues. Send this petition to 10 of your friends in addition to one back to the sender in good faith. We will assemble by first letter, last name starting with "A"'s and converge on Renne's driveway each 2nd Sat. of the month for a "tip over" rally (bring your own refresments). Should you break this, your bike will "backfire" AIS system disabled or not, all darksiders will discover they have been sold re-treads. No matter what oil you use, it will look dirty at 999 miles and your mufflers will all sound the same". In addition, all GARMINS will only show Renne's location! Can you imagine the traffic jam at my driveway? NOPE, I did not "TELL" Bubber to stop here,, tipping over was an option, he was just looking for an excuse to be "center of attraction" at P.I.P. and that in itself should cost him $5 ! (I'm moving!) RENNE
  11. Bubber,,,,my new friend, (?) When was the last time you did anything someone "TOLD" you to do? In that, I'll hold to my offer of 1/2 trade, COLD "Brewski" ..let's let the members decide, especially the ones that "KNOW" you! (your lovely ballerina wife included) BTW, training wheel protos are in the process... RENNE
  12. Sometimes I use a drain pan when I remember................CRS! Renne
  13. I see Black Owl and a few others are running late to P.I.P. Assuming no one else will be stopping to chat on the way, I feel safe staying home to finish some art work today and tomorrow however, reflecting on Bubber's mishap by "invitation", which I can't afford, I have decided to be away (CLOSED) Monday should anyone else decide to stop by and tip over, I couldn't stand the guilt. (Bubber, I'll split the $5 drop fee (donation) by buying ya a beer or put it towards fab'g those training wheels you ask me about) RENNE
  14. It is with deep respect that I tattle tail. I assume "some" responsibility for an incident. I invited Bubber to stop by my place this morning on the way to P.I.P just to wish him and his lovely wife safe travel mercies. After some playful jabbing at me about not going to P.I.P. and me tap dancing around the issue, I bid them farewell. Steve rolled to the end of my driveway, started to make a left on the hwy, stalled and in S---L---O---W...motion "gently" laid his RSV on it's left side as his lovely rider made and extraordinary ballet exit from the rear. Being only 4ft 11 7/8 and possibly 90lb wet she landed flatfooted, hands on hips staring at an impossible mountain of metal needing to be lifted off Steve. I, standing 30 yards up my driveway immediately went into "dash", this is not easy for senior citizen! By the time I reached the "pile" I'm outta gas, but, second wind and an extraordinary effort by a pint sized woman, we righted the bike, "rescued" a trapped Steve, made sure his foot was still attached and that his feelings were not too wounded.....A bit embarrassed he's fine. I respectfully told him I felt it was my duty to post. I guess if I had not invited him to stop by, he might not have fallen over..............ya'all be nice to him now:parrots: RENNE
  15. And this "Global Warming" thing, something I have to worry about? Don't think so. RENNE
  16. heeeeheeeeeheeeeeheeeee!!!!!,,,,It's slowly creep'in south me rid'in freaks,,,,heeee heeee heeee,,,,beware ! prepare! ,, the geese are nervous, coyote's calling. The dew is crisp,,,got yellow leaves on two elms in the back 20,,,,,hahahaha,,,,it's comm'in,,,it's creep'in,, slowly creep'in, it's,,,it's ,,,it's,,,,,,,,,,,,FALL! arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Renne
  17. Renne

    RSV forsale

    Bought mine off the showroom floor ("S" model) for $13,900...in April:cool10: Renne
  18. Renne

    Ho Hum....

    Dunno yet, I have guest here from Toledo till (?) but Lord willing and da creeks don't rise,,,maybe,,we'll talk,,,ya gotta go right by my place to P&P,,,,,(well almost by my place)! Ya could hijack me! Renne Princeton
  19. Renne

    Ho Hum....

    I just noticed the sun has once again slipped between the south corridor of trees on the property shooting a narrow path of sunlight across the prairie grass, a sure sigh of coming color changes. The apples are ripening, although few, I guess I'll leave them for the deer. I'm not ready for the fuel oil bill although it appears we'll pay less this year ($4.20gal last Jan). Time to change oil in the car and truck, tune up the plow, move all the "yard art" out of the way. Maybe spend the rest of the fall doing "color rides" on the bike. Make some thick hardy soup.......and CHILI ! Maybe sign up for NETFLEX, enjoy the new 55in flatscreen/surround sound w/ lotsa popcorn. Wait for the sun to slide back to a more acceptable arc above the peak of the house.... OH WHY OH WHY DO I LIVE IN MINNESOTA ?,,,,,,,,maybe it's the air....... Renne
  20. What a great thread! Oh the memories! Mine, a Harley 165 in 1957. A Christmas present, bright red, risers and trip speedo from a "74", a "Puckett" two plug head using the "74" coil, front fender lifted up under the lower triple tree for clearance. A great present from a "stepdad" who was the sales mgr for the Harley Shop in Toledo for 23 years. We actually lived in an upstairs apt above the shop then located at 1809 Adams St. Shortly after Dad (JOE Perkins) bought the British shop 3 blocks down,,,,,Joe's Cycle Sales came into being and my little 165 was sold off to better our "image", yes, but my next "steed" was a barky little 200cc Triumph Cub (very cool), rode that a year or so and managed to get a "Woodsman",,,,Time came now (16yr old) for something bigger, No sense in investing when we had a wonderful stable, I just road what was in the shop, A BSA Gold Star, a Square 4, some Lightnings and a Spitfire a few T120's but then Dad got the first Honda/ Yamaha franchise for N.W. Ohio,,,,,,oh my!,,,,a YDS1 Holy moly! A 250 2 stroke 5 speed screamer,,,to say nothing of the little Honda 125 Road Sport,,,,FUN,,,in between were some fun rides for me, we had Ducatti/Pirelli , Norton, Royal Enfields, Ariel, BSA and Triumph.... Just think how blessed I was. We were a riding family, dad promoting all over the place, mom giving up her "K" model and her "74" to ride a Triumph 21, all metal flake pink complete with white leathers to take Top Trophy Winner in the Motor Maids,,,,well,,,, Then off to the U.S.A.F and a bunch more...Dad went to Lockport N.Y. hooked up with Walter Kohl in 1963, did Honda forever,,,,what a trip........Life has been REAL GOOD! I've had my share and more, some British, a few HD's my Road Star and now my "NEW" RSV,,,love it.......("I still wanna ride an MV") RENNE
  21. AGAIN, may I suggest, http://www.schaefferoil.com, the oldest oil co. in the U.S., check out #705 20/50 vs. #700 15/40. It has a higher phosphorus/zink/calcium content than the typical "diesel" 15/40 therefor more protection!. Check out the tech data available on the site. As far as cat's and zink, one need not to be too concerned unless your engine is burning oil. I switched to Schaeffer over 5 years ago not only for my scoot but my street rods and personal vehicles, (lawn mower/weed whip/generator/ yada yada yada! If one of the more well known trucking co's (56 ovtr rigs) gets over 60k between oil changes, it's good enough for ME! RENNE
  22. Just another "quip", spokes are real "purdy" all shined up,yep, BUT, as for spoke vs. mags for overall performance, especially for the road, MAGs are the way to go. Should one "up" horsepower, ie more torque, watch for the rear to "loosen" up! The spokes under increased torque will stretch resulting in very poor handling,,,not so with mags. As RSV's are a bit top heavy, you can imagine the "thrill" of some loose spokes when you least expect it! Just remember, "All that wiggles is NOT Jello"! RENNE
  23. Just a quick thought, go to schaefferoil.com, scroll for a retailer in your area and ask for #705 20/50, you'll find a great oil for your bike, higher in phos/zink and calcium than most 15/40 diesel oils. My trans "whine" is tolerable now. I bought a new rsv this spring and went right to the 20/50 at first oil change. Do some research on the site, i think you'll be impressed. I know i have been for the last 5 years! Renne
  24. HOW HIGH THE MOON? His influence in my life,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm a blues player,,,,,,,,,,,,,in church! Renne
  25. Me thinks better not to slrp as slpr may result 'specially after sark! Renne
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