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Everything posted by Renne

  1. I know AZ sounds good to me right about now as we're expecting snow (6"+)! Gas prices being what they are, especially if your gonna trailer the scoot, ya might want to consider the savings going solo! I'm sure you'll stop along the way,,is tipping an issue in cafe's? Hummmm..........you sound like a generous person,,,what goes around comes around ya know.......It was right to tip the kid,,,there's not much work out there for the young! Renne
  2. Boo, Your right! Man did you wake up "OLD" memories,,,ha! One of the first CB'rs in my home town,,,get this for a "call sign" 19QA0293 (1960)......Yes,,whips w/ spring were 102" and critical to maintain "0" SWR.....as far as FM...REALLY!!! not that big of a deal! Just estimate the length using your existing "stainless" "fishing pole" antenna on the bike and cut a piece of #10 copper...etc etc....come on,,,,not that "brainy"! Renne
  3. Somewhere in my building I just "might" have a pair of old 8ft CB whips from the 60's iff'in ya like em real tall! Renne
  4. Hey Owen,,,,"right" on,,, When I said about 3ft,,I didn't think there were too many tech's out there that would understand 1/4 wave freq. formulas....NICE! Annaways,,,,works just fine and like I said,,NO "GOOFY" antennas . Renne
  5. My mind (?) told me my RSV looked like a salmon fishing outrigger with those unsightly antennas whipping in the wind! I don't use my CB so that was a no brainer,,,just take the antenna off,,,that I did,,,I'm just getting used to a radio/mp3 so the radio feature was something I wanted to use but,,"NO" antenna,,,,I removed the antenna, re-routed the cable up thru the drain plug in the trunk. I then took about 3ft of #10 copper wire, connected it to the cable, curled it around the inside bottom of the trunk, secured it with "hot glue", replaced the foam rubber and voi'la , I have radio...if one wanted CB sans the antenna for 'GROUP" riding, you could do the same thing as long as you use the loading coil. I would use #10 copper wire again "with" the loading coil and attach it to the underside of the lid of the trunk.....my bike now looks "normal" (for whatever that means). Sorry,,, I just hate those dang antennas..... Renne
  6. Most "all" whining will stop when you run loud pipes, actually, smiles will appear in your windshield and no matter what polish you use it's impossible to erase them. I know my "2nd up" stopped all whining also, at least I don't hear her anyway! Renne
  7. Thanksgiving day is not the only a day to be thankful, as "every" day should be living in this great country but tomorrow, collectively, we as a people come together with one voice, thankful for all our blessings, good health, cherished loved ones, safe lifestyles and more. May tomorrow's many unified voices in prayer at our tables be received by our maker as we humble ourselves and reflect truly what we have been blessed with. Happy Thanksgiving to all in the VRO family, Renne
  8. Thank GOD there's ummm,,,another person out there that umm, ahhh, knows how to umm get to the point! When I'm umm, working in my shop/studio on my umm bike, thinking up steller mods, I umm search my brain for ways to cope,, umm,,,,now I forgot what I was umm,,,,dang! Renne
  9. It might not be of interest to most but, as I stated earlier in another thread, I have never used a CB and don't intend to. As a matter of fact, I rarely am interested to listening to the radio/tape. I LOVE to ride, in the wind, listen to the pipes and be free from the daily noise. As I stood back from my RSV last week, it dawned on me that I needed to refine the look of my bike more. I have already lowered my windshield 3 1/2 inches, dropped my driving lights, installed FLT mufflers, removed those hideous whiskers from my fairing and put them on the tops of my bags. I've removed my lower wind guards and painted the clears on the lower fairing and replaced the clear turn signal lenses with ambers then I stood back and chuckled at the two antennas and was immediately amused at a vision of a salmon boat outrigger configuration, not my idea of a cool ride! Well, since I have an aversion to CB's,,,off came that antenna. My creative kicked in and being a former Air Force electronics tech I decided to change the radio antenna to something less obtrusive. I re-routed the antenna cable thru the drain plug in the trunk, modified the connector to attach to a 12ga copper wire of equal length and wrapped it around the inside of my trunk. I spotted it in with hot glue, replaced the foam bottom. Radio if I choose sans outriggers and NO CB! I then found 1/4in wide peel and stick chrome at my local auto parts store and began to "trim" my bike. For about $18 bucks, I got enough to trim the lids on my bags, go all around my fairing and leg guards plus two strips down along the black strip on the tank and a little extra for here and there....As for the antennas,,,,,, Renne
  10. "I'm a man but I can change". "If I have to". (Red Green) Renne
  11. Maybe one more shot here in central Mn,,,,I hope!....something to be said about "Global Warming":smile5: Renne
  12. Without going into deep dark waters here, all can say is, current Govt. regulated health care reform proposals are not the answer. The answer is to regulate health care costs, that means the medical industry, the drug companies and the insurance industry need to be under strict control. If current proposals are passed, health care costs will rise as all three industries will have a whole new market to rape. My 2cents Renne
  13. Thank you neighbor! We fight the "good" fight, may we continue to do so! Renne U.S.A.F. ret.
  14. "Thank You" all my brothers and sisters in uniform serving and served and those of you who support/supported. May we continue to "protect" and "defend" our Constitution as trying times emerge. We still have a "Voice", please stay informed/involved and "VOTE"! Renne U.S.A.F ret. 1962/1982
  15. Renne

    How long

    Started riding a Harley 125 Hummer in 1950, I was 7yrs old. My first bike at age 14 was in 1957, a modified Harley 165. It had risers and a trip speedo from a 74 and a Pucket two plug head with a coil also from the 74. It had a "p" pad and the front fender was raised up under the lower triple tree for mud running. It was RED! I was in heaven! Dad was in the Harley biz (Toledo) till "59" and we went British/Honda, I had to sell my beloved 165 but, ya hoo...a Triumph 200cc Cub. From then till now I lost count but some fond memories include a BSA Gold Star, Tri.Tiger, an Ariel Square 4, a Pirelli, Various Honda's and Harley's, a Road Star and my RSV which for the last 3 days here in central Mn I've had a chance to ride before the dreaded S**W Renne
  16. Thank you Al Gore for your insight, There's much to be said about global warming, I think I speak for many M/C folks in Minnesota! ( I'm no sled person) Renne
  17. It would seem reasonable to inform law enforcement on this issue. I live on a state hwy in Mn. I have been instructed by the hwy dept. that I cannot plow out my driveway across the hwy as I may leave some snow on the hwy that may result in an accident and if so, I can be held liable. I have been told to remove driveway reflective markers (red) as they may be thought to be tail lights,,,it's ok to put up blue ones. At any rate, yes, it seems the property owner could be at fault should any of you had gone down. It is a case of littering and the owner needs to be informed. Oh yes, we cannot put up garage sale signs either, a driver "may" pause to read it and drive off the road,,,,again my fault which leads me to believe that if your not supposed to read signs (garage sale etc etc) then that explains why in a 55mph speed zone everyone does whatever speed seems reasonable to them...and on and on and on,,,,Report the sucker...(I really hate the dude mowing his ditch with the mower going in the direction that throws all the grass/weeds/dog doo/rocks/stones/thistle/pop bottles/glass/diapers......... Renne
  18. Hey Ken, Same here in central Mn.! Rode about 175 miles till I had to get back for a dinner party,,,I know how you feel about not having a ride! Wish the best for you,,,,,,by the way,,,I grew up on Nettles Lake near Pioneer,,,,late 40's to early 60's,,,,loved the climate! Renne
  19. Renne

    Ft. Hood

    I grieve, this is a travesty,,,...! I've google'd the perp. I won't go there on this site but may I say please do the same and draw your own conclusion. Lift our military folks up!, please pray! I'm so sick! Renne U.S.A.F. ret.
  20. Hey Bill, Congrats, be strong! I went cold turkey on April Fools day 1989, (stopped being a fool) have not touched one of those nasty things since, can't even be in the same room with those that do! It'll take about 6 months or more for your lungs to get clear but lemme tell ya, it's WORTH IT! (watch your weight, food gets real tasty)! Renne (a non-smoking advocate)
  21. I met and hung out with BUBBER three times,,,that was worth the $12 bucks,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(maybe) NO,,really, I've learned a lot about my RSV and things to do to it to personalize w/o the "HELP" of my dealer. I think a constant suggestion to become a supporting member is in the back of everyone's mind and a "tally" number just might be a subliminal reminder to "tell your friends" to join and watch the number grow. Heck, maybe a referal membership contest might be fun this winter! Betch'a we could get lotsa support from after mkt donations,,betch'a Renne
  22. My 2001 Roadstar coverage "WAS" with Progressive for $228 yr. When I bought my 2008 RSV, they quoted me $460 ! I flipped to say the least. Since I am an AARP member, I called, they signed me with Foremost, full coverage w/ $250 deductable for $248 yr. I guess I'm saying, "IF" your AARP qualified, I suggest you call them. I won't go into all the rants and raves but motorcyclists sure are targets, you might as well put a patch on your back that say's " SCR#@ ME, I'M RICH" (?),,, especially in Canada! Oh ya, I wonder why we pay the same premiums in Mn as Texas but only get to ride 1/2 the year? (unless like me and try to get my $'s worth and do stupid any day the temp gets above 40 !) Renne
  23. mucho correcto...my "08" came standard equiped w/ CB,,,of which I have "NO" use for! It's never been turned on and never will be,,,,anybody have a use for it,,lemmeno..I'll sell or trade it for something useful.. Renne
  24. Just my 2 cents worth, today's oils are far removed from the days of STP especially industrial quality oils like BelRay, DuBois, Whitmore and my fav. Schaeffer. They are formulated to provide the best protection for todays needs. There is NO reason to expect any added protection with an additive. An additional concern is that by using an additive, one would compromise the oils formula and could actually cause more harm than good. Since you are choosing an industrial quality oil, BelRay, use it and it alone. Feel free to contact tech support of your choice, speak to the lab tech and ask them about additives. Renne 5yr. rep. for Schaeffer
  25. Bubber, want some cheese with that "wine"? I'm east of you and got it first! Don't hear me snivel'in... Put on your knobbies ya big sissy, i'll meet ya @ culvers for a butter burger...i can still make it outta my "goat path" ! Renne
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