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Everything posted by Renne

  1. Renne


    Didja see the copy cat "WHERE" thread? "WHERE"? Renne
  2. Renne

    Where ?

    Please check the "MOTHER" thread "WHY"? I don't think we're ready yet for a first born! ARE WE? "WHY"? (can you imagine all the threads going "WHY"?,,,,"RK exhaust" WHY? ,,,,"what oil" "WHY"?,,,lowering kits "WHY"? "how to lower my windshield" ,,,"WHY"?) And then here we go,,,,,,,,,,,"WHEN"? Renne
  3. Renne


    I'm lost, I've gone to look for myself, If I should return before I get back, "PLEASE" tell me to wait! Our server "down" over 40hr! I missed much! oh "WHY"? (naaaa I checked I'm still as lost as the rest of you) Renne,,,,,(surviving 20 below this morning)
  4. Renne


    Think it was yestaday! Can't r'member if I'm here 'er not home, I think,,,,'er maybe I'm not and am ! CRS is sett'in in and I dunno "WHY",, I waz ok till I put the RSV away now I, I ,I, "YIKES" I just looked in the mirror....yep.....I'm here ! iss me w/ dat little red spot on me forehead! Renne
  5. Renne


    Oh I'm home Annie, maybe in the dark but loaded and locked or,,,,,maybe locked and "loaded"! Dunno,,,,,,,,,, "WHY" ? Renne
  6. In addition to our RSV, We also have a "50" Ford fullblown custom convert. Chopped/sectioned/lowered/molded/louvered etc etc.....The RSV is all bundled up for the winter but, being a restless one, I had some "under the car" issues I wanted to address before spring. ! I wanted to re-route the floor shift cable as it seemed to bind a bit.The car is LOW, really LOW. I jacked the car up just enough. I let my neighbor borrow my "creeper" (don't remember when) so, I had to wiggle my way under. Ok, trouble light in place, all the tools I "think" I'll need and under I go. As I suspected, the shift cable needed to be moved to the outside of a support bracket. Now, I've got about 5 or 6 inches between my head and the frame, as I reached up to loosen the bracket for the re-route, lifting my head off the floor about 3in, a small piece of dirt/something became dislodged. As normal, (?) it was right in line with my cheek just below my right lower eyelid. My head was now somewhere between that 5 and 6 inches from the frame as I had my head off the floor about 3. As the little foreign piece of whatever hit my face, I involuntarily jerked back causing my head to smack the concrete floor. Of course the immediate reaction was to snap back causing my forehead to smack the frame which caused a reaction to jerk back as I once again hit the floor and returned to the frame for one more self destructing thump before I could stabilize. I lay there for a moment amused with a vision of my head as a "ping pong" ball under there. I managed to squirm out from under a bit perplxed, actually a bit dazed. I have a small red scraped spot on my forehead not unlike that little red dot on an Indian Believer. I'm thinking of a "lift" and I want my creeper back "JEFF"! Renne
  7. Renne


    YEP! "WHAT's" left, always, That way you can get back to where you started from. "Yur left,yur left,yur left, yur left,,,,,,see right back where ya started from! Renne
  8. Renne


    I like "HOW'S COME", it's much easier to deal with than "HOW's WHY", "HOW's THAT/THIS" or "WHY FOR"? Like, "Why for you said that, how come"? (POGO) I'd have to spend too much time with "Do you want me to answer the "WHY FOR" or the "HOW COME" and if so "WHEN"? I don't have that much time. "HOW'S COME" may also activate inactive others to participate (egad!) since it appears plural and challenges the "more inept" (an oxymoron) ( again, I sometimes crack myself up!) My little light is flickering! "HOW'S COME"? Renne
  9. Renne


    Be patient Dan, fear not! this is just a moment of clarity, it will soon pass. Kinda like a sweeping spel rite bug virus ur somp'thin blow'in inn frm "WHO" know's "WHERE", "WHY" er "HOW COME"? or plural "HOW'S COME"?. HUMMMM jes maybe this is an indiketer of a trasational modifyr of "WHY" to "HOW" er "HOW's COME" insted of "WHY" "WHICH" I "DUNNO"! "YET" soon "MAYBE"? or "NOT"? Renne (Bubber,,,that was sing'in?
  10. Renne


    There was no where left to hide Margaret ! I guess it's true Annie I'm a French fry short of a happy meal! One thing I have learned though,,,,the three words that make a marriage successful,,, Ready? "Your right "dear"! (goes both ways too)! AAAAANNNNNDDDDD! Bubber needs to go to that 12 step program for compulsive talkers,,,,,,,ON'N'ON ! Read his posts,,,,you'll know "WHY">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Renne
  11. Renne


    REF: See above. Women should never have to answer "WHY", we "KNOW" it's too confusing. We will always let women tell us "WHEN" because you need some assurance you're in control as well as "WHERE" Actually we already know "WHERE", it's just a ploy to see if you can choose between "HERE" or "THERE", either place is just fine with us, "NOW" is "WHAT's" important. Oh, we really do know "HOW" it's just that "Here" or "THERE" must be decided before how "MUCH" or "MORE". That's "WHEN" we say "WHAT"?,,,,,,,,,"WHY"? Her last restaurant choice proved this! Renne
  12. I replaced my stock muffs with HD/FLT's, The "WHINE" disappeared,,,or I just can't hear her anymore...............OH OH!!!!! She saw this! YIKES! (it's gonna be a L-O-N-G winter) Renne
  13. Renne


    I like fruitcake, fruitcake I like, I really like fruitcake While riding my bike. I like fruitcake For snacks, Even dinner! I even save crumbs To make time go by quicker. I really like Fruitcakes, Fruitcakes I like; They seem to smiling While riding their bikes; I've seen them fruit here' I've seen them fruit there; Fruitcake and Fruitcakes Most everywhere. I once saw a Fruitcake Burst on the scene, Ordered a fruitcake blizzard At my Dairy Queen; Fruitcake Fruitcakes, When gathered together, Make life much richer, Make life An..................................... (here ya go!) (ad) "VENTURE" I really like fruitcake, Fruitcake I like Fruitcakes and fruitcake While riding my bike. And.........I know..........."WHY" (don't you?) Renne
  14. Renne


    I know!!!!!! WHAT? did you get for presents and,,,,,,,,,,, WHY Renne:snow2:
  15. Renne


    [size="5" Good Lord! WHY? am I setting here doing this? I haven't even opened presents yet! I'm a "sick" man!!!! Must be ADD! Renne[/size]
  16. Renne


  17. 1 Plablano chili diced; 2 Hungarian yellow peppers diced 1 Jalapeno cleaned and diced Canned Navy/ Canelli beans In a large pan add 1/2 cup chicken stock and the diced chili/peppers, cover and steam till just tender. (do not boil) In a food processor, place 2 cups Navy or Canelli beans along with 2 tbls of the steamed chili/peppers and process till smooth. ( makes for thicker chili ) Return the processed beans and chilis to the pan and add: 4 cups chicken stock (more or less) 1 med. chopped onion (") 1/2 tbls granulated garlic 1 tbls chili powder 1 tps ground cummin (") 2 tbls fine chopped fresh cilantro Add whole Navy/Canelli beans as you prefer, the thicker the better. Add as much skinned rotissire chicken as you like. I like to strip it rather than chop or dice, I like the stringy texture better. Simmer and adjust spices per taste. Serve topped with a little chopped Cilantro, maybe a dollop of sour cream and ENJOY! Renne
  18. Renne


    Why? For What? Which reason, cause or purpose? What unnamed goal? In abstract, Why? is the process of adapting to the business of existing. It's the searching for something clearly unreachable, with hopes of finding small significance along the way. It's the attempt to understand what's really going on by observing, neither by telescope or microscope, but the naked eye, the intimate details in the most mundane of life's happenings. It's the need to describe the gist of the feeling of the tiniest modicum of the Great Universal Unutterable Joke we are all always not laughing at- excect when we are. Why? is the living out of the setup of that old gag over and over, until we finally reach a punch-line. Or we die and we don't. What? Renne:snow2:
  19. Renne


    Jes' so's we could have ya back Margaret! I just don't know "WHY" ! (glad yur home safe) Renne U.S.A.F. ret
  20. I live in Mn. and it seems like not only cell phones are worrisome but tailgating. How many of you, without starting a man/woman thing, notice that if your being tailgated, odds are it's a woman? We have a lot of deer here and on many occasion I've had to make a hard desicion, hit the deer and risk front and rear damage or, hit the brakes and risk just the rear collsion or, make for the shoulder and trust she doesn't follow me. If it's a blonde on a cellphone I know I have NO CHANCE!!!! (not really but you get my drift) Renne....
  21. I take a coffee / bathroom break every 90 minutes! Renne
  22. Renne


    "I go to work to buy a car, I buy a car to go to work, I go to work to buy a car, I buy a car to go to work" Renne
  23. Renne


    I have nothing left to "FIX"...."WHY"? because I've fixed everything to the point I now need to bust things just so's I got something to fix.....Even think'in of take'in in things to fix from friends, maybe new things to bust up,,,then fix..."WHY"? cuz my scoot is under wraps and it's "SNOWING"! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Renne
  24. Renne


    Mini ! For goodness sake, "WHY" are you in N.Y. "waiting" for the snow? Have you not seen snow before? If not "WHY"? Are you inside or outside watching for it's appearance? If outside, "WHY"? If you have not seen snow before maybe that's "WHY" you don't see it hitting the ground! If it's dark you won't see it, you won't hear it as it makes no noise when it "HITS" the ground either. It's very sneeky, very quiet, it creeps in and if it does it at night, you'll wake and not know where you are cause it's covered up all landmarks and you'll be lost.. I hope your inside! I know these things, I live in Minnesota, got here in "82" and been lost here since! Renne
  25. I think your on track with the trunk mod. As a metal artist I know this can be accomplished. As far as the antenna concerns, I removed mine and still have operational CB and radio. I re-routed the antenna cables thru the lower drain plug in the trunk. I cut a piece of #10 copper wire about 2ft long attached it to the radio cable and hot glued to the bottom of the trunk then replaced the foam pad. It works just fine. As for the CB, you "MUST" use a loading coil same as the stock antenna. You can simply copy the length dimensions from the stock one do the same thing with #10 copper wire and mount it under the trunk lid. Your reception will be effected some but for group riding it will serve you well. Renne
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