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About DonWood

  • Birthday 09/28/1940

Personal Information

  • Name
    Don Wood


  • Location
    Chambersburg, United States


  • City


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Pen Turning, Music, Riding
  • Bike Year and Model
    2009 Venture S
  1. Yep, my wife Evelyn and I are members of the Chambersburg, PA chapter. Just joined about one month ago. Great organization. Don Wood
  2. Hi Everyone - Well my wife and I had the same problem with feeling top heavy. So we added a voyager kit and just love it. It is so nice not to have to worry about gravel, grass, is the road sloped here where I need to put my foot, etc. It is hard to steer, you just have to put some muscle in it. All in all we are well pleased. Don and Ev
  3. Hi All - Well I guess I will have to admit how old I am and say The Shadow Don Wood
  4. Hi All: I will try to get some pictures on before long. As to the steering question - Yes it is hard to steer but you get used to it. There is no steering assist that comes with the kit. It is rough riding on a rough road but very smooth on a nice highway. But, having the ability to not worry at stops, about grass, about gravel, etc makes up for the rough ride at times. Take care all, I will try to keep you informed as to how things are doing with the voyager.
  5. Hi Everyone - Sorry about the previous thread, I hit the wrong key. Well I got the voyager installed yesterday and am very pleased. My wife and I feel much more comfortable. Claude with Gladfellers York County Trikes got it for me and installed it. He was a great guy to work with. So, if anyone in the area of York, PA needs a voyager or a trike, or trailer, I would recommend Claude. Great guy! Well, I better quit typing so I can go riding. We love it!!
  6. Hi Everyone:
  7. Hi everyone: Well, I have decided to take the plunge and get a Voyager for my Venture. There is a fellow in York, PA that orders them and installs them so i can do a quick turn around. He had a very reasonable install price and he has done lots of them so I felt comfortable having him do it. As soon as he gets my deposit check (which I sent Monday morning), he will order the Voyager and once he gets it I can take the bike over to him in the morning, around 8:30am and he will have it ready for me by 5:00pm that evening. I am looking forward to getting this on, as the Venture with my wife and I both on it is a little heavy for me and I don't feel that comfortable. By myself I am ok, but when I add my wife on it is just too heavy for me. Oh well, I guess that happens when you get older but still want to keep riding. Take care everyone. Don
  8. Hi Dave - Since you have installed voyagers I will take you up on your offer of answering questions. I tried to give you a call this afternoon but no answer. I will try you again later. I just don't know whether to get one or not and need to get folks thought on them. Thanks for the help, will be in touch. Don
  9. I just got the Baron Nasty Boys put on my 20009 Venture and love them.
  10. Wow, no bites within 200 miles of Chambersburg, PA - How about 300 miles Don
  11. Hi Craig: Thanks for the invite, we will have to get together sometime and meet about half way inbetween. I see from your profile that you are in Reading. Do you work, or are you retired so that weekdays would be ok for you? Take care. Don
  12. Hi All - I am considering putting a Voyager Kit on my 2009 Yahama Venture but would sure like to see one before I do that. Is there anyone within a 200 mile radius of Chambersburg, PA that would be willing to let me come and visit to see their voyager kit? I sure would appreciate it. Thanks much. Don Wood
  13. Hi Bob - Yep, the left saddlebag is the one part on mine that is on back order. They told me probably a couple of months, so that sounds just like mine. They one on mine was ok to leave on until the new one is ready so I got the bike and will take it back when the saddlebag arrives. Take care. Don
  14. I was going to ride some more on my way home from the dealer this afternoon, but just got to the garage, went to the mailbox to get the mail, walked back in the garage and the sky opened up with a downpour. Looks like they are forcasting rain for the next week here.
  15. Hi All: I had posted way back around June 11th or so that I had been rear ended on my brand new bike, only had 462 miles on it. A young fellow hit me at a traffifc light. He did close to 7k in damages. Praise the Lord, I was not hurt at all, and that my wife was not on the back. Well, I am excited, I got it back from the repair shop today. The only thing that still needs fixed is the left saddlebag which is on back order (will probably be about 2 months) Sure felt funny riding this again. The only bike I have ridden for the last 6 weeks is the small 250 that we used during the Motorcycle Safety Foundation course which I just completed last week. So glad to have it back, but now I have to get used to riding it all over again. I only had a few hours on it when I was hit. The first thing I am ordering now is some new BRIGHt stop lights. I know the young fellow saw me because I flashed the brake lights and saw him slowing down. I though he had stopped and then in about 4-5 seconds he hit me. But I want to put a brighter brake light on as I feel that one that comes with the Venture is not near large or bright enough. Oh yeah one good thing did come out of it. I was able to replace the stock mufflers with the Baron Nasty boys since the mufflers had been damaged. They were actually, even with the tips, less expensive than the stock mufflers. Take care everyone. Don and Ev Wood
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