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Everything posted by LtShame

  1. I read BUT didnt understand it...i got it now i will have to "break" the glass and remove it that way...thanks
  2. Does anyone know if the " silver bucket" inside the headlight assembly comes out ...im installing a "led" headlight from "trucklite"???????????
  3. HID kit arrived..going in for the install...wish me luck..lol
  4. How do you remove the cover for the rear speakers...imm trying to replace them!
  5. Welcome..!!!!!
  6. Can anyone inform me of which " xenon or hid bulb to install in my 03 venture..i dont want to replace the housing ..just the bulb on my headlight and passing lamps...thanks.
  7. Stebel is the way to go
  8. Thanks that helped a lot...project finished!
  9. Today i tried to install an after market taillight...i answer a call from my job and forgot what wires went where!!!!!!!!!!!...help!..i have a blue and yellow from the bike ,my aftremarket has 2 green(one has a yellow stripe) and a brown.
  10. I'm leaving on Monday...maybe I can meet up with a group in Toledo
  11. Is the meet in Oberlin,Ohio?
  12. Has anyone made plans to hookup with other VRs for the trip east.I'm coming from Illinois,it would be nice to ride into WNY with company.
  13. Does anyone have an idea of who's riding from the west..past Illinois to the Rally.I figured it would be nice to ride as a small group.
  14. BUY IT...RIDE IT AND DONT GIVE IT A SECOND THOUGHT!!...Pay the 12 bucks for the best advice regarding your bike ownership..anywhere on the planet!...and Welcome:-)
  15. i prefer the whitewalls now!!
  16. i just put the Dunlops on about to break them in
  17. I pulled the fairing the fuse is good...im going to start at the bulbs and work my way back to the fuse box....i did install an inline fuse,under the fairing.The headlights low and high beams,parking lights,turn signals,hazards all work.
  18. So is it possible to blow "both" bulbs on my passing light assembly. I started the bike yesterday ...and no passing lamps( i wired them to stay on day and night)...i know one of you can help me with this.
  19. LtShame


    Thanks...the link was the right one!
  20. LtShame


    Is there a Facebook page for Ventureriders??...It would be easier to communicate with each other.
  21. I just put Dunlop white walls on my 2003 Venture ,they look nice....I'll post pics Tuesday
  22. IM LOOKING FOR SOME USED PIPES FOR MY 03 MIDNIGHT VENTURE...4-2-4s..Vance and Hines..etc?
  23. i figured it out..a fuse. Had to remove the fairing,its done.
  24. Im changing my oil tmmrw morning...Any tips on filters,oil type..etc. I would really appreciate it(my first time on this bike)
  25. Happy 4th...its about 84 degrees here in Chicago.Just put about 100 miles on the bike.I just saw the info for the Rally,gonna try and make it (will be riding alone!!)
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