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Everything posted by rburkeen

  1. They do a lot of motorcycle parts. Brown's Plating Service 1010 Krebs Station Rd Paducah, KY 42003 270-554-1146 http://www.brownsplating.com Rodney
  2. Two got my first one in 2001 A 1999 Royal Star Venture, ( a deer total that one out last year ) So I replaced it with a 2005 Royal Star Venture. You just can't beat PERFECTION. Rodney
  3. I have the Kenda Kruz K673 on the rear of my 05 venture with over 14000 miles and still going, it rides just as good as any tire i've had (E3,Michelin,D404) at Half the price. I'm not going to say that it's a better tire then all the rest, but it's a good tire and I've had no trouble with it. (will more likely replace it with another one.) just my Rodney:big-grin-emoticon:
  4. Would just like to thank Don and Pat for hosting this event and say how great is was to meet everyone. Hope to do it again next year. Thanks Rodney
  5. I will be mailing my spring monday, I'm in no hurry S__t happens. Thanks Rodney
  6. Got mine with my 1999 Royal Star Venture 11/22/2009 Total'ed
  7. I lower mine and will not change it. I do scrape the pipes some of the time but not very often, lowering the bike has help me on stoping and slower movement. Just my 2:2cents:
  8. Were are you getting your Iridium plugs at I got mine at O’Rileys Auto Parts for Six dollars a piece. And yes they do last longer I got 43,000 miles out of the first ones I installed and have 20,000 mile on the second set. Do they run better, not that I can tell but they do a good job. Do I get better gas mileage, no about the same. But (and it may just be in my head) I think it starts better with the Iridium. Just my two cents worth. Rod
  9. Sent my money for my ticket now just waiting for my name to be pulled out of the hat. Hope everyone has a great and (safe) time at the rally (can't make some of us have to work you know). Thanks Rod
  10. Great to here from you I think you'll love the RSV right now I can't think of a better bike hope to do some riding with you, what shift are you working hope to talk soon I'm Starting days 5/16/08 now on 12 hours Home number 354-8014 cell 519-1201 We'll try to hook up sometime and do some riding


  11. 50,000 Miles on iridium plugs I love:bighug: them cotton pickers.
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