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Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Oregon Coastline, United States


  • City
    Oregon Coastline


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    motorcycles, motorcycles, motorcycles
  • Bike Year and Model
    (3) '83 Ventures, '92 Venture Royale, '80 SR 250, 2 H-D's, 5 Hondus
  1. I'm now onto my 5th 1st gen Venture, and the best thing I ever did to 'em, was to cut the windshields in HALF!! I too am 6'2", and this windshield height gave me a nice airflow across the top of my helmet. Not too hard...but just enough. It also made it so I could see right over the top of the screen too! (have I mentioned that I hate fairings???) My newest aquisition, an '85 VR, is gonna go under the axe pretty darn quick here too.
  2. Atlm...what didn't you like about the V-Strom?? waz it a DL650, or the DL1000?? I've heard that the 650 is one of the most comfortable, and fun bikes to ride solo that was ever built. I've really been considering one for myself. (gotta finish my latest hot-rod project first, before I aquire any new toys )
  3. The only member of our family that doesn't ride their own bike is my eldest daughter...but she wants to learn.(she's kinda busy raising 3 very young grandkids) Between my son, my middle daughter, & myself, we have 12 bikes in the garages, and in the driveway under cover. My son (the youngest) at 19 just bought his 3rd bike. It's a R-6, and he's an awesome rider. He has a ton of long distance miles already, and now his middle sister recently bought her first bike...(I'm so proud! )
  4. Goo-b-gone should be all you need. you only use the fishing line thing for taking off tank badges and car/truck emblems.
  5. Good one Jrichard!!! but I'd like to add that everyone, and I mean EVERYONE that WORKS for the government should be on the list for random testing! My tax dollars are paying their wages. Shouldn't they too have to prove that they're not using dope???
  6. Oh, I've done this several times myself. Now when I'm considering a turnaround, I'll stop...completely...then I'll look over my options before I do my turn. I've saved flesh & metal due to this method. (learned the hard way)
  7. I had a similar problem with my '92VR...3 days after taking a 2 week trip with the wife on board...(darn glad we were back home first) the Negative battery connection had come lose.......that's all!!! Tightened it up, and not a problem since! So check those battery connections first!
  8. I rode my jockey shift '46 knucklehead all year round in Wisconsin for 3 years before I finally bought a car...and with bald tyres too! (my wife sais that I'm good looking as hell...but I ain't the sharpest pencil in the box)
  9. You weren't dressed like ME were ya???????
  10. I thought about doing this EXACT same thing to my '83's tourbox. But then I bought my '92 VR, and 2 helmets fit into THAT box no problemo! Did they shrink the size of the boxes on the 2nd gen's???? (just 1 more reason to stay away from those things!!!!!)
  11. WOW...that waz too close! I DISPISED that movie!!! I've seen too many people that act and ride like those asses in that movie (dangersous jerks) Their "hey...look at me, I'm riding a Harley...ain't I cool??" attitude makes me sick, and they take themselves way too seriously!!!. Not funny at all in my book...I couldn't possibly stomach another one. Sorry if I sound so serious, but I can't stand posers. (I have a decal on my saddle bag..."It used to be about MOTORCYCLES...now it's a fashion show")
  12. I've run several different exhaust tips on my 83V, and the Bub's I stole from the H-D dumpster looked the best, sounded the best, but sucked the performance outta my engine. (no, I didn't re-jet) I was given a pair of new* Yamaha tips from a different bike, which were silent in comparison, but made a HUGE difference in how my engine ran and pulled.
  13. That, and INXS!!!
  14. I don't understand something here...are you still married to her??? I mean, did she always wanna be right, or did she make you happy???
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