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Everything posted by ScottXD45

  1. My girlfriend loves to ride with me but afterwords it is always a pain for her to get all those tangles out of her wind blown hair. Shes tried bandanas but can't seem to keep them from falling off for some reason. Her hair is short enough that she can't really get it all in a pony tail and she pins the rest down with bobby pins but they seem to fall out too. So my question is, what do you girls wear on your heads when riding? I know the obvious thing would be for her to just wear a helmet but she doesn't like wearing it and I don't blame her. I might try buying her a cute pink one or something. Maybe that will help??
  2. You didn't mention the year and if it was fwd or awd but I looked up a couple different years (2007 and 2002) both were set at the factory and non adjustable. That being said you may be able to find aftermarket camber kits to make the adjustments you need. Some are offset bolts for the struts othe vehicle have a spacer that you cut sections out of according to how much adjustment is needed. Just do a search and see what is offered for your vehicle.
  3. I didn't have to log on facebook to see them. Great pictures!
  4. Well from what I have tested I came to the conclusion that the engine wasn't grounded to the fram very well. I don't know where the bad ground is but I bolted a piece of battery cable from a bolt on the engine to a bolt on the frame and now it is charging like is should all the time. Someday when I get more time I'll move the wire to a move descreet location than I put it in for testing but for right now it's working great. Thanks for the input everyone.
  5. Ok thanks. I bought one off Ebay so I'll let you guys know if it fits. If it doesn't it will be back up for sale. GuthDaddy17 has first dibs. I hope it fits though. I wanted to get the floorboards on there too but they were a little more than I can afford right now.
  6. Will a heal to toe shifter fron a 1987 Venture Royale XVZ1300 work on my 1983 XVZ1200?
  7. Do you have a tank cover?
  8. It was very fun and there were tons of bikes. I would say hundreds for sure maybe over a thousand i have no idea. It was a really cool ride because police blocked off all the side streets and all these bike just went straight through town, through all the red lights. Then at the end of the ride we ended up at a small airport here in town and they let everyone go as fast as they wanted on the runways! I only went 95mph because I had my girlfriend on the back but is was still fun. Plus we both got T-shirts!
  9. My bike used to misfire at roadspeeds and I cleaned out the kill switch and it is much better. It would idle fine but missed in every gear while cruising. Also if I barely touched the switch it would die sometimes and now it doesn't.
  10. Nice pictures. Rachel and I really enjoyed it too. That was a great ride you picked Bummer and thanks for leading us. I hope we can all get together again soon!
  11. Here is a link to the pictures Rachel took. We forgot the camera so these are taken with my phone so sorry if they don't look very good. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=133506&id=593595504&l=157463ed65
  12. I'll only put one picture up because I'm too lazy to upload them all but if you want to check them all out on my facebook album here is the link: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=133505&id=593595504&l=0c66022a3f http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs091.snc1/4938_136471400504_593595504_3390866_2372493_n.jpg
  13. I've never done it but check out this article. It might help some. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1002
  14. My bike has the same kind of problem except on mine it's when I slightly put upward pressure on the shifter pedel with my foot. Im betting I also have a bad ground somewhere. The guage usually read just over 12 volts but when I put pressure on it it jumps up to about 14.
  15. I broke the mounting tab under the gas cap door off so I need a new one. I would really like to find a black one so I don't have to paint it. If you have one let me know. Thanks.
  16. I know this is true with diesel fuel but I think gas is the same year around. I would guess getting better gass milage in cooler weather would have something to do with the air being more dense.
  17. Check out this link. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=489
  18. What is the Yics supposed to do and what do I plug off to get rid of it? Anyone have any good pictures?
  19. I haven't had much time lately to look into this any further but I have noticed my battery cables are in really poor shape and acctually were hot to the touch after riding for a while (high resistance??). Also it is really hard to start sometimes when hot. I've ordered some of the upgraded cables from the classified section and I'm hoping maybe they will help with my charging and hot starting problem.
  20. I'll do a compression test next time I get time. We did switch the hoses and still didn't get a reading on that cylinder. I don't know what or where the YICS is but I'll try to look it up. Thanks for the ideas.
  21. I went to Bummer's house yesterday and he helped me sync my carbs(Thank you Bummer). We weren't actually able to sync them all though because the right front carb had no vacuum on the carbtune. We evened out the other three and adjusted the idle and it runs better than before but still cuts out sometimes. I checked the diaphram and it looks good. The cylinder is still firing at least sometimes because if I pull that plug wire off the is a difference in the idle. Any suggestions on where to start looking?
  22. Ok this doesn't make sense to me but I don't know much about motorcycles. My volt gauge reads right at 12 volts but if while cruising down the road I keep slight upward pressure on the shift pedal it reads higher:confused: I guess I will just adjust the pedal so it always sits in that possition but I was wondering why it would do that? Also another issue with the kill switch. If I put any pressure on the switch it kills it. And I don't mean it the up direction that is supposed to kill it, I mean if it is down and running if I push down more on it it dies. If I relase the pressure its fine. It's not a big deal because if I don't touch it it's fine I was just wondering if that means the switch is going bad and should be replaced so it doesn't cause a problem in the future.
  23. I checked the diaphram and it looks good. no holes that I could see. What vacuum plugs do you mean? I'll post about this in the tech talk area and see if anyone has ideas.
  24. Thank you Bummer for helping me check my carbs. It ran better on the way home just from the adjustments we were able to make. Now I just need to figure out why I have no vacuum on that one carb.
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