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Everything posted by donphantasmo

  1. Wow, who was that guy who is so right all the time??? How bout them Vikings, guys? Looks like the fat lady started to sing in the superdome!!:missingtooth:
  2. It's just a commercial to to let people know what DC shoes exist. It's not my kind of shoe-wear... But the driving is pretty awesome. Sorry it takes forever to load. But I personally think it's worth it.. Thanx for the replies. I thought since I enjoyed it, I'd share with the crew.
  3. It's gonna be a Saints and Colts Superbowl. http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff196/ndpendant00/colts.jpg vs http://i792.photobucket.com/albums/yy208/myxerwalpaper/CAHZKF9XCANWJBBZCA25RVFRCAB1CUBUCA8.jpg
  4. Yep, they just put some leather saddle bags and the venture front fairing on a regular royal star... Reserve not me at over 4500??? Good luck, or as they say... Happy bidding!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH
  5. No replies? No thank yous? I thought it was a great video!!! I watched it like, five times...
  6. If you refer someone over there, they can give you something called a "bird-dog". Ask the salesman where's your bird-dog, and see what he says! FWIW, it's only like 25-50 bucks.. But, 50 bucks is 50 bucks...
  7. :clap2::clap2:My friend, You are a GENIUS:thumbsup:!!!
  8. I've jumped a buddy's or two's bikes with a car before. I make sure the car is turned off. And the biggest thing is, it won't usually mess up an older bike. It's the newer ones that suffer because of the ECU. You might not do too much damage to anything else, but the ECU will usually fry. Specially if the car is running. Also, if there is any short in the system, that's a very easy way to find out where it is, just follow the smoke!!! I'll have to agree with Camos on this one!!!
  9. Quality is totally dependent on how the files are compressed. If they are compressed into low quality (low file volume, or megabytes) to allow more songs to be put on an SD, the sound quality will obviously suffer... If you compress them to higher sound quality, you will fit less on the same SD card, but the quality will be noticeably better. Also, it depends on the speakers, too. If you have stock speakers, the quality will not be as good as if you have some nice aftermarket speakers with an amp, crossovers, etc...
  10. You're going to have to pick up A1A after Saint Augustine, because there is a big break from Jax to St. Aug... I have the Nuvi 200w. Just go in the options, and choose not to take the highway. It'll plot you either to A1A or US1. Other than that, if you're already on A1A, you won't need a GPS. Just keep heading south, until the pavement ends!!! Hope it works for you...
  11. I agree with all. Mozilla Firefox is the way to go. When using Internet explorer, it takes up so much RAM. Firefox is a lot better, They stop viruses from taking over the computer, and it's also a lot easier to use. I hate using Explorer in my work, I wish the Navy would pay for Firefox... Let me know if you need anything else.
  12. Many Many Many Muslims, Islamc leaders and Muslim communities have denounced the actions by terrorists. The problem is that's not "big enough news" for FOX news and CNN to make it to the screen. They're too busy showing off their touch screen TV's for the weather forcast. And if you want to be technical, The "Muslim New Year" is actually an ancient holliday that used to be celebrated by both the Jews and the Christians WAAAAY before Islam came into. It's when Abraham was told by God to show his faith to him. He was supposed to slaughter his son, Ismael. Instead, God sent a lamb to replace Ismael. As we know, that was even before Christ. Most of the religions in the middle east still celebrate that holy day. It's just that here in the U.S. with our animal cruelty B.S. we stopped doing these "crazy" religious rituals. We are too busy hiding eggs and leaving milk out for Santy-Clause. I honestly think Publix just put that day on the calendar because they knew they were going to get an influx of orders.
  13. As a current active duty service member, and a Muslim, I'll offer a quick explanation.. The part about the Pearl harbor day thing is correct. It's not a holiday, it's a day of remembrance. I remember having duty that day, and we put the flag down at half mast. The 7th being a Muslim new year... Well, we go by the Lunar calendar. Just like the Christians and Jews did hundreds of years ago. So, the new year changes every year. I think publix just put it there, so people can tell when it was. They knew they would be flooded with extra orders of cakes and such... Besides, don't be ignorant and hate all Muslims. 99.9% of all Muslims are God fearing peaceful people. Just because less than .1% of us are morons, doesn't correctly portray the collected ideals of the majority. We have a few (very few) bad seeds. No one got pissed at white-people when the Unibomber did his attack.. Charles Manson... That asian guy that killed all those college kids in VT. Hating all Muslims is just as racist as hating all blacks, Jews, Hindus... Let's be respectful to the majority, and not hate many for the actions of the few..
  14. I've seen this like, a million times, and for some reason it still touches me every time. Bravo, my friend. Bravo...
  15. If you know of anyone that can do it better, please reply with an attached video. I'll graciously bow down... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQ7R_buZPSo]YouTube- KEN BLOCK GYMKHANA TWO THE INFOMERCIAL[/ame]
  16. I know how they feel. My damn goldfish keep doing that, too. Very annoying...
  17. http://i412.photobucket.com/albums/pp206/TheTink1973/NAVY/VP-62P3Orion.jpg
  18. I'm not a big fan of the first generations... But I totally dig that one. Great job, my friend..
  19. Not pushing their products or anything. I work on airplanes for the Navy. We strip screws and bolts ALL THE TIME. I found that these little "grabit" extractors are probably the best out there. They're fairly cheap, and they sure work. They work on our airplanes, work on my boat. I don't see why they wouldn't work on a bike. http://www.lowes.com/lowes/lkn?action=productDetail&productId=299780-41877-8430P&lpage=none And here is a link to all the extractors. http://www.lowes.com/lowes/lkn?action=productDetail&productId=299780-41877-8430P&lpage=none I can assure you HomeDepot has them, too. I'm sure Sears, Harbour freight, etc.... They work wonderfully. Let me know if you need anything else..
  20. wow.. Thanx for the input. I'll try it out, and see if I can get it shifting a little better. I have really good stuff, not that WD-40. It's decent, but Liquid wrinch is a lot better....
  21. Does anyone else have this issue? When I downshift or upshift, I have to reset the shifter. So, if I need to go from 5th to 2nd, I'd push down on the front, then I'd slightly push down on the heel, because the shifter will not pop back up so I can go back down. I wanted to know if anyone else had any of these problems. If so, what did you do to remedy them? Thanx...
  22. I'm still active duty now, and seeing what those guys can do makes me want to stand up and salute them...:thumbsup:
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