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Everything posted by Sawhorse

  1. Thanks Muffinman, PM sent! We have found one and it is on the way.
  2. A friend of mine here in Amarillo is looking for a 83-85 Venture stator cooling kit. If you have one and would be willing to part with it or know where we might find one please let me know. Thanks, Dean
  3. Pay Pal Sent, Thanks Gary!
  4. Hi Jerry, I have it on my Calendar and plan on being there. Dean:cool10:
  5. I had a front wheel wobble that would occur around 40mph, usually on deceleration. I checked the air in my tires and found them a little low. Aired front and rear up to the level recommended by the tire manufacturer and that cured my wobble. Dean
  6. Mine moved and I still don't like it. I have found it is easier to get rid of the chirp now if I ride what I call more aggressive by winding the engine more before shifting, by keeping the RPMs higher I have less instances of hearing the chirp. It is livable but not likable. Still the best Bike I have been on.
  7. Thanks to everyone for the responses. This is some good information and will give him some good places to start and have an idea of what is a good price.
  8. My brother has been researching motorcycles to buy and has just about decided to buy a new RSV. Does anyone know where the best deal can be made, dealers here want full list price. Would appreciate any input on possibilities. Thanks, Dean
  9. Thanks Tom, address sent in PM.
  10. The screw that attaches the left side Saddle Bag Guard Rail to the crash bar broke. I need the end cap and screw if anyone knows where I can get one I would appreciate the help. I am attaching a couple of pictures so you can see what I am talking about.
  11. Put me down for a set. I am needing a set so might as well get the good stuff! Also what happened to the auto mute thingy that was supposed to be available about a year ago. Any word on that? Dean
  12. Contact Buddy Rich on this site with a PM, I bet he can get you fixed up with one. The cable connects your GPS to the sound system so you can talk thru the mic of the headset over the phone. Works really great. I hooked mine up inside the fairing, simple and clean process, you need to connect the audio output as well, I put mine in the Aux connector to the Tape Aux port inside the fairing. Makes bluetooth, mp3 and all the noise features of the Zumo available to the sound system. You can hear thru the headset or Bike speakers.
  13. You probably haven't had a problem because of the folders, it was taking 6 minutes to open up with all the songs in one folder, I split them into folders with 50 songs and it took about 45 seconds to open, splitting them further to 25 max left me with the about 20 seconds boot time.
  14. Had problems with my Zumo after I "Upgraded" to the new 3.8 Software Version. After about 2 weeks fighting it, contacting Garmin and consulting the Zumo Forum (http://www.zumoforums.com) I finally got it working normal again and I am a happy Camper. The solution was found thru the forum and not Garmin support. I wanted to share with you because I know many use the Zumo and it may keep you from stressing out for 2 weeks like I did on the problem. After Installing the 3.8 Software and adding new songs to my SD card for a total of 650 songs I started having problems. Problem 1: Occasionally I would get a screen saying Updating Bluetooth and would have to shut the Zumo Down and start it back up to get going. Bluetooth would connect to my phone but would disconnect within 30 seconds, I would have to go to the settings and select the phone connection again then it would go thru the cycle again. Problem 2: When turning the Zumo on, it would go thru the bootup screens, etc and when you select view map it would take 6 minutes for the map to display on the screen, the MP3 player would not list the songs on the zumo until after the map was displayed. Solution to Problem 1: Removed the new version 3.0 bluetooth software, downloaded the previous 2.4 version and installed it as per this forum link: http://www.zumoforums.com/index.php?topic=3598.0 Solution to Problem 2: Reorganized my music files into folders with no more than 25 songs in a folder. I originally had all the songs (650) in 1 folder. This is what was causing the delay in displaying the map. This forum link explains the problem and give pointers on how to fix it. http://www.zumoforums.com/index.php?topic=3268.0
  15. Squidley, I would like the Saddle Bag inserts (#5) Let me know Dean
  16. I bought the Gloves and Socks. My Gloves take 4AAs, Socks Take D. I haven't tried them out yet.
  17. That house has some fine looking bones. Bet it will be a grand home when it is finished. Wish I were closer where I could help. Dean
  18. Yep, that would be much better. Too late, sent check already....
  19. What a loss, gonna take a while to recover from that.
  20. Hey, Thanks Jerry! I've been looking for one of these. Just put in a bid...... Now if everyone else will leave it alone I might just win.
  21. Ruffrider, I was in Jacksonville this fall when the Jaguars whipped up on the Houston Texans, that was a great game. I got to see it from about the 50 yard line. Good team, I'd like to see them play the Cowboys!
  22. I contacted Hipshot (jt) and asked if a benefit fund had been set up for Rattlesnake. He said after a few threats he was able to get the informaiton out of Ron. I remember when I was a kid we lost everything we had to a fire right after Christmas. That was really rough, I remember my folks telling me some people made donations to buy us clothes and some Christmas, being the oldest of 6 kids at the time it really moved me to see someone helping us out. If you would like to make things go a little easier for the Ron Nelson family a fund has been established here is the information: First National Bank of Refugio Ron Nelson benefit fund acct.#1662 Refugio Texas 78377 phone number to the bank, is 1 361 526 2361. I know any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Dean
  23. What a tragedy. Including all in our prayers, including Squidley and Lonna. If there is something we could help with let us know. Has a fund been set up? Sometimes whenn all is lost a fund is setup with a local bank. If there is I would be happy to contribute since I won't be able to go down and help with the carpentry work.
  24. My Dad got a new laptop for Christmas with Vista, he didn't like it so I loaded XP on it. I booted the computer to the XP install disk, wiped out the partitions on the drive and created one large partition and one small one, formatted them and installed XP. It works fine. Word of warning though, you need to make sure you download the XP drivers for your computer before you do the install, you will need at least the Video, Sound and any other perpherials that come with your computer. You can usually go to that computer's website and find all the XP drivers you need. It's a pain changing and learning a new operating system. I didn't like Vista either. XP is really fase on his laptop with 2gb memory. Good Luck! Dean
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