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Everything posted by Bigjohn6886

  1. thanks squidly are they a pain to take off & have chromed
  2. yeah im talking about the control covers where the turn signals & the horn & the cut off switch. heres some pics of the L & R control covers & some pics of my 98 RSTD some day I will own a VENTURE:Venture:
  3. Thanks squiddly I bet the 1s from factory are a arm & a leg mayby even a head Im amazed you cant get a set of chrome contol covers 4 the venture or royal star tour deluxe doent make sense a simple part like that
  4. Wow nobody else knows where i can get a set
  5. Hey kingtut you can get that fairing at this website http://www.trikeshop.com/ the fairing cost $475.00 the mouting kit cost $158.00 the name of the fairing is radiocaddy i will be getting 1 next month good luck. its another website you can get it for a few dollars cheaper but cant remember it
  6. Its late & not gonna list the mods but all you RSTD guys can see the mods 1998 Royal star tour Deluxe. will ne adding radiocaddy fairing next month
  7. Ok guys i know they are out there I need a set of chrome control covers for my royalstar tour deluxe. Kuryakyn make them for close 2 all yamahas models roadstars,silveraldos can 1 that fit one of these models fit mine help me out & thanks in advance for ur help
  8. LoL i was thinking the same thing
  9. wow a great thread i salute Lt. Col. Grant L. Rosensteel, Jr being a former veteran
  10. Ok people lets stop all the hate. Since we dont have 100% proof of what really happened. All i know if i knew for a fact that somebody did what was accused of by this guy as a parent I would not have excepted 20 million period(would you). For all the people who's happy he's dead you'll be hearing his music for the rest of your lives & probally dancing to it to i know everybody has a mike song in there collection some where he sold a lot of records & will sell even more now. Bottom line he left his mark on the WORLD not town,state,country but WORLD I guess he'll always be LOVED by many but hated by FEW.
  11. I agree with the honda stuff thats what i use works like magic honda has a patent on that stuff its the truth you can onle get it from honda
  12. well guys it was the fuse :pi went to dealer to find out where was the fuse he said in the head light i open up the head light checked the fuse presto the fuse was blown i put in new fuse bingo i have passing lights thanks guys for all the input:D
  13. Yeah i agree withe what randy said ugh i mean posted good luck:thumbsup2:
  14. thanks i will check today
  15. Thanks dan it really shook me up that was my 1st time going down
  16. heres the deal I recently went down on my 98 royal star I hit some gravel on a turn going about 15-20 mph walked away with scuffed up boot hole in my jacket nice scratch on my helmet no personal body damage the bike suffered scratched mirror nice scratched saddle bag guard & broken r side passing lamp i order a new passing lamp 4 r side installed it with no problem but the passing lights wont come on even when i toggle the switch no passing lights. The head light works & all of the turn signals work fine. when the passing lights did work if you turned on the high beam the passing light would come off the dealer installed them that way i know guys say this not the way to install them but it didnt bother me. Im confused & dont want to have to go to the dealer for this. Any help would really great
  17. heres the deal I recently went down on my 98 royal star I hit some gravel on a turn going about 15-20 mph walked away with scuffed up boot hole in my jacket nice scratch on my helmet no personal body damage the bike suffered scratched mirror nice scratched saddle bag guard & broken r side passing lamp i order a new passing lamp 4 r side installed it with no problem but the passing lights wont come on even when i toggle the switch no passing lights. The head light works & all of the turn signals work fine. when the passing lights did work if you turned on the high beam the passing light would come off the dealer installed them that way i know guys say this not the way to install them but it didnt bother me. Im confused & dont want to have to go to the dealer for this. Any help would really great
  18. Thank god everybodys ok kinda similar thing happend to me i was riding single with 5 guys on harleys & i hit the gravel on turn & tire skid thing happend I walked away hole in jacket scuffed up boot broken passing lamp & scratched saddle bag guard oh & bruised ego it really shook me up my 1st time going down thank god i had on all the proper riding gear. ride safe hope you & the wife heal quickly
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