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Personal Information

  • Name
    John Pickwood


  • Location
    Central New Jersey, United States


  • City
    Central New Jersey


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    Royal Star Tour Deluxe
  1. thanks squidly are they a pain to take off & have chromed
  2. yeah im talking about the control covers where the turn signals & the horn & the cut off switch. heres some pics of the L & R control covers & some pics of my 98 RSTD some day I will own a VENTURE:Venture:
  3. Thanks squiddly I bet the 1s from factory are a arm & a leg mayby even a head Im amazed you cant get a set of chrome contol covers 4 the venture or royal star tour deluxe doent make sense a simple part like that
  4. Wow nobody else knows where i can get a set
  5. Hey kingtut you can get that fairing at this website http://www.trikeshop.com/ the fairing cost $475.00 the mouting kit cost $158.00 the name of the fairing is radiocaddy i will be getting 1 next month good luck. its another website you can get it for a few dollars cheaper but cant remember it
  6. Its late & not gonna list the mods but all you RSTD guys can see the mods 1998 Royal star tour Deluxe. will ne adding radiocaddy fairing next month
  7. Ok guys i know they are out there I need a set of chrome control covers for my royalstar tour deluxe. Kuryakyn make them for close 2 all yamahas models roadstars,silveraldos can 1 that fit one of these models fit mine help me out & thanks in advance for ur help
  8. LoL i was thinking the same thing
  9. wow a great thread i salute Lt. Col. Grant L. Rosensteel, Jr being a former veteran
  10. Ok people lets stop all the hate. Since we dont have 100% proof of what really happened. All i know if i knew for a fact that somebody did what was accused of by this guy as a parent I would not have excepted 20 million period(would you). For all the people who's happy he's dead you'll be hearing his music for the rest of your lives & probally dancing to it to i know everybody has a mike song in there collection some where he sold a lot of records & will sell even more now. Bottom line he left his mark on the WORLD not town,state,country but WORLD I guess he'll always be LOVED by many but hated by FEW.
  11. I agree with the honda stuff thats what i use works like magic honda has a patent on that stuff its the truth you can onle get it from honda
  12. well guys it was the fuse :pi went to dealer to find out where was the fuse he said in the head light i open up the head light checked the fuse presto the fuse was blown i put in new fuse bingo i have passing lights thanks guys for all the input:D
  13. Yeah i agree withe what randy said ugh i mean posted good luck:thumbsup2:
  14. thanks i will check today
  15. Thanks dan it really shook me up that was my 1st time going down
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