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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. Just to let everyone who asked for ball studs that they were mailed out yesterday. Forgot to include the cost of the packaging in the quoted price, but worked it out.
  2. or go to the grocery store and get a bottle of vegitabloe oil or a can of oil spray such as Pam.
  3. Bike Bandit has rain gear on sale right now. If you want to waterproof your own jacket, pants, etc, the best stuff I have found is the waterproofing they sell for tents. You can get it from any outdoor sports good supplier, REI, Gander Mountain etc. I also recommend gaiters. Best place I have found to get them at a decent price is Fleet Farm. Now is a good time to get them as they usually carry them for the ice fishing season and they should be on sale now.
  4. There are already several weatherproof units on the market specifically for motorcycles. Of course they are also charging a premium price because everyone knows that bikers will pay big bucks for accessories for their scoots......... unless they are frugal (read cheap) like me............
  5. Your right, had you down twice. Okay, that frees up 5 more. So, I have 10 left.
  6. Try this site. http://tradeunion.com/ToplineProducts/subs/spacers.html
  7. If I haven't forgotten anyone, as of this morning I only have 5 ball studs left. The following folks have orders placed: rhncue 86er Condor Wilcruise DonB Todd McGill. If I have missed you, let me know ASAP.........
  8. You got em. Can't remember what it cost the last time I shipped some up to Canada. Wasn't that much more as I recollect. Anyway. Will send them up and let you know .
  9. Okay. Just placed the order. My cost (including shipping) is $1.24 each. So,the cost will be $1.40 each to cover my packing and shipping expenses. Should have the balls in hand by next Friday. SO, after Condor's order, I will have 40 on hand. Anyone wanting them, send me a PM to include your mailing address. Payment can be made by PayPal or by check payable to Russell Hicks, 185 Redwood Drive, Apple Valley, MN 55124.
  10. Will be ordering 50 ball studs today.............. That should be enough to meet everyones current needs and still leave some on hand. 86er, I order them from McMaster-Carr in Atlanta.
  11. Will get an order sent in this week. If anyone else needs/wants some of the ball studs, let me know as soon as possible. The turn around time on the orders is usually 7-10 days, WilCruise, will check the shop to see if I have any left from the last order.
  12. As I could never find a local source, I bulk order them from a company out of Atlanta, GA where I have an account set up. By ordering in bulk I get them for about $1.70 each (I think) after shipping charges. As previously offered, if there are enough folks interested, I can put in another order. If you want/need some, send me a PM and let me know how many you want.
  13. Great stuff. As Don said, we gave out a buuuunch of sample bottles at the first VentureIn at Potato Creek.... Never heard one complaint from anyone that has used it. I use it on all my vehicles. BTW: SeaFoam also makes Deep Creep. Another excellent product. It loosens frozen bolts, cleans crud out of carbs, and is a great lubricating spray.......
  14. Don't want to make anyone feel bad, but Norther Power had it on sale a couple of weeks ago for $4.00 a can. Picked up several cans for myself and Sarges46 when he passed through on his way to the Mouse House.
  15. Several folks expressed some interest in the ball stug repair for the broken side cover pins. I have also included a pic of the brake I put on the side vent to keep them open/closed.........
  16. That label sure confuses a lot of folks. What the label says is research octaine 91 min. Research octaine 91 is regular grade 87.
  17. Sorry to herar this. If I remember correctly, he was a retired naval officer. If any of the local NB members are reading this post, please pass on my condolensces to the family.
  18. Brad, If you have a Comp-USA around you, they are currently selling for $145.00. Our stores here are closed and right now the units are on back order for on-line purchase from Comp-USA........
  19. Yup.... and it worked all the way into the ditch....
  20. That's the unit I have on mine also. Never had any problems with ut yet.
  21. Heat gun, match, lighter, and if they are reeeeeeeeeeally big... a propane torch........
  22. Ron, My thoughts are with you and Linda at this time of sorrow......
  23. Admitting it is one thing, doing the right thing an entirely different kettle of fish.... as many of us know first hand....
  24. MONTVILLE, Conn. (AP) — Billy Walkabout, a native Cherokee whose actions in Vietnam made him among most decorated soldiers of the war, died March 7 in Connecticut. He was 57. Walkabout received the Distinguished Service Cross, Purple Heart, five Silver Stars and five Bronze Stars. He was believed to be the most decorated Native American soldier of the Vietnam War, according to U.S. Department of Defense reports.
  25. From the for what it's worth department.... If it were I, I would try a set of new spark plugs. It may simply be a case of weak ignition spark under compression.
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