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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. We never sleep...............
  2. Well, I think that this is taking things a bit fer...... I may, on occassion (and those will be few and far between) agree with a political position taken by Freebird or Squidley.... (yah right) , but there ain't no way, no sir, that I will ride my lawnmower into the pond. I mean, I do have some character. And besides that, my locks are muuuuch loooooooooonger that Don and Squidley's togather.
  3. That's really great news. Not only will you folks be back together, but Linda will be working in one of the best medical service organizations in the country. Now, are you going to be back in town before Christmas???
  4. Aw shucks Mr Dillon. I feels a group hug comming on...........
  5. Heck Dave, how can we pick on you when we don't even know were Elgin is. Be that as it may, if I was in a peckish mood, I'd be ragging on you for being an engineer......
  6. I guess the vison is in the eye of the beholder. Ask me, it looks more like Mammy Yokum. But, I quess the real question is, "Why would you want to?"
  7. Working on the last package now for Afganistan. If I can shake this cold, everything should be in the mail by Saturday. The participation from the members for projects such as this never ceases to amaze me.
  8. Those were exactly my first impression of the commercial. Will never understand the marketing mentality. HD is now producing a fairly decent ride, but they still have to rely on the Bad a$$ biker image to promote sales.
  9. Well said.......... And, for what it's worth, I am in total agreement. As an asside, it would make it much easier when we are trying to solicit donations from vendors if we appeared to be more than a Web Site. That's my and I'm sticken too it.
  10. As to what our Harley riding members think about the Bad Santa commercial that Harley is airing? Personally, if I was still riding a Harley (or even considering going back to a Harley), I would be really off put by it.
  11. Hey, You never gave us enough advance notice that the voting was ending..... I wanted to change my vote If the color is to represent land.... It's Ontario, shouldn't the colors be black for the slag piles and rust from all the environmental damage (Ain't that right Mr Brad T.?) ......... Other than that....... I like the revisions.........
  12. Thanks. Will get the payment out to you this evening.
  13. Have been ordering from those folks for several years now and have never had a problem with them or any orders. Excellent customer service and speedy response on orders.
  14. Don, If you have any left, I willtake 5 more. Let me know and I'll get the money out to you via PayPal. Thanks
  15. I thought we were in trouble when store clerks could no longer make change without relying on their cash register to tell them how much change was due. Yesterday proved me wrong. I also showed me how much trouble the US was really in. I have been looking at GPS units for the company vehicles. Given the abuse they would receive and the chances of them being stolen, I don't want to invest a whole lot of money into them. Anyway, I came across a good buy (so I thought) on the Magellan 3100 North America. The price was right, so I purchased one top try it out. Got it home and found out, to my surprise, that Magellan apparently considered the entire North America to consist of 48 states. Okay, foolish me. So, I figure what the heck, I can upgrade it and down load the maps for Canada. No can do. The 3100 is no upgradeable. So, back to the store I go. Tell the clerk at customer service I want to return the unit. She asks why and I tell her. This confuses her, and she calls the manager over. Explain to the manager that I had expected the 3100 North America version to at least have maps of Alaska and Canada. He looks at me like I'm crazy. (I probably am, but that is beside the point) Anyway, he states, will all seriousness that there are only 48 states in North America. This catches me completely off guard, and I ask him where he thinks Canada, Mexico and Alaska are. He responds by telling me that Canada is a foreign country, and Mexico is in South America. Should have realized at this point, that it was a lost cause. But I still tell him that actually Canada and Mexico are part of North America. To this he responds that he didn't think that Magellan would make that kind of a mistake. And if what I said was true, the high schools were teaching the wrong information. :bang head: And this was the store manager. Anyway, he took the unit back. I went to another store and purchased a Garmin Street Pilot.
  16. Rick, I have the Neosho swivel on my trailer. Installed it with the new tongue after the accident. Think if I had it on at the time of the accident, I probably wouldn't have needed to replace the tongue. The only problem (if you can call it that) was then I needed to shave down the nylon block so it would fit inside the tongue. If you are going to get it.... I would strongly encourage you to send the hitch out to a machine shop to get the holes drilled. Other than that, no problems.
  17. BUMP
  18. :rotfl: would never have recognized that was you in the early pic. Looks like a mid 60's hair do........ Maybe Don should run a guess who rogues gallary contest. Folks could send him their usedtowaz pics. He could post them and have members try to gues who's picture it is.
  19. Okay folks..... How about some more of those then vs now photos.
  20. Just shows what 36 years of clean living and working for our government can do for you..........
  21. Confirmed.............
  22. Very close....... 1969 and just back from my second tour in 'nam.....
  23. Roy, Let us know if things change and we will get a package to him.... And thanks for your support on this project.
  24. Yah think......... Just my true inner self emerging........... But, can you guess when it was taken???????
  25. :crying:
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