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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. So, we have the Snow "Queen" and the tooth "Fairy". Now I know why I left Ontario for the warmth of the south.
  2. Just finished reading the review on the neck gator and the Belaclava. Seems like everything that they tag as a "biker" item, gets the price jacked up. For anyone interested in some very good cold weather clothing without playing through the nose, check out www.maxit-inc.com. I am currently using their Headgator 6 in 1. Excellent piece of clothing. The only issue I have with it is that I wish they made it with a yoke to fit lower onto the chest and back. Also 'merican made. Just my observation and opinion, for what it's worth.
  3. For those of us who are planning on attending the International VentureIn in Ontario this summer, a bit of fore planning may be in order. Now I know that since we have matured, we are all of impecible moral character. However if, by chance, you may have had a minor lapse in your younger years, the following may be of particular importance, Criminal inadmissibility If you have committed or been convicted of a criminal offence, you may not be allowed to enter Canada. Criminal offences include both minor and serious offences, such as theft, assault, manslaughter, dangerous driving and driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. For a complete list of criminal offences in Canada, consult the Canadian Criminal Code. If you were convicted of a crime when you were under the age of 18, you can probably still enter Canada. Our Canadian friends can clarify this more, but it is my understanding that on occassion (depending on the border agent), even a simple speeding ticket has resulted in denial of admission. And, arriving on a scoot is going to give them more reason to look closely at you. Would hate to see anyone get all the way to the border and be turned away.
  4. Now that is one great starter house. Looks like it even comes with a well established rhubarb patch in the back yard. And enough room for two or three tents. Also a great time to buy........... Do the neighbours know what they are in for now???? :rotfl: Congrats............ and looking forward to that housewarming M&E.
  5. WOW, one bidder ozzyboy is the high bidder on four of the bells. And I do mean high bidder........ They sure got out of my price range real quick.
  6. I just hope Scamper is going to do the right thing by Blondie ......
  7. Brad, It's not that I can't find the music I prefer. But if someone wants to discuss the latest tune by the Scum Suckers (sic) or Po Baby, I would like to at least have some idea of what they are talking about.
  8. While I am somewhat set in my ways when it comes to my preferences in music and singers (If it ain't Willie or Joan, well then it ain't s...), but I think I am eclectic enough to at least listen to other music so that I can somewhat talk about it intelligently. However, I have been listening to alternative radio here recently, and it makes me wonder, "What happened to the music?" Now maybe I just don't understand, or I'm to old to really appreciate someone screaming "Hey look.. I've got a band" 17 times in a row while accompanied by a four cord change rip. But..... is this really music. Heck, even a very young Bob Dillon (who, in my opinion was a genius lyricist, but should never have sung any of his songs) would be preferable to what they are trying to pass off as music today.
  9. I probably missed it, but how did things work out for picking up the trailer?
  10. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, Guess your not at St, Croix, MN
  11. Nice set up. Hopefully that will get the cagers attention....
  12. Someone else looking to get his threads flushed......... But, if you can do it.... make it 45 years.....
  13. That side kit is interesting..... Hummmmmmmmmmmmmm
  14. Interesting idea. How stable is it in the full raised position?
  15. OK..... Just in case anyone is interested... And even if you're not interested, we have removed 9,040 threads containing 45,312 posts to date. Wow, that is a lot of reading just to make sure we don't lose something crucial.........
  16. Now that looks like it would be a real sweet ride. My only concern is that if you get it, will we need to change the name of the pig roast? Maybe Cows in the Country rather than Pork in the Pines...............
  17. Depends on the mood I'm in when I get too it.......... :rotfl:
  18. Just remember.... William Wallace (aka Braveheart) was Welsh..... and look at the havoc he caused...........
  19. Really not much to worry about there. Brother John, who I met a few years ago at a rally will, for a small donation, lay his hands on you and cure all maladies. He will also give you a personally autographed photo of JC, with whom he assured me he was in daily contact...... What a load of CRAP................
  20. Thanks for the heads up. Good infrmation to keep handy just in case.
  21. Just keep stirring your schtik. I'll do a search and delete all YOUR threads.... Besides that, next to the French, you Germans are usually to blame for everything else.... Whereas we Welsh, well, what can I say...... :duck:
  22. Hey, maybe there is someone out there that has a wrecked scoot that could send you some pieces of ABS to fill that large holes. If it were I, I would cut a plug from a piece of ABS and use Plastex to cement it in place. Then, if you feel you need to stiffen it further, 3M has a 2 part plastic epoxy that is great. Pricey but good. And completely sandable and paintable. If you decide to go that route, make sure you get the ABS epoxy. Should be able to pick it up from any body shop supplier..... The repair sure looks doable... Good luck and keep us posted on the progress
  23. Not to worry. Not planning on touching any of the tech areas. Also plan on leaving any posts that address techie type questions or issues. Just looking at cleaning up some of the old A&T threads........
  24. Hey Brad, my offer to get you the repair manual was made with the purest of heart. It's all those other trouble makers out there that was poken fun at yah. But, as no good deed goes unpunished, will not even call your attention to the rebuilder on E-bay right now for only .99. See what a nice guy I am............ :duck:
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