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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. What? Punch line? Whooo me? Just heard that the RNC needed help (Well, actually, I already knew that). They were looking for LEO's with military experience. Hey, that's me. So I said to myself, "Self. You can help them." :rotfl:
  2. Just to really confuse you. Guess who just signed up, pony tail and all, to be a volunteer at the Republican National Convention this summer............
  3. If you can't find any clamps, I can bring up my welder and we can just weld the bars in place. :rotfl:
  4. Or you could just fall in line with the rest of the world and do as we say........
  5. Hey girl.... here's a thought. If you don't get it fixed before this week end. Haul it up to Gary's on Sat. Will be meeting up with Rick and Marilyn at Gary's place and we can work on it there. Russell
  6. If, and I say if, you are getting oil into the coolant fluid, you are also getting coolant fluid into the oil. If you have coolant fluid in your oil, you need to change the oil immediately. Coolant fluid in the oil can wreck havoc on a motor in a relatively short period of time.
  7. Well, actually, he is picking it up the week end before the long week end. But he's Canadian, and just coming out of the long freeze so we need to cut him some slack. He is correct though on the Neosho swivel hitch. You can shave the nylon insert to fit. Did it on my trailer when I switched to the swivel hitch.
  8. My recommendation would be to try the SeaFoam treatment route first. It works wonders on cleaning the carbs and solving at lot of the little, annoying problems and can say you a lot of time and aggravation. JMHO.....
  9. Don gave us a heads up last night that he was going to upgrade the site (again). Sooooooo, actually we may be closer to one than 5000.
  10. Just a short note here to let everyone know that all the world's serious problems have now been solved. Spent a very enjoyable evening, even though Kansas Tornado did show up (lost as usual), visiting with Don, Juggler, Tigress and the Kansas Tornado. Great dinner, some libation and a lot of refreshing conversation (even though they did spend considerable time bad mouthing my political choices ). Juggler was trying to set up a WiFi connection (way beyoind my limited technical skills), and I think he did take a few photos. Struck out again in trying to get the server to swap T'shirts with me . After 22 years, still can't figure out what it is with the waitresses here in Minnisoda.
  11. Ain't it the place with the big black stallion sign????? http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/lol6.gif http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/laughing5.gif
  12. 7ish will work well for me. Understand about Sat morning.
  13. Hummmmmmmmm, what's wrong with this picture. 230 +/- members from Ontario, yet ther are only 9 folks signed up for the rally being held in Ontario. Guess most are waiting to see if the weather will be fair and sunny so they can ride....
  14. Don, You didn't need to fly out to MN just to get some ideas on your pig roast. This will be out third year running for the Pork in the Pines (aka Ventures in the Pines) and we learn more and more each year. We are lucky in that Gary's boy takes charge of the cooking each year. But, as far as I am concerned, half the enjoyment of the pig roast is the wonderful aroma coming from the cooker............ The first year we had an 80 pounder. It went into the cooker about 7 am and it was ready to eat around 4 in the afternoon. Last year we had 125 pounder. And, as Juggler said, 100 # of pig goes a long way. We always have enough for BBQ'd pulled pork on Sunday. Anyway. we can talk about this more Thursday evening during dinner. And for those who may not be up to speed on the Pork in the Pines.... This years dates are Friday, August 29 through Monday, September 1 at Grandpagak's in LaPorte, MN. More info in the PIP to follow later......
  15. http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/yawn.gif Is it Spring yet???? Okay. The Black Stallion on Thurs evening will work for me. What time????------------------------------------------------------------------ Ron will have to speak for himself. BTW: If anyone is free Sat morning. Ron and I are getting together for breakfast. 9am at the Coffee Cup in St. Paul.
  16. Just to let you know. Haven't been on the site to much of late. But, just checked the MN members and looks like we may be real close to passing Ontario. And a lot of them are in the northern part of the state. If we can get them out for the Pork in the Pines, we would have an awesome turn out this year.
  17. I have a spare sitting here.
  18. Speed bleeders. The only way to go. And the price is right. http://www.speedbleeder.com/
  19. Necessary? No. But it does serve to show how some folks see law enforcment officers.
  20. Thanks for the update. A long and circular route, but it is now where is was probable intended to be.
  21. Are you getting any whistle out of the mounts when the poles are not inserted?
  22. Yah, the internation Gray Usdawaz http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/lol6.gif
  23. That be him.............
  24. Any chance you know or crossed paths with Jim Scott? Just wondering. He was a neighbour back when I was living in Winnipeg.
  25. There's a whole bunch of us. And I believe most are also Blue Knights. MN BK IV
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