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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. Yah, but what you gonna do with an old cap and ball with a black powder Demascus twist barrel?
  2. As Squeeze indicated. U are most probably developing a vaccum leak as the engine warms up due to metal expansion. However, I see you live way up in Dauphin. So, given the climatic conditions up there, this should only be a problem like say, one day a year... Seriously though, I suspect a metal expansion induced vaccum leak. If you can't get it resolved before Sept, hook up with the other folks from Manitoba and bring the scoot down to the Pork in the Pines. We could use it as a project bike to find the cause of the problem...
  3. Jeez Bill, you had me confuzed for a minute. I thinkd yah broke something... again....
  4. http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/laughing5.gif http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/lol6.gif Are we talking about the same Freebird??? http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/laughing4.gif
  5. As one of the moderators, and probably the most liberal one at that, one of the primary issues I watch for in any thread are postings that start to get personal or insulting. It is sometimes amazing how a very innocuous subject can head south. I personally have absolutely no problems with a bit of heated discussion as long as it stays on subject. If someone has an opposing view or opinion on a subject, I believe that any member here should be free to express their position. However, for some, any opposition to their opinion or position is taken as a personal attack against which they must immediately defend. At that point the thread starts to deteriorate and it will be put to the other moderators for an opinion on whether it should be allowed to continue. I don't believe that any of the moderators are trying to push a personal agenda as to what we can or can not say here. With the exception of a thread which is deliberately sexually explicit or racial in nature, the decision to delete or close a thread is not one taken capriciously. On many occasions, a thread may be pushing the bounds and a decision will be made by the moderators to allow it to continue. I believe that each and every member here is mature enough to realize when a posting they make will become a hot button issue. While most will step back and reconsider the subject matter or the theme of their posting, there are a few that feel that it is their absolute right to say anything they want to. It is those postings that will force the moderators to exercise censorship. nuff said...
  6. Enjoy and ride smart. Hope to see you folks at the 3rd Pork in the Pines over the Labor Day long week end.
  7. Clay, Sounds like you have a great trip planned. Wish I was going with you. If you are coming through MPLS/St Paul, give me a ring, 612.865.8232, and we can hook up for coffee. Russell
  8. OK, not to hijack the thread, but... "where the he77 you been Spud? It just ain't been the same without you here.
  9. http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/lol5.gif . Man, if you think you got flamed by the guys, start a thread like that and our fair ladies here would be on you like Stink on s..t. http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/lol6.gif Just got to remember wht my old friend Willie said, "Forgiving you is easy, but forgetting seems to take a long long time."
  10. http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/lol5.gif Now arn't you glad we're not that particular... http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/lol6.gif
  11. :15_8_211[1]:Well, once again Don beat me to the punch. Was just going to ask if any arrangements had been made for PayPal donations... Good luck with this endeavor.
  12. Or you could just invite her to join this site and post her question to the many members here who ride Virago 1100's.
  13. http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/lol5.gif That looks more like the pig after the Canadians get through with him...
  14. Thanks for taking the time and effort to put up the banner of the 3rd annual Pork in the Pines.
  15. Working on some custom side stand plates as prizes for the 2008 Pork in the Pines gathering, and I am thinking about getting them engraved to commemorate the event. Of course, being frugal (read real cheap) and trying to slide this under the radar to keep peace in the family, I am trying to get them engraved at a miminal cost. So, asking here was my first shot...
  16. an engraving machine? With over 5,000 members, I figure someone has got to have one.
  17. Hey Tom... http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/ass.gif http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/itching.gif http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/laughing4.gif
  18. Just two things? That's not what Lonna said.... Wish I could help yah there buddy, but don't have one of either kicking around... ..... HIJACK.... You folks still gonna try and get over come September? A lot of old friends from the Potato Creek Rally are talking about coming over. And NO the tail feathers are not part of the deal. Well, I guess they could be if we could get over 100 folks to show up (Hows that for a safe number? We now return you to your normal programming...
  19. Just want to thank everyone who are now buying their raffle tickets for contributing to (soon to be) my new trailer. Not sure what my ticket numbers are, but I believe they are numbers 1, 2 and 3... So, all you kind guys and gals, THANKS SO MUCH.
  20. PETA don't scare me. They are too busy up here trying to get the state to erect a monument to slaughtered cattle at the old St Paul Cattle Auction site.
  21. Ron, Tried to call you Friday. But I got a message saying your phone was no longer in service. Did Linda cut off your service so those young ladies wouldn't be calling you at all hours of the day and night?
  22. Stirring it. Heck, I was just supporting your contention. Now I could be wrong, but if not seeing many deer is a validation of the safety feature of loud pipes, not seeing African lions would be an even stronger arguement to prove that loud pipes are a safety feature...
  23. Yup, so it can watch for any FOD on the road that might bite your tire...
  24. And African lions too. Betcha never saw one of those either while running the loud pipes...
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