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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. Bill, You need to twist Allan's arm a bit. He had wanted to make this one, but apparently something came up that interfered with his plans. Heck, he could at least come up for a day or two with you.
  2. Eric, I have one and would be more than willing to give you a hand. This week is pretty muchu already booked out though. How soon do you need/want to get it done? Actually, if you could see your way into coming up for the Pork in the Pines I know there will be at least two carb tunes available, if not more, and a how lot of expertise on tuning the carbs. Let me know what works for you. Russell 612.865.8232
  3. Black Owl


    and Home Depot in the garden tractor section. Really simple to use. Just add a full can to a tank of gas and literally run the SH*% out of it. It will smoke a bit, but it cleans er out.
  4. Joe, How about this for a suggestion. You could plan a ride over tot he Pork in the Pines. And with free camping you wouldn't need to worry about motel reservations. And Squidley can attest to the fact that it's not really that far a ride.
  5. Believe me Ron, there ain't nothing light about the cooker. I got a real close and personal verification of that when Gary dropped the lid on my foot. Gary made a wise decision when he decided to put a set of wheels on the unit.
  6. A: No rotisserie. Going to cook it in a roasting basket which can be rotated if the cook feels that would be necessary.
  7. Like my real life, it sure looks a lot better in the light of day. Gary, I also have that set of handlebars we talked about yesterday if you want to use them? Also thought of a modification we could make to the cooker that might make it a bit easier for the "cook(s)".
  8. Over time, California models tend to migrate to other more environmentally "friendly" areas. I would not expect you to have any problems with the scoot here in Minnisoda. However, if memory serves me, if you are so inclined I believe there have been a couple of threads on plugging or by-passing the AIS. Maybe Squidley or someone else more knowledgeable can jump in here. Or, just bring it over to the Pork in the Pines and let us "work" on it for you...
  9. The pump and solenoids for the suspension system are located under the rear trunk. You can open the air lines at the assembly and bleed down both the front and rear shocks. If I remember correctly it will take 2 10mm wrenches to open the lines. Hope this helps. BTW: You going to be able to join us for the Pork in the Pines this year?
  10. Winner? Whatche mean winner. :bang head: I'm still trying to figure out which of the numerous great riding venue's here in MinniSoda would be the best place to recommend......
  11. He77, even an hour would qualify.....
  12. WHAT? You ain't hanging it up are you? Or are you going to the HD
  13. Well Curt, I'm never going to admit that I recall the early 60's, but you are right on target. Funny thing, Sonny Barger has stated publically, that if it had been up to him, the bike of choice for the Hells Angels would have been a Honda.... Go figure. My choice back then was the Triumph 650 Twin. But you folks are muuuuuuuuch older them me.
  14. Sorry to read this. But at least the protective gear he was wearing did as intended. Hope he heals up soon and you can get things work out for a replacement.
  15. Will have to put on my ACLU hat and check into that. But you do have an excellent point.
  16. Sorry I missed the gathering. That evil thing called WORK has just been ruining my plans of late. Got back from SW MN Tuesday night and then spent Wed/Thirs in Wisconsin. Now leaving in a few minutes for western MN. Guess there really is no rest for the wicked......
  17. Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Just checked my wallet. Yup, I'm still a card carrying tree hugger.... and why doesn't algae deserve protection? Huh, Huh, Huh????
  18. Short, simple answer. No.
  19. Just to let all those who are showing up for the PIP work party that due to circumstances beyond my control, I will not be able to make it up to Gary's tomorrow. As they say, The best laid plans of mice and men...
  20. Uhhhh... NOTHING. Iowa aint too bad, but Nebraska is, in a word, BORRRING, HOT and WINDY... But that's just my humble opinion.
  21. In addition to posting the stats: How many, furthest distance, who really won the trailer (two different names have been posted), the biggest question is... Who did you recruit to host next years ralley???? Or did you have so much fun doing this one http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/lol6.gif that you are going to jump back into the pit and do next years event also?
  22. Well, I was sort of hoping I could slip away early Friday afternoon. The Gods seem to be against me though. Need to go look at two more gas hogs which mysteriously bust into flames. So, unless I get real lucky, will probably hit the road real early Sat morning and drive like he77 to get up north. Sorry you can't make the work party, but it would sure be great if you could get up to the Pork in the Pines this year. We still need to get together for breakfast some week end.
  23. "I hope having sidecars added to the forum title is welcome - the styling choices and motivations of trikers and sidecarists may be different, but lots of the technical challenges will be similar." Not a problem as far as I can see Greg. I suspect there is actually more than a bit of interest in hooking a hack to the scoot. Interesting fittings by the way.
  24. In this instance it was a classic case of DWHUA...
  25. Actually, in this case it was a car. And the car was equipped with those special Lazarus brakes. Those are the brakes that mysteriously repair themselves after a total brake failure which resulted in an accident. As an aside, it never ceases to amaze me the number of folks who continue to drive their cars after a claimed total brake failure...
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