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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. Ok all you wiz's out there. What is the factory torque for the rear axle castle nut on a 1986 Suzuki 1400? The only tech info I can find tells me it is 40-63 fp. That sure seems low to me.
  2. http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/lol6.gif Alright. A volunteer mercy bike.... Yes, there will be at least two, if not more carb tunes available at the Pork in the Pines. In addition to Sunday Maintenance, if all goes as planned, there will be a rider challange for all you expert riders (which immediately excludes me). Just counting down the days...
  3. Just to let anyone interested know, I will be out of the net for a few days due to a family situation. Should be back in time to make the PIP ralley. Ride smart and stay safe...
  4. Black Owl

    P I P

    Great to hear that you will be able to make it down again this year. This year is shaping up to be even better than last year. A camp site will be waiting for you. Not sure what we can do about the camp noise, what with all the new folks coming in. May have to appoint a provost to keep all the folks in line. http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/lol6.gif http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/yes%20yes%20yes.gif
  5. Anything to help you out Dan. Just let me know what you want her to hear and I'll swear by it... http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/lol5.gif (and do it with the look of a sainted choir boy)
  6. You know Rick, if you learn to do an oil change correctly, Marilyn might (and I say might) just let you start changing her oil. Just realize, with this crew I'd better add "in her bike."
  7. Here's a bit more information. Looks like they caught the shooter who turned out to be a 65 y/o man. http://www.policelink.com/news/44273-perp-charged-in-murder-of-federal-agent?page=2
  8. This is not motorcycle related, but thought I would post it as a friendly reminder that the roads are fully of crazies. This message was waiting for me when I got home this evening. SA Don Pettit, was killed this morning in Pembroke Pines , FL. Don, who is a Special Agent with the Customs and Border Protection, was off duty and driving his 12 year old daughter to camp.Preliminary investigation indicates Don became involved in an altercation with another driver. Both cars pulled into a Post Office Parking lot and the other driver pulled a handgun and shot Don in the head. The round entered just above Don's right eye and exited the rear of his head. Don was wearing his CBP badge on his belt and was armed, but is not believed to have drawn his firearm. Don was pronounced dead about 12:00 noon at Memorial Regional Hospital . The shooter fled the scene and a massive search is underway. The shooting is being investigated by the Pembroke Pines , FL Police Department, the FBI, Customs and Border Protection and FDA Office of Criminal Investigations. Unfortunately I don't have any additional information about this yet, but I have known Don for a long time. Never knew him to be a hot head or someone that would go out of his way to look for trouble. Also, lets not turn this into a rant about the right to bear arms.
  9. A question was raised as to whether the Pork in the Pines was a child friendly event. Just want to reassure one and all that the Pork in the Pines is definately family and child friendly. We may get a bit loud, but never abusive... No naked dancing girls, drunken brawling, none of the BAB stuff (damn) Not that we're prudish or anything, but most of us are too old to partake of those kinds of activities any more. (Not that I ever did mind you. Pure straight arrow) So, if anyone was considering bring the kids along, please do so... Russell
  10. Lowell, You just take it easy and follow the Doc's advise. We need you around for a while longer to remind us younger folks what riding was meant to be.
  11. OK, All together now.. SEAFOAM...... Throw a can of SeaFoam into a full tank of gas and literally Drive the S..T out of it. Next.. Carb Sync. These two actions together should correct 99% of the problem.
  12. for the 2008 Pork in the Pines has been ordered. Now all I have left to do is: finish up the roasting cage for the cooker make enough chili to feed everyone Friday night Figure out what other groceries we will need to the feast Sat. and probably a dozen or so other items that I will realize I have forgotten the day I'm ready to head noth.
  13. KIll switch? In gear? BTW: WHich bike?
  14. That's the problem with you Navy types. Never learned to bounce on solid ground. http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/lol5.gif Really hate to read posts like this one. But thankfully you are capable of making the post. Listen to the Doc and don't try to push the recovery. I found out after I put mine down a couple of years ago that us old timers seem to require a bit more time to get back up and running.
  15. First question. When you say the Class system is not working, specifically what is not working? Once we know what it's not doing, we can try to figure out whay it's not doing whatever its not doing.
  16. Well, I uzta do it by sticking my finger in the spark plug hole. If it blew my finger out, there was compression...
  17. I would also strongly recommend installing speed bleeders...
  18. Yes. At 9am....
  19. Always. Even when I'm sitting in the garage making those vroom vroom noises in the dead of winter...
  20. I'm waiting for the PM Russell
  21. I gots me 4 or 5 left... but they are definately not for sale... http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/lol6.gif
  22. well, I was going to say that maybe you could get lucky and pick up a bell at the Pork in the Pines. But it looks like you are already taken care of.
  23. Damn, just when I thought I was going to be able to exercise my ultimate censorship authority as a moderator, you guys kiss and make up. Takes all the fun out of it.
  24. Steve, Am more than happy to help you with the carb sync. Am getting ready to hit the road for Wisconsic in a few minutes, but suggested to Eric (Cabin Fever) that we meet up for breakfast Sat morning at the Coffee Cup in St Paul and we can do the carb tune up right there. That would be the best time for me. Still waiting to hear back from Eric to see if this will work for him. Figure the Coffee Cup would be about central to everyone. And it would give me an excuse to go for a short ride and get away from work for a while. Give me a call 612.865.8232, and we can discuss further. Russell
  25. http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/lol6.gif Damn, take a few minutes for yourself around here and look what happens. Well, I have a real simple philosophy. You can either haul or bawl . The choice is all yours. Besides, the VentureRanger has been to more events that 90% of the members on this site....
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