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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. Just got notified by the florist that Pete is in a ward which does not receipt of flowers/plants. The are going to hold delivery until he is moved to a ward where delivery can be made.
  2. Tried to call Pete direct. The switchboard gave me a number 655.1531, but apparently the phone has not been turned on yet. Spoke to the charge nurse. Pete was sleeping and they did not want to disturb him. Don't know what it is with these Canucks. When we tried to get through to Big Bob in the hospital he was sleeping. Now we try to get through to Pete and he is sleeping. Must be something they are putting in the water....
  3. Okay... so I need to take off my mittens when I type. Just be tankful I didn't send you into Quebec..... The correct number for the hospital is 1.306 655.1000
  4. Just got off the phone with the florist. Order sent for delivery today. Went with the Cactus..... He can take it home and if he ignores it, it will flurish for years. The card will read: Tequilla Pete, Get well soon. Your Venture Rider friends.....
  5. The address for Pete is Royal University Hospital 103 Hospital Drive Saskatoon, SK S7N 0W8 1.306.655.1000 Pete is in Room 6313, Bed 4. Must be getting old(er) . Couldn't sweet talk the nurse into giving me any information on his condition.... Will get a floral arrangement off to him today.... Maybe a cactus arrangement in recognition of the name (Tequilla Pete) he earned at the PIP last fall.
  6. Thanks for getting this information out. I'll try and give the hospital a call today to get a mailing address for Pete. Wishing Pete a speedy and complete recovery.
  7. Okay folks, Must say that the sale of raffle tickets for the Grand Prize drawing at the 2009 International Rally has been less than impressive. So, even if you can't make the rally, if you are interested in taking a chance on winning the grand prize, which, hopefully, will be another Bushtec Trailer, you need to get in touch with Cinderella to get your tickets.
  8. Welcome back Chris... If going to Cody fits into your schedule, several of us will be hooking up in Sioux Falls, SD to travel over to Cody. You would be more than welcome to join up with us.
  9. Sweet looking ride Margaret. and we also have Marilyn (Sarges46's wife) BethAnn Blusees Iowegian Susan (Duke's wife) Brandi JoDee (mikealiasMike's wife) Khromerose
  10. Ooops.... Sorry, my bad. But if I can locate it, I'll still post a pic....
  11. And don't forget to sync and tune the carbs,,,,
  12. Yes there was a dip stick for the 1200 models. It was a dual purpose and used to check both the oil level and the final drive fluid level. It was plastic and came with the tool kit. I may have one around here somewhere. If I can find it, will post a pic with the dimensions .
  13. Now that's funny... cuz I was sitting here trying to figure out someway to hook up my 56,000 BTU torch to a rolling heat chamber to melt all the ice on my driveway..... Old vets must think alike....
  14. If you cross your heart and promise to take a picture wearing it, I'll loan you mine.... but I want it back......
  15. If anyone has any information on the services planned for Darrell, could you please pass on the information so I can arrange for a floral arrangement. Thanks much Russell
  16. Hey! How come Allan gets to change his name without any disparaging remarks and aggravation? It's been well over a month now, and I am still getting flack... Not fair I tell you, not fair at all.....
  17. Cindy..... You have waaaaaaaaaaay too much time on your hands... You should be out polishing chrome or some other useful activity....
  18. Rick, not sure that Marilyn is a good example. She could be riding a unicycle and still ride rings around everyone.
  19. My recommendation would be the Virago. You can get them in 750, 920 or 1100. I guess the questions is how much power she needs/wants and the type of riding she will be doing. My daughter rides a Shadow 500 and loves it...
  20. yah want cold... Should have been out with me on the open Tundra doing an examination on a burned out ATV. spent almost 3 hours out in -36 wind chill and absolutely no wind break.... Just gotta be tough.... thats spelt DUMB...
  21. Never was a big Norton fan. Now, if someone would bring back the Square 4.... that would really be something that would catch my interest...
  22. Now why would someone in Alabama be worried about needing warm boots. It gets like what... down to 70F at night? Jeez
  23. Heck, the KFC Gizzards alone are worth the trip to Hannibal.... MMMMMMMMMMMM good eatin...
  24. Well, this will probably start this thread on it's downward spiral... but what can we expect when even the White House no longer has a Christmas tree? President Bush announced that it would be a Holiday Tree. And there would be a Seasonal Party for the staff. No Christmas at the White House. But apparently it is still quite acceptable to have Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Ramadan, etc. Next think to go will be Easter... if there can't be a birth, how can there be a death???
  25. Well, be that as it may, don't be getting to thinking this is going to derail my kinder and gentler disposition and pleasing personality. http://www.postsmile.com/img/winter/107.gif
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