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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. Well folks, placed the order for the 2009 PIP Guest of Honor. Have ordered a 100-110 pound dressed pit ready hog. Hopefully I will have to change that order for a larger hog. But for now, at least it's ordered. So, if you still haven't registered, Juggler has made it real easy. Just visit www.porkinthepines.com. And remember, donations only this year.
  2. If you haven't been to the Pork in the Pines. Great food Great people (well Red1 may or may not be there this year) Great riding and did I mention Great Food. So, if you really want to have a great labor day week end please consider coming to the 2009 Pork in the Pines. www.porkinthepines.com
  3. Whats with the Pony Tails??? Real men don't wear Pony Tails...... or their scoots.
  4. Big Foot... I have been running Ride-on in my scoots and in my work vehicles for years. And I swear by it, and will never ride without it (no comments from the peanut gallery) A few years ago my daughter picked up a drywall screw in her new rear tire. She had Ride-on in her tires (yes, sometimes they do listen). When we took the screw out, the tire sealed and she ended up riding the tread off the tire. Just my 2 cents...
  5. Brandi... Really great to have you stop by when you can. Bummer about the leg.... but at least you're still somewhat mobile. Also great to see that you and Crow will be doing the PIP again this year. Always nice to have someone else their ride. http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/jumping11.gif BTW, you bringing the beans again??? And if you want to share my cot again this year, you know your more that welcome. http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/lol5.gif
  6. Bill, Have you looked at the hitch mount Thule boxs?
  7. Received this from New Enough a few minutes ago. So, thought I would pass it on just in case anyone was interested. Job Opening at New Enough: Product Manger Hmmm... where to look for a person who can write well, ride a motorcycle, operate a PC, juggle hundreds of new products a year and who will move to Lubbock, TX for a good job. Well, the only place I can think of is to blast out the info to our formidable customer base and see what happens! If you or a friend might be interested in the open position of Product Manger at New Enough, LTD, then send them our way! Details of the Product Manager Job Opening... As always, thanks for your patronage...
  8. You won't be that far away. I'll be over in the North End. Just off McPhillips. Have had a slight change of plans. Just got a call that my father was rushed to Seven Oaks Hospital early this morning. High fever, low blood pressure and what they think is a kidney infection. Not sure how bad it is, but the Dr asked Mom about long term life support. So, as soon as I can get a few busness items taken care of, will be hitting the road. Blondies new place is at 1969 Main Street
  9. That I can do. Where are you in Winnipeg? And do you know Blondies?
  10. Well, I have been valiantly resisting, but, although the spirit is strong, the physical desire is even stronger. So, next week end, if all goes well, I will be up in Winnipeg and will most definitely be going to Blondies for a burger w/chips and gravy. I'll be thinking of y'all while I wallow in this decadence. http://www.getsmile.com/emoticons/seasons-smileys-54682/bbq20.gif Tom, will give you a call when I get in....
  11. As some of need to be lead by the hand, Any more info on this event? Date, location, etc....
  12. Good morning Bill There is another site you can go to for information on the Pork in the Pines (PIP) P{Pig Roast. www.porkinthepines.com. (Shameless plug here) The event is held up in Laporte, MN (about 20 miles South of Bemidji) This has become an annual event and this will be our 4th year. The PIP is a well attended event and in the past years we have had folks in from Washington, Montana, BC, Alberta, Sask, Manitoba,WI, IA, IL, MI, and TX. This year, in recognition of the tight economy and the dismal employment opportunities, we have eliminated the registration fee. In place of the fixed registration fee, we will be accepting donations. We have also arranged to have a sponsor for breakfast on Sat morning. So, if it can fit into your schedule, we would sure like to see you attend.
  13. In my continuing venture for gear to make MC camping easier, came across this site. The Blackwater short sleeve tight fit is currently on sale and they are offering an additional 10% discount. Five of these shirts can be packed in the space it takes to pack two regular T's. http://www.botachtactical.com/bltifitshshs.html
  14. Dang, You guys in uniform get all the good ones.
  15. Can't help with the repacking... BUT, rumor has it that the folks hosting the Pork in the Pines Pig Roast are planning on raffling off a set of Bubs to raise money for the pig roast. If my sources are correct, the tickets will be selling for $5.00 each. More info to follow shortly.
  16. Sorry, only one response per purchase. But, if you would like to purchase some additional tickets, that could be arranged. (Check your PM)
  17. Okay folks, the time is quickly winding down to the International Rally. And to be quite blunt about it, the sale of the raffle tickets for the trailer has been less than encouraging. We need to raise at least $1,000.00 to be able to purchase the trailer. And the ticket sales are no where near that right now. I know money is a bit tight this year, but if you are planning on purchasing raffle tickets, Please do so at your earliest convenience. If we can not sell enough tickets, the planning committee will need to make other arrangements for the grand prize.
  18. http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/look%20out.gif http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/itching.gif What the ...... When did Freebird change the rules..... http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/laughing5.gif
  19. It's tough when you finally admit (at least to yourself) that you are boiling fowl rather than a young Rooster. http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/lol6.gif But I gotta ask.... you gonna have outrigers installed on the 2nd Gen?
  20. Okay, one other suggestion. Try cleaning the switch with a little WD40, It may be gunked up. Other than that, I'm out of suggestions.
  21. Now that sounds like it would be a fun day. Right now my calander is open for that date... so, unless something comes up that I can't get out of, will definately try and make it. Thanks for the invite....
  22. One of the biggest problems with the speed control on the older scoots was excessive wear on the pivot pin in either the brake or clutch lever. The slightest vibration will disengage the speed control. Try holding/pushing outward on the levers to see if this makes any difference.
  23. http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/look%20out.gif http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/itching.gif Hum... While I have absolutely no idea why this anomaly is occurring, the solution is very simple. If the problem is only manifesting while running between 40 and 45 MPH, stay out of that speed range..... (Sorry, just couldn't help myself) Okay, enough of this levity. Time to go to work and try to brighten some one elses day.
  24. Mike.. What are you trying to say? I watched the pitchman. He really sounded creditable. You think he was fluffing the product?
  25. ROTFLMAO... Great snappy answer. You guys are way to quick some days.
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