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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. Or, if their bike is as smooth and quiet as mine, maybe they do it just to make sure the engine is still running... Oh wait, I forgot, mine doesn't need to be running when it's (Beat yah too it Rocket)
  2. Bummer. If they don't improve, I know a fellow that may be willing to rebuild them for you. He charges $30.00/h.
  3. Nice to see someone is getting some riding done... So, how was the mileage? Any significant improvement?
  4. I am working on a deal to get some Rocky Mountain Oysters aka Calf Fries/Swinging Serloin/Tendergroin... Anyone else attending the Pork in the Pines Pig Roast interested? www.porkinthepines.com
  5. Okay, If I can get my name on the list, there are several in this area that can view it and then I can pass it forward. Thanks for the offer.
  6. http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/lol6.gif Heck, just cross the river. All our roads here in Minnisoda are "rustic". Most of us just have other names for them. Congrats on your efforts to date and good luck with the endeavor.
  7. folks are coming to the 2009 Pork in the Pines pig roast on a 1st Gen?
  8. DOT 4 has a higher boiling point.. So, if you are a bit heavy on the braking, go with the DOT 4. And yes, DOT 3 and DOT 4 can be mixed. But probably wouldn't hurt to flush the brake system and replace with fresh fluid.
  9. Hey, I dun that as soon as the snow left... Yah don't want me to start a bad habit do yah?
  10. http://www.getsmile.com/emoticons/emotions-smileys-free/faint22.gif Thanks much. Sure glad there are folks out there to keep me out of trouble. http://www.getsmile.com/emoticons/emotions-smileys-free/wall22.gif Corrections made....
  11. Sounds like a great place for the International next year. Only problem I can see is that hosting it at the end of August would conflict with the annual Pork in the Pines held in Minnesota over the Labor Day week-end.
  12. Well, we are 52 days away from the kick off of the 2009 Pork in the Pines Pig Roast, and except for the fact that we have a lower than anticipated pre-registration, everything is moving along smoothly. We have recruited a sponsor for breakfast Sunday morning. So, that means free breakfast on site Saturday and Sunday. As only 5 people responded to the question of having biscuits and gravy on the breakfast menu, the cook made an administrative decision and we will not be having biscuits and gravy. As much as I like biscuits and gravy I can't justify the effort or the expense. Nor could I see having biscuits and gravy available and having to tell folks that they were reserved for a select few. Big Bob has registered and we look forward to seeing him after his accident last year. Still no official word from Tessa (Tequila Pete), but we are keeping the faith and hoping he will be able to make it. Am checking to see if there is some way we can get a better handle on the flys this year. Will be checking with a local farm supply to see what they recommend. If all else fails, may have to recruit a few folks with shotguns.... Just another reminder that due to miserable economic conditions we are facing this year we have done away with a set registration fee and will be simply setting out a donation jar for those that feel they can make a small donation to help offset the expenses. So, if your Labor Day week-end, September 4 through 7 is still open, and you are looking for an economical way to meet old friends, make new ones, get some of the best food around, and are in the mood for a lot of laughs, check out www.porkinthepines.com and come join us for the 4th anual Pork in the Pines. You won't be disappointed, I guarantee it.
  13. The problems in the auto industry are definately swinging both ways. With folks looking for ways to get rid of their cars to get out from under the payments, our business is going crazy with all the "accidental" fires and thefts... And this at a time when I am trying to slow down. It never ceases to amaze me what some people think they can get away with... and this includes Doctors, lawyers and business owners....
  14. Seroius as a heart attack... Even I couldn't come up with a name like that...
  15. That will work If anything comes up to change that, I'll give you a call.
  16. So, without the wind on your knees, what's gonna fluff your skirt???? Wierd minds want to know.
  17. came up with this? Motors Liquidation Company General Motors has a new name. Motors Liquidation Company, formerly General Motors Corporation, is engaged primarily in the development, production and marketing of cars, trucks and parts. It develops, manufactures and markets vehicles worldwide through its four automotive segments: GM North America (GMNA), GM Europe (GME), GM Latin America/Africa/Mid-East (GMLAAM) and GM Asia Pacific (GMAP). In addition to its automotive operations, the Company's finance and insurance operations are primarily conducted through GMAC LLC, which provides a range of financial services, including consumer vehicle financing, automotive dealership and other commercial financing, residential mortgage services, automobile service contracts, personal automobile insurance coverage and selected commercial insurance coverage. In July 2009, the Company announced that the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York approved the sale of substantially all of General Motors Corporation's assets to NGMCO, Inc. In July 2009, And at the same time, I get notification from the US Bancrupcy court that I am not allowed to either buy more or sell any of my GM Stock.... Thank gawd Big Brother is looking out for me...
  18. Dark blue/black smoke at start up is usually an indicator of burning oil. If it is burning that much oil, you should also see oil residue in the mufflers. Have you run a compression test?
  19. http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/lol6.gif Oh to be young again.... Sorry Wil, http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/laughing5.gif I tried real hard but just couldn'c contain (restrain) myself. Can I say the devil made me do it?
  20. I think I can do that. Will get me away from cutting up all the trees I had taken down last week. Dang it's tuff to be an Ol fart....
  21. http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/look%20out.gif http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/cant%20believe.gif Start watching your mail.. http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/bday1.gif
  22. Big Bummer.... There was a dirth of welding jobs around here a while back. If you would like, I can check into it further. Of course you would need to become a bleeding heart Liberal and run around demanding that the state increase your taxes. Seriously, Texas is an ideal location... and no state income tax. But then, you'd be further away from the Pig Roast... Let me know if there is anything I can do for you....
  23. Lew... If no one else wrecks or gets seriously ill, we still have a "few" dollars in the OPE fund. Shoot me a PM and let me know what you need... Russell
  24. http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/giggle2.gif http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/giggle1.gif http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/laughing4.gif I'm not laffin... Really. http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/laughing5.gif http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/lol6.gif http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/yes%20yes%20yes.gif http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/yes%20yes%20yes.gif Now, http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/giggle2.gif what wer the question agin? http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/lol6.gif Okay... seriously, just point the back end north... You can't miss it.
  25. Have been using Ride On in my bikes and company vehicles for years with absolutely no problems. We swear by it.
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