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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. Well, the days are definately getting shorter. And as far as I'm concerned, we never really had any summer this year. Could be a long winter. Going to see it out in style though. Pork in the Pines in four days for the wind down and then off to Cody, WY for the Round Up.
  2. We will be going up through Walker and then over to Gary's. Got to pick up the Guest of Honor from the Backus locker.
  3. Good morning Frank. The closest motel is the Lake George, in Lake George, MN. It does fill up quick though this time of year as it is bear season. If you go the www.porkinthepines.com then click on the PIP News tab you can get more information on the motels in the area. See you folks Friday.
  4. Need to make a little correction here. It is only 5, yes 5 days before the 2009 Pork in the Pines Pig Roast kick off. The festivities start Friday, September 4th with the Chili social. Depending on how the cooking goes, the social will probably get under way about 7pm and go until the wee hours of the morning. Cook can't stay up too late though... Needs to be up bright and early (well, at least early) to get breakfast started Sat morning. And, if anyone has a special request on how you want your eggs, you better get em in quick. :rotfl:
  5. Renne, we also will be heading up Friday. Hope to get away from the Cities about 10. So, if you've a mind to, you could hook up with us. Go to make a couple of stops on the way to pick up groceries and the guest of honor so it will be a rather leisurely run.
  6. I was going to title this thread something like only 6 more daysbut then I remembered that last week they wanted meaningtful titles. SO, just to let anyone that may have overlooked it... Only 6 more days before the kick off of the 4th annual Pork in the Pines Pig Roast. www.porkinthepines.com Just reying to head off anyone syaing they didn't hear about it until it was too late. Remember. Only 6 days left before the Pork in the Pines Pig Roast. www.porkinthepines.com See y'all at Grandpagak's place in six days.
  7. Yeah, but that's just my day job.... At night I sit in a tree and crap through feathers.
  8. I was told by a wise old man (and I am inclined to believe him) that NC was a great place to be from.... Far from.... Take care over there my friend.... we have enough heros...
  9. Okay... now I'm confused (again) Do I still need to have a meaningful title if I have nothing meanigful to say?
  10. You just don't know what you're missing. Particularly if it's a picket fence.
  11. NC? Do we really have members that admit to living in NC?
  12. We'll have the light on for you and save some food for you. Also, Rocket will be at the PIP and is going from there to Cody. Maybe you two can hook up and Gary and I can meet with y'all some place in SD.
  13. Try this http://www.michelinmotorcycle.com/index.cfm?event=contact.us If they make the tire you are looking for, they should be able to help you.
  14. By my count, in addition to the 34 folks that have already signed up, there will be at least 12 more who have said they will be there and 5 who have given a good solid maybe.
  15. Hmmm. Project bike???
  16. Spell it. Heck, I can't even pronounce it..
  17. Just short reminder that we are only 12 days away from the 2009 Pork in the Pines Pig Roast. www.porkinthepines.com Also, for the first times. While Gary's postal address is LaPorte, MN you actually need to go a few miles west of there to Konabec Corner. Well, actually if you get to the stop sign at Konebec Corner, you have already passed Gary's place. He should have the big orange banner out again this year to help guide everyone in. And for those really interested, the VenureRanger will be on site. So, see y'all there.
  18. Hey Rick, If you're still looking for a ride on the range, my sources tell me that the weekend of Sep 4-7, will be a fantastic time to ride north and west. Say up around Kabekona Corner.....
  19. Okay, who can answer a question about a Mercruiser 454 w/Bravo I drive assembly? Need to know if it is possible to shift from forward to reverse while under load? Thanks much
  20. With very little effort you can re-key the locks to your ignition key yourself.
  21. Glad to see that you are treating it with the reverence and respect that a priceless momento like that deserves... Heard a rumor that there may be a 5 year PC reunion next year . If this comes about, you can bet your bippy that there ain't gonna be no tail feather trim happening.
  22. Have you tryed Saddle Skins by Travelcade?
  23. Bump
  24. As most members are aware, there is no charge to attend the 2009 Pork in the Pines (www.porkinthepines.com) pig roast this year. And to help us cover the costs, one of long term members has donated a brand new car tire to be auctioned off. The proceeds from the auction will go directly to the Pork in the Poines donation jar. As this is a car tire, this will pr0obably interest a lot of the darksiders and those who are considering going to the dark side. What we have is a brand new 155.80.15 tire. The bid will also include shipping to the winner. So, if your interested in this tire, and in helping a fun Venturerider event, let the bidding begin.
  25. Tickle.. Bump...Bump
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