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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. Probably: an Adverb meaning that somethings seem reasonably true, factual or to be expected. Very likely. Without much doubt. So, the answer to your question "Any chance that I could find an old seat or something from a wrecked bike to use the pans to send to Daylong?" is "Probably".
  2. Probably...
  3. It's easy to get parts to repair a 2d Gen. All you need to do is follow a Harley and pick up the pieces that fall off cuz they will fit your knock off.....
  4. No... He is stuck in Wales....... There IS a difference you know? :rotfl:
  5. This is the first time I have received this type of E-mail... Hello! I'm sorry I didn't inform you about my traveling... am presently in Wales, United Kingdom on short vacation and as i write to you now.. its unbelievable am stuck here,got mugged at gun point on my way to the hotel and my money,credit cards,phone and other valuable things were taken off me at gun point, thanking Almighty God for save keeping my passport., i really need your urgent assistance quickly ? I JUST NEED SOME FEW HUNDREDS $$$ TO SORT OUT MY HOTEL BILLS AND i promise to refund it back to you once i get home cause i still have some cash in my account but i cant access any here right now ,already cancelled all my cards immediately after the muggers took my things off me!!! still at the public Internet library where am making use of the free Internet access, i will forever be grateful if you can help me,Waiting to hear from you quickly cos my flight leaves in few hrs but need to sort the hotel bills and please save me from been embarrassed. Thanks. Peter and my response was.... I'm sorry, you must have me confused with someone you think gives a $#@* about your problems.
  6. Pulling for you Bob.
  7. After 3.5 hours and still holding the same pressure, I think it would be safe to say that you do not have a coolant leak. We normally run the test for 30 minutes.
  8. Hey Gary, Did you get my cheque yet? If not, it's in the mail. No really, it's in the mail.
  9. From reading a lot of the posts on this site, I would have to say Purdy darn deep... Or are you asking about the snow?
  10. No. Run a pressure test on the water jacket to see if you are loosing pressure. That will tell you if you have a coolant leak.
  11. Have you run a pressure test?
  12. Would have been a lot better if they had done away with all the frogtalk.
  13. Wow. Haven't heard this joke since the 1950's......
  14. And just for you, I will have a REAL SPECIAL price.....
  15. I know that everyone has been wondering about it, so, to put everyone's mind at ez.... Yes, I will have both the Trailer raffle tickets and the Febriary 50/50 tickets for sale at the Meet and Eat at Chico's in Onamia, MN on the 20th of this month. So, bring lottsa money..... :rotfl: (or your cheque book)
  16. Or you can do a title history search through the state DMV.
  17. Black Owl


    Just read in the paper this morning that bank robberies were down 20% last year... Gues they finally realized they could not compete agains the CEO's.....
  18. Are you looking for the owners manual or a service manual?
  19. One thing to consider when setting the date for the Salmon Idaho run. The International Rally this year is Jul 12-13-14. Unfortunately, I know that I can not miss the 5 year homecoming at Potato Creek. So, I would need to take a pass on anything scheduled in close proximity to those dates.
  20. But what did he do to get a reverse gear??
  21. Jeez, just when things had finally gotten back on an even keel.. (Had to throw that swabbie term in to make Boomper CPO feel at home)
  22. Amazing.... 26,000 Km of roadway and he still didn't have enough room to get on the right side of the road...
  23. Sounds like an excellent organization. Noncoms are the backbone of the military. Now if they could only teach a butterbar to read a map...
  24. This is it folks. The last chance to purchase your tickets for the January 50/50 drawing. The drawing will take place tomorrow morning.
  25. It never ceases to amaze me. Some folks who you would think should know better always seem to fall for these scams.. Unfortunately, try as I might, I just can't feel sorry for them. Guess it really is true that you "Just can't fix stupid".
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