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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. Dang, those are good looking booties... :rotfl: But I'm abit confused with the question of having to remove the wind deflectors.... Where are the the wind deflectors mounted on a 1st Gen?????
  2. Okay you 1st Genners. A lot of you have been inquiring about the Hootie Booties. So, I thought I would just post some photos so that you can see what they look like. I can make them out of Nalgahyde (now that the season has opened on Nalgas) or real leather. I can also do custon colors if anyone is interested and you don't get way out there on the color. Standard black leather with domes are only $20.00 a set. Custom colors are $25.00 a set. Nalgahyde are $15.00 a set All the booties are felt lines to prevent scratching the fork plungers. The price includes shipping by USPS. So, if anyone else is interested, shoot me a PM.
  3. Just sitting here listening to a call in show on the radio taking calls from in-country 'nam vets. During the calls, a common theme developed which got me curious. How many of you still carry a P38. I still do and would really feel naked without it.
  4. That is one fine looking white scoot you got there Thom. Only thing that would make it look better is a set of white leather Hootie Booties to replace those black ones.
  5. Now that is definately a Nightrider bike. You only ride it in the dark so your friends and neighbors can't see how ugly it really is....
  6. Bit confused here.... If, as you suspect, it is running lean, it should heat up real quick.
  7. While most of this information is correct, the part about Squidley being able to sync a set of carbs in 5 minutes..... is a bunch of crap. He has never stopped talking long enough to know how quick he can do a sync job...
  8. Having experienced the adverse results of a leaking fork seal first hand, I will only say that I would not do it. Period, Never. But, it's your ride and your safety....
  9. Okay. Educate this dumb ol farm boy. What is the advantage of doing a reverse flow pressure bleeder? May have to change the fluid in the scoot if I ever get it off the Thanks in advance.
  10. Nay, yah just got that scoot painted up so purdy yah can't remember what you're riding without having it written down...
  11. Thought some of you might be inerested in this program. http://cat.cc/tiresize.htm
  12. Damn that looks good. But me thinks you need a few more lights on it.... Seriously, great job. Never knew the scoot could look that good.
  13. What!. Nothing for my Viagra.... I'm crushed
  14. Or, you could just purchase 10mm shoulder bolts from McMaster-Carr. Saves a whole lot of time and effort.
  15. Thats what I pay with the Lizard. Of course, they may raise my rates if I every get the scoot off the
  16. Geez, I'm surprised you didn't tell me that I wouldn't need to have the headlight modulating unless I got it off the trailer. Anywhooo. Have you been in contact with the company to let them know? If not, I will shoot them an E-mail and see if they have any recommendations. BTW: I know someone who may be interested if you are looking to sell it. (He too rides a Viagra)
  17. Just in case anyone else is considering installing a headlight modulator. This is the best price I have found to date, and the unit got a very favorable write up in webbike world. http://www.headlightmodulator.com/ Hopefully this will not degenerate into a debate on whether or not one should install a modulator.
  18. Not quite sure where I heard it, but if I remember correctly PayPal and Ebay are now owned by the same people.
  19. The winner number for the February 50/50 is 473177. The winner has been advised by PM. As usual, we will not post the name of the winner. However, the winner may elect to make a post to announce their good luck.
  20. Me thinks he is confusing the center balance point (which is constantly moving) with the center of gravity.... But then I'm just a dumb ol farm boy....
  21. I was going to say that they are the best invention since flush toilets. Then I saw that you were up in Canada So, how about better than sliced bread???? Seriously, they are fantastic. In MHO, well worth the money.
  22. Well, the VIN you posted indicates the scooter is a 1983 manufactured in Hamamatsu, Japan. To find out when it wa shippe dto England, you would need to find the manufacturers shipping documents.
  23. Hokay.. yah know, ve uzeda say dat der first liar he don't stand no chance. But ere, da last man ome is osed. Ver's dat Paul arvey fella ven yah need im. I tell yah sure, if yah gona go to dat Renne's place, yah don wanna aks im fer da directions. An dis varnt no Krabblehag ider. Dey don't gots no Rakfisk and der vernt no Smalahove or Pinnekjott. SO, I had to ave dat amburger steak mit fried taters n gravy. An den, I tell yah true, dat Renne yah know, he sez dat he makes da best chili too. Probably uses dat Lutefisk and cabbage don yah know. So, I tell im... ve gonna do dat cook off ting in September at grandpa's place. An he's so funnen he sais yah sure. Now if dat ain't a hoot....
  24. Now that's a hard core biker. As it wasn't a Kaw, know it wasn't Lowel...
  25. Don't have a better answer for you that what Squidley just said. But, since you are over in Hastings, let me hijack your thread for a minute and extend an invitation to join us at the Meet and Greet tomorrow morning, 11:00, at Chico's in Onamia. Give you a chance to meet some of the other members here in MN and to kick around some thoughts on rebuilding your scoot. All in all they are a great bunch of guys... well with the exception of Grandpagak, Renne, Bubber, and, and... Heck, I just realized I am the only straight arrow that is going to be there tomorrow. Anywhooo... if you can fit it into your schedule, please join us. Now, back to your regular programming.
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