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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. Black Owl


    The Vets will know what/who I'm referring to..
  2. Black Owl


    Just heard it on the news this morning. All I can say is What a Jerk... :bang head:
  3. Shucks, I thought this sit was already dedicaed to all the nuts out there, whether on wings or not..... But then, I remember a conversation we had shortly after the site got up and running where I mentioned that the site name could apply to what we do as well as what we ride. Cause every ride is a venture, regardless of what one is on. Okay, now I'll shut up and go back to the nest....
  4. Well, it ain't free, but here is an excellent program for keeping track of all your expenses, activities, etc. www.ftwo.com
  5. Erv & Terri, Sure wish I could make it. Unfortunately, as they say "Life is what happens while we are making other plans", and it just isn't in the cards for me this year. Hope you have a great turn out. Russell
  6. I be one of those
  7. Probably no so absure, but still funny. Something cheap and superficial Burt Reynolds [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNKwX8DpDiw&feature=related]YouTube- Burt Reynolds - Let's Do Something Cheap and Superficial 1980[/ame] Or Waitess oh waitress..... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCrzNe_4Sxk]YouTube- Waitress Sit On My Face[/ame]
  8. And for those of us who have absolutely no talent.... would a check be acceptable????? If so, to whom should it be sent????
  9. Now that's a whole lotta bike.... And a great looking one too boot...
  10. Way to go Teri... Knew you had it in you. But you definately need to take a break for a few months before jumping onto the Phd wagon... Russell
  11. :rotfl: Dave, all I can say is that if you can remember Three Dog Night from your younger days, than you are definately and "Old Dog". Heck, even Grandpagak can't remember that far back. And Renne can't remember what he had for breakfast.... Enjoy the concert...
  12. For anyone in/near New Hamburg, ONT. Just wanted to let y'all know that a new ice cream store has opened up. It's called Swirlz. Located at 385 Waterloo, New Hamburg, Ontario. Now for the sake of disclosure... the store is owned by my sister and brother-in-law. But don't let that stop you from swinging by. It's a new venture for them, and if it goes, I figure I will be able to sponge off them in my old age. If anyone stops in, tell them I said hi.
  13. If I remember correctly (and at my young age, that can be questioned) a year or so back someone else was having that same problem. I think the cause turned out to be an issue with the ignition switch. Someone else with a better recollection than I may be able jump in here and correct me if I am wrong about this.
  14. Okay... just a quick thought... Have you checked the coolant fluid level?
  15. Black Owl


    Can anyone say bendover.... Just ordered a set of fork seals for the Viagra. $114.00 Now if I can just talk Rocket into coming down to put them in for me.... and the
  16. Just in case anyone is interested, LAPolice Gear has collapsable batons on sale. www.lapolicegear.com and the
  17. Dang, they do look good. Tried to match the color of the scoot from the pics you posted. Looks like I got real close. Now all I need to do is get my shoulder back in place after twisting it to pat myself on the back. Hope to see them in person at the next M&E in St Cloud.
  18. Sheezzzz. I get blaimed for everything. Sometimes I think my name must be Charlie Brown....
  19. Just glad I don't need to explain "necking" to you young uns...
  20. Boy, someone is showing their age. "Spoon" verb A coloqialism from the late 1850s Originally this had meant to nestle against one another spoon fashion, as to keep warm, make room for others in a family bed, etc. "Spooning" Usually meant "necking" in a general sense. Now used to mean cuddling by a couple who lie on their sides in very close contact, facing in the same direction, so that they resemble spoons that have settled together in a compartment of a cutlery tray. Would have thought that Rocket, or even Renne, both of whom where around when this term first became popular, would have jumped right in here to help out our "younger" members.
  21. Do you have a precious metal dealer in your area? They usually have mercury in stock. Or if you have access to an auto wrecking yard, you could see if they have any merc switchs floating around. The underhood and deck lid lamps on the older vehicles were merc switchs. If all else fails, I can check with a local supplier here to see if they have any and how much.
  22. I would suggest that the first thing you might want to check is the bayonet connection in the conductor (wire) to the temp guage. The bayonet connection has a nasty habit of becoming disconnected. If memory serves me, the conductor is routed inside the faring on the right side of the scoot. Will most probably be a white conductor. If I am wrong on the placement or color, I'm sure someone will jump in here and steer you in the right direction.
  23. Well said Joe. It never ceases to amaze me how much BS gets sent around the world and seems to land on my computer. As you state.. If yah can't validate it, don't post it.
  24. Can do. But I need to order more of the crosses. They seem to be a very popular concho. Have also attached a photo of another set of custom booties I just finished up this morning. White is not an easy color to work with
  25. Hummm PNW Doesn't that stand for Pacific North Wet? And is it true that you folks up there don't tan... ya'all just rust?
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