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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. Heck, I did it for the money The FTA was just an added bennie...
  2. Sure sounds like a fouled fuel filter...... Had a similar problem a few years back. Bike would run fine for a few minutes and then start missing and shut down. Replaced the fuel filter and the issue went away immediately.
  3. Due to circumstances beyond Bubber's control (and the fact that despite 350 viewings of the meeting notice only 1 other member indicated that he would be attending) the GSR meeting set for 7 June, 2014, at the Copper Lantern in St Cloud, has been cancelled.
  4. Dang. Foolish me. I sort of figured that being down under, when someone fell they would just naturally float up toward the ceiling. Yah gotta start watching where you step. Take it easy, follow the DR's orders and get well soon.
  5. Got one for a 86+ Venture Royale. Would that help you?
  6. There is always the Pork in the Pines Pig Roast over the labor Day Long week end (August 29 through September 1 this year). We get more folks down from Sask that from right here in MN (go figure). SO you would be right at home.
  7. I had my bike insured with USAA for almost 20 years. Even after they stopped insuring MC I was grandfathered in until I switched to the Virago. USAA dropped my MC coverage and recommended that I go with Progressive. I checked the rates with Progressive and Geico. Have been with Geico for the past six years. I have the winter lay up policy with full coverage to include Uninsured and under insured for about $300.00 per year.
  8. Not to be a SA, but did you check the kill switch? Flip it a couple of times as they have a tendency no stick so that even though the rocker switch looks like it is off, inside my be still grounding.
  9. Yah, yah, yah.... Just sitting here watching it rain, and rain, and rain. Then watch it rain some more. But at least I don't have to shovel it....
  10. OMG!!!!!!!! It's alive (or just came out of hibernation). Are we going to see you (read that JoDee) at the PIP this year? :rotfl:
  11. Just 'cause "IT" is.....
  12. See what you did? Now he will need to buy a larger size hat....
  13. Sheez Bubber, everyone knew that.... :rotfl:
  14. Look at Crowdrise.com and/or Indigogo.com
  15. Hoping for the best for you on the interview. On another note. How is that other project progressing?
  16. Well, me thinks that red light rever's fall into two basic categories. There are those that need to rev (old Harley's, Triumph's, etc) to keep their bikes running. Then you have the Yammie rider's who need to rev to make sure the bike is running.
  17. Hey Rooster... If you have the problem again, try pushing it from the side. Left or right really doesn't matter unless you are particular about which side you drop it on...... Always willing to lend a hand to a friend in need......:rotfl:
  18. Yah, yah yah... Me thinks it's just a sig of the times and you getting much older. There are still a few of us around who remember when you traveled much further for less....... (I believe it was PIP 2005 or maybe 06) Might just have to confirm that with Bluesy.... :rotfl:
  19. When they tell you that 400 miles +/- is too far to go to meet up for a cuppa.
  20. Not sure if being sick of trying to get MN members interested in having a meet and greet really constitutes an illness....:stirthepot::stirthepot:
  21. When I saw this thread my first thought was; Hey, you could come get the snow out of my driveway. Now that is a summer project......
  22. Just thought I would bump this again. Who knows, maybe someone's calendar got freed up or momma gave permission to go. :stirthepot:
  23. Well, even though it looks like there will only be 3 (that's right folks, 3 out of 68) members making this M&G, we are going forward with it as things need to be put into motion, work schedules set up and the myriad of other issues which need to be discussed for this years Pork in the Pines. Steve, Gary... see you at 11:00Am Sat, March 8th at the Copper Lantern in St Cloud. Russell
  24. 67 paid members in MN. 242 view on this post, 7 replies and 1 member interested in attending the meet and greet.......... If there is no real interest in having this meet and greet, I am going to recommend that it be cancelled.
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