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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. AHA.... It's true... I knew it. You really don't like coming west of the Big Muddie..... Sooooo. No roast pig for youze.
  2. That is no longer a fuse block. To put it gently, that is one royal cluster f. Strongly recommend you replace it with an upgraded fuse box and get rid of the glass tube fuses.
  3. Yah mean it don't do any good to have the registration and current tab stickers in your desk drawer... Glad you reminded me.... I know Rocket... you don't need current tags if the scoot never gets off
  4. Where y'all heading? If you get back to the land of sky blue waters in time (before the long week-end) stop by and visit with us at the Pork in the Pines Pig Roast up in Laporte, MN
  5. Not intended to be insulting, but are you sure the fuel filter is installed correctly?
  6. And a damn good cup ua it was on a cold, wet morning without a Micky D's anywhere in sight......
  7. That is a great price for a custom built hitch of an 83 1st Gen 1200.
  8. DT is also known in the military as 100MPH tape. Used to patch up helicoptors light aircraft, boats and a bunch of other stuff...
  9. Congrats. She must have the patience of Job.... In two weeks, I will have been married 10 happy years. 10 our of 45 ain't too bad.....
  10. Thanks for the heads up on this. Will keep her in our thoughts and hope all works out for the best.
  11. Boy, nothing like making it easy for the shade tree guys....
  12. Good response Goose. Now, if he does have Corona (No, not the beer), how does he correct the problem if the wires are not "replaceable".
  13. Don't know about that... But it is where I will be staying,,,,,
  14. Figured there was no sense in waiting until the last minute. So, made and got confirmation on reserving a cabin at the Ponderosa Camp Grounds for the 2011 International Rally in Cody WY. Sure can't beat the price, and they are conveniently located...
  15. Well, it won't fit my Virago and I never heard of Sammy Hager. And someone already took the double nickel. Looks like I'm a loser all way round....
  16. Yes, there are heads-up displays for MC helmets. I donated one as a prize for the 1st MC rally at Potato Creek. And, if I remember correctly (of course my rememberer is abit fuzzy at times), it was one by E-Fishin-C.
  17. HEY, HEY, HEY... I'll have you know that the scoot hasn't been on the trailer once this year... So there,,,
  18. Sheez, building another trailer are you? And I suppose you will want use to wire it for you (again) at the Pork in the Pines,,,,,
  19. Black Owl

    Help !!!

    Or you can file a complaint with the State Insurance Commissioners office.
  20. The 1100 Vieago is a great bike. I down sized from my 1300 to the 1100 and it definately put the fun back into riding. Have a friend with an 86 1100 Virago, and he has no problem with the starter. Also, there are lots of parts available for the 1100 on e-bay.
  21. Hey Ron, Sure would be nice to see that bike in person (again). Besides that... We have yet to find someone that can manage the campfire like you can....
  22. Can't help you with a replacement lid. But, can tell you how to keep from losing one in the future. Go to your local heardware store/Home Depot and pick up some picture hanger wire. You can get it coated or uncoated. I preferred the coated wire. Cut about a 14-16 inch length. attached a closed loop electrical terminal large enough to accomidate the bolt used to connect the trunk latch to the box. Put a wire on each end of the box. This keeps the lid from blowing away of the latch fails. Also qllows the top to hang down when you are getting something out of the box without having to balance the lid on the seat or lay it on the ground. BTW: Where are you located in MN?
  23. Rather than masking off the fin edges, you can use vasoline to coat the edges, Then, after you shoot them, the vasoline will wipe right off. The is also a liquid masking material used by body shops which will do the same thing.
  24. http://www.cast-aways.com/codypics/IMGP2554%20(Medium).JPG Are you sure we had the bikes when we got here this morning?....
  25. See what you're going to miss by going to the family wedding?
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