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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. However, ending a sentence with a proposition can often reverse that problem....
  2. Glad to see you are practicing moderation. They all appear to be capped. Or were you just waking up to a fresh start? :rotfl:
  3. I use the Double shot French Press travel mug made by Planetary Design. Great for either coffee or tea.
  4. Oh the memories this brings back.... The Germans have a similar drink but they used JeagarMeister or Apple Brandy (for the ladies). Man, talk about knee walking and commode hugging after a night of indulgance.
  5. That's "Damn Yankee" to you.... thank you very much....
  6. Never could get used to Sweetened Ice Tea. But then I'm not what one would consider a "Southern Belle". :doh:WOW. I just thought of something. Yah think that sweentened ice tea was what convinced "CupCcake" to move to Texas???? I can just see him now. Hooped skirts and a little parisole swishing it up at one of those debutante balls saying, "Well, I do declaire." :rotfl: :stirthepot::stirthepot:
  7. Sounds interesting. My supplier has a green Chiness Tea they call "Gunpower". Wonder if it is the same thing. Will let you know if I can't find it and maybe get you to send me a small sample.
  8. 'Aw shucks Charlie, I figured everyone used the loose tea, but real bikers didn't want to admit that they had Tea Balls.... For you tea drinkers, if you have not experienced the pleasure of a cupa made with loose tea, you are in for a delightful surprise. And, depending on your supplier, the loose tea is acutally cheaper than tea in them little bags.
  9. Just checked the site you recommended. All I can say is WOW. Pricey. $4.58 oz. Our store here sells the Cameron bulk tea at $1.29 oz. They do have some very interesting blends though.
  10. We have a local store that sells bulk teas. Have been tempted to try the Pomogrante Green, but as I really don't care for pomogrants, have been hesitant to try it. Another favorite of mine is English Breakfast...
  11. Since I was introduced to the Frech Press mug last year at Cody (Thanks Irv) I have returned to drinking Tea rather than coffee. SO, was wondering how many other tea drinkers we have here. And if anyone has a recommendation for specialty teas that they enjoy. I recently came across a Moroccan Mint that is really enjoyable.
  12. Well Gary, as my Daddy used to tell me when I complained that it was cold out. "Put it back in"....
  13. Good morning everyone. Want to say a big thank you to : Brian H; Mike E; Carl N; Thomas Mc; James R; Mark H; Patti E and Douglas I for their generous donations to the Special Activities Fund (SAF). As of 8AM today, we have reached 60% of our goal. On behalf of myself and those who may have a need to draw upon this fund, a heart felt thank you to all who have contributed to date.
  14. As a moderator I usually stay out of these threads that start to become personal affronts to some member. However, I will say this on this one. For all the good natured banter that goes on between the respective branches of service, as an Army MedEvac pilot in 'nam, I never had one Marine complain about my being diverted to a Marine fire fight to pick up the wounded under a canopy of Air Force or Navy pilots delivering a load of napalm. My only concern wwas that their aim was as good as they claimed... Now, if this can simply die a natural death it would be great....
  15. Dan... The real question is, "Will they admit it?" :rotfl:
  16. Hey... I don't blame Lowell for everything. If fact, I told the waitress at the Lantern that you put me up to it.....
  17. He's a Marine. Marine's don't steal. They simply practice relocation of assets....
  18. Thanks for the heads up Don. And glad to hear it is simply a name change. They are a great company to deal with, and they definately understand customer service.
  19. Now that sure could give someone the wrong impression. It was just cuz 1. I was just trying to be politically correct. 2. Got to treat all the ladies equal yah know. 3. Lowell was leading me astray... That's my story and I'm sticking too it......
  20. Boy Deb, had to read your posting twice to figure out who you were talking about. Not sure that trying to get that waitress in Cody to swap T shirts with me would really qualify as giving someone the shirt off my back. But hey, maybe I can try that line next time. Seriously, thanks much for the push on the fund raising. Even though you give me way more credit than I deserve, it was definately a huge help. And to James C; Derik K; Curtis T; Viki B; Randy L; Brian H; Egdar S; Ken B; James P; Evan M; Ken M and Rick Y, thak you for your support. It is really appreciated.
  21. :bang head: It's fantastic..... (damn smarttypants )
  22. Well, getting a bit long in the tooth for my 1300VR Royal, I traded down to the Virago 1000 and havn'e regretted it one bit. And before Rocket chimes in... I'll probably enjoy it even more once I figure out how to get it off the trailer....
  23. Hey... It's IOWA. They gotta go somewhere.
  24. Ifn yah works fer the Govt yah kin get real close with Cx2+28=F.
  25. What? No pictures of the interior. How we gonna be able to share our vast knowledge of how to rig the back of the unit to be able to get your scoot inside for hauling?
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