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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. Under the 2011 Specials, he is selling any10 patches (mix & match) for $44.95.
  2. Try this http://www.cedarvillestore.com/c-10-shoe-stretchers.aspx
  3. Don't know if they are still available, but at one time they made adjustable shoe trees that you could adjust to stretch shoes. I have a very high in-step, and before I switched to geezer shoes, would need to stretch any boots or shoes that I bought.
  4. We all know that children have a mind of their own, but Toronto?????? Can't imagine what that boy was thinking..... :duck:
  5. Well, if you guys in Canada would just stop shipping all your oil down here, we could stop selling all ours to China and just maybe we could get the prices to drop a bit. Just not sure where all the oil money is going, but we're sure not seeing any revenue increase at the well head. All my revenue is going back into the tank... Gonna be real expense to take the trailer queen out this summer (if the snow ever melts).
  6. Now that is definately unfortunate, Getting harder and harder to find campgrounds that will accomodate bikers.
  7. Wild Hair had that model CB mounted on his scoot. He should be able to tell you the pros and cons. But the deal has already passed into history.
  8. Black Owl


    Brad, no reason to be embarassed... Schwinn is a great brand and very durable. Easy to work on also. :rotfl:
  9. :bang head: Sure, now you tell me.. After yah start working on my scoot.... :rotfl:
  10. Well, ain't that just typical. All the movie stars get to eat high on the hog while the rest of us po folk hasta make due with the scraps and scrapings. Next thing your gonna tell us is that yov'e been invited to week end with Lindsey Lohan (while she's ut a jail of course).
  11. SO, it being a Campbell,s ad, what kind of soup did they serve you? :rotfl:
  12. :rotfl:The size it about right, but the design is all wrong... if you know what I mean
  13. I ain't never going back to Victorias. Last Christmas I got a card for a free set of undies. When I went in to get them, they said they didn't carry anything like that in my size.
  14. Dang, and I thought those were just the result of the natural aging process.... :rotfl::rotfl:
  15. Uhhhh? Game rule clarification. Is it okay to get it elsewhere if you "don't" mention getting it elsewhee???? :stirthepot:
  16. And if you don't get the satisfaction you are looking for you can always go here: Hiroyuki Yanagi President Yamaha Motor Co, Lts 2500 Shingai Iwata-shi Shizuoka-Ken Japan
  17. Well, I have a lot of problems with folks using the word "sex" in postings made on this site. Every time I see it, I need to set aside what I'm reading, go hunt up the dictionary, and look up the word to see what it means.... Ah yes, the pleasures of being a senior citizen..... that plus the 10% discount at the local eatery....
  18. Charlie, We understand that your post was not politically motivated. Unfortunately, there are a select few on the site that take every oportunity to try and make a political statement. Unforetunately, when that happens, threads head sourth and they end up getting deleted. Attempts by the select few turn a thread political has resulted in a lot of important information either getting deleted or never posted to the detriment of the majority of the members. Your thread was discussed amonst the moderators long before it reached a point where it ended up getting deleted. And, as Don has pointed out countless times in the past, because it was felt that the initial information was important, a decision was made to let it run for a while. Unfortunately, the moderators could tell where the thread would head, and dispite a couple of cautionary postings, it ended up going political. So, lets just move on and let it R.I.P.
  19. Cooking/creating off the wall foods.
  20. Not here either. But then, license plates are highly over rated anyway.
  21. Just to let everyone know. The VentureRider Special Activities Fund has sent a floral arrangement to Craig wishing him a speedy recovery.
  22. Hmmmm. What more could one ask for. Warm weather and now of legal drinking age. Life in Iowa just doesn't get any better....
  23. Very nice. Thanks for sharing..
  24. I am in possession of a copy of documents setting out the pay and allowances and health insurance benefirts for our federal legislators. If anyone would like a copy send me an E-mail to CFAS4U@Charter.net and I will make them available. I have locked this thread to preclude any political discussions This is simply to let those who may be interested in getting some facts that I can E-mail the documents to them.
  25. So, the mountain removal program was a success eh... And I just read where you guys invited (Michele Backman) back. :bang head: Yuz guys are suckers for punishment aren't yah?
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