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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. Listening is one thing.... but believing is on a whole other plain....
  2. My bad.... It's gone. But her comments were sooo stupid....
  3. Ahh yes. But think of the improvement...
  4. Old Welsh proverb say "It is a wise craftsman who builds a shelter for his tools."
  5. Me also:rotfl:
  6. So, are you saying Pam can't be Frank????? I'm so confused.
  7. Dave, Welcome to the looney bin. I can't help you a whole lot on lights, but there are more tha enough folks who can steer you right on that issue. Now, as for tires, I strongly recommend something with tread that holds air. See, as I said, Welcome to the looney bin.
  8. Let's try and keep it civil....
  9. Ya gotta bring a Shepards Crook to get "certain" folks outta da pond.... Seroisly though, it's great that you will be in attendance with parts and accessories.
  10. Okay. Now I'm really confused. Is this not a post telling us that you can not post???
  11. No Don, that, in my opinion, was not too political. Clear, concise, and your point/position was made without slamming anyone. Yah dun gooder....
  12. I think Sarges46 may be right (Geez, did I actually say that?) Granted it's a bit more $$$... but you would be getting a whole lot more for your monhey. And the Midnight is a great scoot.
  13. Of course they are "profiling" them. They (LEO's) are always profiling. If someone gets a parking ticket because the meter wasn't fed... they are being profiled. Stop a vehicel for a tail light out. The vehicle was profiled. Get pulled over for running a red light... you were profiled. When will it ever end...
  14. My sources in Ontario tell me that Canada is implimenting a new program to reduce new claims for Welfare. Apparently, starting this coming Monday, a claim forms will be printed only in English..... Now if that don't beat all....
  15. Fantastic. Now I know why Brad T traded in his 2d Gen for a "new" ride.
  16. Black Owl

    Army food

    Allan, While it is easy for me to say it now that my son-in-law has finally retired from the Marine Corps after pulling three combat tours over there, from personal experience I would n't worry about the weight loss. I came back from the 'nam weighing 140 pounds and sporting a 32 inch waist. (Boy, that was a long time ago) Will reserve any comments on the self funding issue, but I definately understand where you are coming from. Been there. Done that....
  17. Wow.... Talk about Bogarting.....
  18. I just love these kinds of suggestions. Can't count the number of fires we have done over the years because someone over fused a circuit.
  19. Boy, nuttin gets by you duz it...
  20. Uhhh... cuz up there in the Great White North, it would be running 24/7/365....
  21. Don't see a Brit bike in the bunch. SO, if I just say a whole buncha metrics... do I win??????
  22. If you decide on the Buick, make sure that the recalls have been completed. This make/model year had at least 5 recalls issued. Two were for potential fires and one was for a steering failure potential. Hate to see you end up sitting in a ditch somewhere in a smoking ashtray.
  23. My company, my computers and my time. I also provide the computers for my employees and do not place any restrictions on their use. On those few time that I forward E-mails, I make it a point to remove any addresses, headers etc.
  24. Another one destined to head south.....
  25. So, does this mean I didn't win.......... AGAIN? :bang head:
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