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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. Really sweet. Need something like that for my Virago.
  2. Just a quick reminder. If anyone is having electrical issues (Sarges46), John, the Electrical Engineer who sponsor's a breakfast for us will be in attendance Friday and Sat. For those who have not met John, beside being the foremost forensic automotive electrical engineer in the country, he is one great guy.
  3. Got a couple of raffle items already packed up. See you guys Friday after I pick up the guest of honor....
  4. I know the Lake George is booked solid. But plenty of motels in Bemidji and walker. Both about 20 miles away.
  5. Yah sure you didn't get caught in a time warp and end up back in ND two years ago.... Maybe you should change your handle to Storm Catcher.....:rotfl:
  6. OK. Sounds like you folks are having a great trip. One favor to ask though. If you're going to break down again, could you try and make it a little further north before you call for an assist. OK don't do a whole lot for me....
  7. Jeez, not only does he forget about the meeting (which he set up), but he also has selective memory about the phone conversation. You know Bubber. That part about trying to slide by saying "What? You never got the message that it had been cancelled?) Well, there were three of us standing there listening to him fumble around with that weak a$$ excuse. And we didn't by it. We just had the meeting without him. (Actually, it went very well and we actually accomplished things without having to explain them two or three times. ) Wait until he see's all the tings he volunteered for. :rotfl:
  8. The Canadian Vietnam Veterans Memorial wall will be at the High Ground in Nielsville, WI on 12-14 August. 2014 if anyone is interested. CBS will also have a film crew there doing a documentary.
  9. Iffn I ain't back in the hospital I'll be there too.
  10. Just had an opportunity to read this thread. Where are you? If you are around the cities, I know a guy who knows a guy who knows etc etc. We could try and get you hooked up with Big John, the electrical engineer to see if he could help figure it out. You folks know him. He sponsors the breakfast at the Pork in the Pines. Call if you need anything....Parts, a ride, etc
  11. Not to worry BongoBob. The boys from the PIP got your 6
  12. Congratulations. Now for sure you need to make the Pork in the Pines. We need all the help and intervention we can get to keep Bubber in line.
  13. Dang it Rick, that was one of the best kept secrets for over 2o years. Now you done let the cat out. Sure hope the "Boss" don't read this. BTW. Will you folks be heading through this way on your way to the International?
  14. Just two more weeks and we are done. Will be closing the business and retiring (for good this time). So, while I know this is really short notice for all those out there that want to run out and buy me a gold watch, tickets for a Greek Islands cruise or some other really expensive retirement gift, thought I would make it really easy for all. How bout you just show up at the Pork in the Pines Pig Roast and I will let you buy me a few adult beverages. Or maybe just an ice cold lemonade. Heck, just show up and make it one great retirement party......
  15. Heck, even I know that one..... Or are you talking about the name the ladies in Cody gave him??????
  16. Thanks much 185 Redwood Drive Apple Valley, MN 55124
  17. My daughter and I both dabble with B&W. So, if no one else is interested, I would be interested in both if they are still available.
  18. Can someone provide the name/address of the hospital? Or a home address so the SAF can send flowers... Thanks much
  19. Foolish me. When I saw the title on this thread, I immediately thought that as a vintage Indian, it might be a question I could answer. :rotfl:
  20. Well... Did not know that Yard Man was using Honda engines. I thought they were still using the old B&S engine.
  21. Passing on the singing I think we all agree is one thing. But I was sure looking forward to your imitation of Bright Starr...... That would keep the ol pump a running,
  22. Ask Gary (Grandpagak) how to load a bike onto a trailer (at 40 MPH).:rotfl:
  23. I'm usually wrong, however..... The letter L in the engine code 1NL should be the year designator. L refers to the year 1990.
  24. And a huge passel (that's a buncha) members camping out at the 9th Annual Pork in the Pines Pig Roast. Come join us. The camp grounds are great with all the amenities. Too include your very own wake up call as the sun comes up. Ain't that right Bubber??? :rotfl:
  25. Back before I became the sweet, loveable, law abiding gentleman that I am today, used to do hat with my old HD while going through tunnels and overpasses. Used to get quite a jump out of folks till I blew he muffler off the bike. Found out the boys in blue didn't think it was as funny as I did..
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