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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. Well folks, the days are just flying by, and Cody will be upon us sooner than any of us can realize. SO, here's a serious question. How many plan on taking part in the Chili Challange? We need to know soon as there are sdministrative issues that need to be taken care of to make sure that the participants will have the equipment they need to cook up their challange.
  2. No Tee Shirt, but been there-done that... clogged in-line fuel filter.... probably need to flush to bowls also.
  3. Only to the left.... or is it to the right.... I'm never really sure:rotfl: But, when it's on the trailer, who needs to worry.
  4. While at the Venture Round UP in Cody, Wy a couple of years ago, the side stand bolt on the Virago broke. As a quick fix, I purchase a bolt from the local hardware store. Ever since, the bike has been developing a horrendous lean. Finally found a side stand for a decent price (cheap is a way of life here) and also ordered an OEM Bolt. Had a break in the rain today, so decided to put the new side stand on. Turns out there was nothing wrong with the stand. The bolt that I used was bending. The more it bent, the further the bike would lean. So, for you folks that are experiencing excessive lean while using the side stand, you may just want to check the bolt holding the side stand on.
  5. Now all you need to do is clean up the weather all around you for the folks coming through. :rotfl:
  6. Anyone have any news on Rocket? According to his spot, he is still somewhere around Salmon, ID
  7. Not sure where Paul (Rocket) is this morning. If he made it through the snow in the pass, he has more crap to look forward to. Weather forecast this morning was for high winds along the I-94 corridor in NoDak and MN along with severe thunder storm warnings for the norther section of MN at least to Gary's (Whoomp) place. :bang head:
  8. Don't know about up at your place, but down here we had enough hail to cover the ground like snow. And then the rain and the winds. Storm warnings and sirens going off most of the evening. And all coming in from the Dakotas.
  9. Well, of all the feeble excuses..... But now I'm hearing rumors that some mountain man out of Idaho is going to step up and take Freebirds place. Like someone in Idaho even knows how to spell chili... Not sure if this will be a "fair" challange, but he/they are more than welcome to give it a try.
  10. If so, can you let them know that we have had enough rain already here in the Twin Cities . Time for some sunshine and warm weather.
  11. Well, unless it's allergies, your delicate Platte might just be in for a surprise.
  12. Food for thought on your question(s). When Excelsior Henderson was trying to get back in the game, they had three Ergonomic Engineers on staff to design seats, handle bar positions, foot placement, etc. Unfortunately, for some reason the Hanlen Bros didn't feel that it was necessary that these Engineers also be riders. So, like so many professionals, while they had the technical knowledge, they had no practical experience upon which to base their designs.
  13. Not sure which Canuck refugee you're talking about, but anyone who sought refuge in WI has to be a real dildo. Anyone, I want to make sure that everyone understands that I will not be responsible for any changes in anyone's character after eating my chili. Any uncontrolable urges to ride up to northern Minnesota to take part in the Pork in the Pines Pig Roast on the hopes of getting another taste of the best tasting Chili to be had anywhere north of the Big Muddy is a common side effect of which ya'll have now been warned. (this warning is posted as required by the FDA)
  14. So. Are you saying that FreeBird did not learn his lesson at Potato Creek in 2005? Or has he found a "new" brand of canned chili????? Either way, I have only three words for him and all others. "Bring it on."
  15. How quickly things can change. Seems like no more than a few days ago there were plenty ot trailer drawing tickets to be had. But boy, go get a cup of tea and zap they are becoming as scarce as hens teeth. Looks like only abut 75 tickets left. So, if you've been dragging your feet, might be time to step up and commit if you want to have any kind of a chance at the trailer....
  16. You should be able to pick one up at your local hardware store.
  17. As a general rule, I do not comment on other folks suggestions. However, in this instance I feel strongly that the use of propane gas around a running motor is simply an invitation to disaster. Just way to easy to have stray arcing light off the propane. Better to use something like WD40 to check for vacuum leaks.
  18. Or maybe they are getting these prices in LA http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Virago-Special-Edition-1996-Yamaha-1100-VIRAGO-SPECIAL-Motorcycle-4-379-Miles-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem4aab43b105QQitemZ320700920069QQptZUSQ5fmotorcycles
  19. With the continuing adverse publicity the TSA has been receiving, the Public Relations Director has implimented a new program which she hopes will put them in a more favorable light with the public. So, for the first time ever, a Government entity is now printing pin up calander. Below is Miss May.
  20. Not really. Just did a manual VIN correction and pulled up the valid VIN. Some old tricks one never forgets. :rotfl:
  21. The problem with the VIN is that they dropped the last digit. The valid VIN is JYA31M007DA000509
  22. Black Owl

    im sad

    Brainard is a bit north for me. But you will be in Gary's (Whoomp's) neck of the woods. If he's not out minding his traps, maybe he can sneak away for a while and hook up with you.
  23. It's been a while since I had to purchase a wind screen for a Royale, but if memory serves me, they only come in one size? About any wind screen supplier should have them in stock. I believe I got mine from Slip Stream. But as I said, it's been a few years.
  24. You asking for the brand name or manufacturer of the windscreen?
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