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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. Been there, done that. :rotfl:
  2. Just checking to see if anyone else is going to throw their shirt (opps) hat, yah that's it hat into the ring for this challenger. Or is it going to be a walk in the park for me to "WIN" again???? And what the H*** is a fish Taco??? :stirthepot:
  3. Black Owl


    Bubber,,, Hate to break it to you, but regardless of what you do to improve them senders, your still going to have a problem with them 80+ year old receivers you are riding around with... :rotfl:
  4. HUMMMM.. a MD in Marquette. If I remember correctly, that is a bit north of Poplar Point and about 1/2 way between Bandon and the 'peg. Might work out to get a few folks in if you set it up.
  5. May have a section of tounge out in the shop. If I do, you are more than welcome to it.
  6. :rotfl:Well Lyle, I sure hope you win the trailer. Would hate to think that you bought 299 of the tickets and Condor won it with his single purchase....
  7. Boy, just got in after two days on the road and find that I have been abused again. It's not a matter of living it down, but a question of whether you can live up to it...:stirthepot:
  8. It's always a wise move to shop around for insurance. But you can rest assured that whichever one you settle on, someone is going to have a horror story about how bad they were treated by the company you choose. I had my bikes covered by USAA for 20+ years without any complaints. They stopped providing MC coverage, and I have now been with GEICO for 3 years. I feel that their rates are reasonable and the coverage is what I want/need. Again, no complaints with GEICO. But, 75% of my works comes from the insurance industry. So, I understand the rules that they play by and cover myself accordingly.
  9. Paul and Ron are making good headway today. They are just west of the Montana NoDak border on I94.
  10. And, and, uh, how come no rule preventing Jan and Linda from using their femnine charms to influence the judges. Huh, huh, huh..... If I gotta keep my cloths on, then they can't shake their booty...
  11. Just cuz everyone expects me to play fair (dream on) thought I should at least create a public perception that I'm following the rules. I note that rule 9 states that all forms of bribes will be accepted by the judges. May I take this to mean that I can bribe all the judges? Do all judges have to be bribed equally? And finally, can you shoot me the names of the esteemed (ysh, right) judges so I can figure out that it going to cost me to win this contest fair and square
  12. Well, I don't do side dishes. Yah wants chili... yah gets chili. But, if someone were to make cookies, yah know, them big oatmeal honkers with white chocolate and Macadamia nuts.....I'd offer to help eat them
  13. Hey... the mountain man is already cheating by offering fish tacos and Cody Cool Aid.... next thing you know he's going to be handing out hand rolled cigars...
  14. When did they put in a road in Nova Scotia?
  15. Guess I shoulda been more pacific in asking about rules. Just wanted to know if the bribes had to be cash or if checks would work.... Now they done gone and throwed the no lewd and/or nefarious activies prohibition into the game.... and I still don't know if the judge(s) wants cash.
  16. Well, this time I'm going to make sure we have a set of honest judges that will honor the bribes..:duck:
  17. Try NAPA. Or, if you can wait a bit, shoot me your adress and I'll loan you mine.
  18. Sweet.... There are days when I think the biggest mistake I ever made (and believe me, I've made my share) was selling my Healy 3000.
  19. Good point. Sometimes I forget that the obvious, may not be that obvious....
  20. Well, at least your getting "something" (Sorry Charlie. Couldn't resist)
  21. As Vic (Lone Eagle) said: absolutely do NOT mention anything about a raffle ticket, prize ticket, ANYTHING like that If I receive anything through PayPal referencing raffle or trailer drawing tickets (if it even gets through) I will immediately refuse the payment and have the transaction reversed. We have been very fortunate to date, but it only takes one instance to kill it and get my account frozen. So..absolutely do NOT mention anything about a raffle ticket, prize ticket, ANYTHING like that
  22. If you really have that much gasoline in your oil, the only way this could occur is for gasoline to be passing through a piston cylinder down into the oil. There are several different scenarios that can cause that problem. Worn/damages cylinder wall: damaged/stuck piston rings: hole in a piston: weak/no spark: carburator(s) flooding.
  23. Yup. Looks like you was blessed with a little more rain. Hope it clears by the week end as I am planning on coming up to visit with family in the 'peg.
  24. OK sports fans. The other trailer ticket threads are locked down.
  25. Thanks Dave.... Should be a fun day/evening.....
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