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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. Craig (Cecdoo). Thanks much for your generous donation to the VRSAF. It is greatly appreciated and will be put to good use as circumstances dictate.
  2. It was the least your VR family could do. Glad to hear you are both on the mend and will be home soon.
  3. Tom, Thanks much for the donation to the SAF. Just received confirmation that the flowers were delivered to Cynthia. Guess Paul will just have to go to her room to enjoy them.... That's one way to get him back on his feet.
  4. Heck, I just called it a short piece of dowell with a hole drilled through each end. But I guess the technical name for them is Guy Line Tighteners.
  5. Donations to the Special Activities Fund (SAF sare always welcome. Donations can be made using PayPal at CFAS4U@Charter.net or by check (or cash) sent to Russell Hicks, 185 Redwood Drive, Apple Valley, MN 55124. If using PayPal, please make the payment as a donation to the VRSAF. If paying by check, pleqase taqg the memo line as VRSAF. Thanks much and your donation will be greatly appreciated as the summer riding season is starting to get into full swindg around the country.
  6. Just to let everyone know. The flowers for Paul (Pegasus 1300) and his wife Cynthia are to be delivered in the morning. If you would like to see what was sent, check FTD Editors Choice. Your SAF donations at work.....
  7. Just got off the phone from talking with Cynthia. They are both doing much better and looking forward to getting out of the hospital in a couple of days.
  8. Interesting idea. But it could not be called an iron butt. That is a registered trademark of the International Iron Butt Association. Secondly, would you be volunteering to run/manage it?
  9. Great photos. And I'll bet she got her looks from her Momma?
  10. And this from someone who can remember when a bottle of Coke was a nickel and he got a penny back on the bottle. :stirthepot:
  11. Thanks Dave, let me know what you find out and I'll get the floral arrangement ordered. Russell
  12. WOW.... The $50.00 bid kicked me to the curb. $75.00 kicked me off the whole dang street. Way to go guys. Now, if we could get everyone who showed up at Don's for MD to come to Cody we'd be in hog heaven, no wait that simply be quite a Venture?????
  13. Dave, Can you get me any more information. Name of hospital, address, etc and I will send flowers from the VentureRider SA Fund. Hopefully they are not in the ICU. Russell
  14. As any old harness Bull knows PF Flyers were Project Felony Flyers.....
  15. Well, this kicks me out of the bidding.
  16. I just wanted the LAST one. But no, you had to be greedy and try and buy everyone left. Sheezzz.
  17. Dagnabbit Condor. I was waiting to snap up the last ticket and yah beet me two it.
  18. Well, as good as she is, it's readily apparent that she is not a Texas picker. She warn't using a Lone Star long neck to bottle neck.....
  19. If the markings in question follow the DOT on the tire they are the tire serial number.
  20. Well. Besides having a knack for making some great Cheese Cake, she also has a saintly side.... or the patience of Job. Maybe both. Congrats you two,
  21. Just think. It only took him reading 4 pages of postings to realize that he didn't like it. Yah woulda thunk that after the first 2 or 3 responses he coulda figured out where this was heading and stopped wasting his precious time reading any further.
  22. I was going to mention that Skinner actually got his start in repetitive action reenforcement from riding his HD. Start the bike... stop for repairs.... start the bike... stop for repairs, Start the bike... ad nausium. But then changed my mind as I didn't want to get accused of HD Bashing. (It's mine Bubber. I'll let you borrow it, but you can't keep it)
  23. Boy, glad you clarified that the tounge was for the trailer. Get folks thinking I going around giving just anyone tongue and you never know where it will end. Seriously though, was great to get a chance to meet up with you. Hate having to dine alone when I'm on the road. Just hope the bit of tongue helps.
  24. NO...No... No There can be only one Trailer Queen.... And she's mine!!!!
  25. Black Owl


    What with all the shake rattle and roll of a Harley, they gotta have a great sound system to cover the racket. Here's a thought though, John Deere makes a sound system for their heavy equipment that has excellet clarity. You may want to take a look at their system. But then, I've heard you sing and I'm not sure that new speakers would improve your hearing.
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