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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. If you have a weak spot in the hose, the hose could be swelling enough to cause you to loose pedal. You can test the hose by removing it from the caliper and connecting it to a pressure guage. If the pressure builds and holds, than the problem is with the caliper. The shop should have the equipment to test the brake pressure.
  2. Very nice cabin. Will sleep a family of 4 or three friends. Heat and electric but no water. $45.00 per night (rates went up) + $7.00 for each additional adult. Can't beat the price or the location. The campground is biker friendly and the owners are great folks. Just spoke with them again this morning about having some tires shipped to the campground and held for our arrival. They were more than happy to do this for us.
  3. Getting a bit picky in your old age ain't yah???? BTW... Will we see you in Cody????
  4. If there are no complications I figure we will arrive either the 23d or early on the 24th. Need to check in at the campground no later than 4pm on the 24th. See you guys there. Russell
  5. make the SouthEast Asia War Games. Came across this this morning and thought I would share. http://biggeekdad.com/2010/01/tango-mike-mike/
  6. For the folks staying at the Ponderosa Campground for the Cody Rally. Just checked with the campground to confirm my reservation and they still DO NOT accept credit cards. Cash or personal checks only.
  7. I got me lotsa first hand experience... Can I jump in???
  8. Boy, prices have sure jumped over the past couple of years. They used to sell them for about $5.00 each. Or you could have asked and I would have sent you one at no cost....
  9. Dress up??? My secret plan is to threaten to git neeked if the crowd don't convince the judges to vote for me.... And I know I can count on Squidly (yah right. Saw that work at Potato Creek) to help sway the judges.
  10. Well, if he/she or they get a hankering for chili, who am I to stand in their way...
  11. Okay... I'm impressed. And after 70 years, that's saying something...
  12. Ain't that just like a Marine? Bringing a knife to a gun fight.
  13. than sorry. Just in case anyone going to Cody in a couple of weeks but has been trapped under a rock for the past few days or does not listen to the national news. http://www.charter.net/news/read.php?ps=1011&rip_id=%3CD9OAG2D00%40news.ap.org%3E&news_id=17094067&src=most_popular_viewed Just stay alert while in Yellowstone.....
  14. Interesting concept. But nothing to fit the trailer queen.
  15. Even though the comments posted to date have been fairly beneign, in all fairness, I am going to lock this thread also as I did with the first time this information was posted by another member The issue of wearing or not wearing a helmet is a very hot issue button which can take the topic south in a heartbeat. Hope everyone can understand this decision...
  16. My youngest daughter, who is an RN, lost two fingers to her table saw last year. She picked up the fingers, but they were too mangled to sew back on. There is no forgiving with a table saw. Or any other moving machinery for that matter.
  17. Now thems some "cute" scoots....But I don't think that black one is ever going to catch the train.... Good buy
  18. Took most of the day to find a place where it would fit. But I finally got the Strebel horn mounted on the Virago. Not much open space for mounting accessories. No, someone is definately going to be getting a wake up call the next time they do something stupid. Had a guy blow a red light as I was starting into a left turn on the turn arrow. Saw him speed up as the light went to amber and just knew he wasn't going to stop. He hit the intersection after the lamp went red on him but he didn't even slow down. Guess you just can't fix stupid. But I'm sure gonna call it to their attention now.
  19. Well, I never.... (or at least hardly ever) Were talking about chili here, and you say that is "just plain bad taste". Then, to make matters wurst, you accuse me of using "OLD" road kill.... It ain't "old"... just well "aged".
  20. Anyone else gonna jump in here. So far the competition is a bit light. Only 2 "girls" and a mountain man that had to look up Chili in his Funk and Waggnal....
  21. See. There you go reading into things again. Nobody said anything about the goat being fresh...
  22. Okay. Serious question time. The rules say that no one can start cooking before the official kick off time. Don't know about the other participants, but I need at least four hours of prep/cooking time. Maybe longer if I have to butcher a goat........
  23. Well, worrying about T' shirts is all well and good. But, lets think about the important stuff. CHILI..... I need to know how many folks are going to be attending so I make sure that I have enough "CHAMPIONSHIP CHILI (oops, was that a blatant plug) to feed everyone.
  24. Boy, from talking to Cindy on the phone the other day I sure didn't get any indication that she was in that rough a condition. That is one tuff lady you have there Paul. You're going to have to start calling her Timex.....
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